Commit a82877ee authored by Andreas Bircher's avatar Andreas Bircher
Browse files

geotagging backend

parent 750072dc
......@@ -340,7 +340,8 @@ HEADERS += \
src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/APMAirframeLoader.h \
src/QmlControls/QGCImageProvider.h \
src/QtLocationPlugin/QMLControl/QGCMapEngineManager.h \
src/PositionManager/PositionManager.h \
AndroidBuild {
......@@ -506,7 +507,8 @@ SOURCES += \
src/QmlControls/ \
src/QtLocationPlugin/QMLControl/ \
src/PositionManager/ \
src/PositionManager/PositionManager.cpp \
DebugBuild {
#include "ExifParser.h"
#include <QtEndian>
#include <QDateTime>
double ExifParser::readTime(QByteArray& buf)
char tiffHeader[] = {0x49,0x49,0x2A,0x00};
char createDateHeader[] = {0x04,0x90,0x02,0x00};
// find header position
uint32_t tiffHeaderIndex = buf.indexOf(tiffHeader);
// find creation date header index
uint32_t createDateHeaderIndex = buf.indexOf(createDateHeader);
// extract size of date-time string, -1 accounting for null-termination
uint32_t* sizeString = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buf.mid(createDateHeaderIndex + 4, 4).data());
uint32_t createDateStringSize = qFromLittleEndian(*sizeString) - 1;
// extract location of date-time string
uint32_t* dataIndex = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buf.mid(createDateHeaderIndex + 8, 4).data());
uint32_t createDateStringDataIndex = qFromLittleEndian(*dataIndex) + tiffHeaderIndex;
// read out data of create date-time field
QString createDate = buf.mid(createDateStringDataIndex, createDateStringSize);
QStringList createDateList = createDate.split(' ');
if (createDateList.count() < 2) {
qWarning() << "Could not decode creation time and date: " << createDateList;
return -1.0;
QStringList dateList = createDateList[0].split(':');
if (dateList.count() < 3) {
qWarning() << "Could not decode creation date: " << dateList;
return -1.0;
QStringList timeList = createDateList[1].split(':');
if (timeList.count() < 3) {
qWarning() << "Could not decode creation time: " << timeList;
return -1.0;
QDate date(dateList[0].toInt(), dateList[1].toInt(), dateList[2].toInt());
QTime time(timeList[0].toInt(), timeList[1].toInt(), timeList[2].toInt());
QDateTime tagTime(date, time);
return tagTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000.0;
bool ExifParser::write(QByteArray &buf, QGeoCoordinate coordinate)
char app1Header[2] = {0xff, 0xe1};
uint32_t app1HeaderInd = buf.indexOf(app1Header);
uint16_t *conversionPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(buf.mid(app1HeaderInd + 2, 2).data());
uint16_t app1Size = *conversionPointer;
uint16_t app1SizeEndian = qFromBigEndian(app1Size) + 0xa5; // change wrong endian
char tiffHeader[4] = {0x49, 0x49, 0x2A, 0x00};
uint32_t tiffHeaderInd = buf.indexOf(tiffHeader);
conversionPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(buf.mid(tiffHeaderInd + 8, 2).data());
uint16_t numberOfTiffFields = *conversionPointer;
uint32_t nextIfdOffsetInd = tiffHeaderInd + 10 + 12 * (numberOfTiffFields);
conversionPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(buf.mid(nextIfdOffsetInd, 2).data());
uint16_t nextIfdOffset = *conversionPointer;
// Definition of usefull unions and structs
union char2uint32_u {
char c[4];
uint32_t i;
union char2uint16_u {
char c[2];
uint16_t i;
// This struct describes a standart field used in exif files
struct field_s {
uint16_t tagID; // Describes which information is added here, e.g. GPS Lat
uint16_t type; // Describes the data type, e.g. string, uint8_t,...
uint32_t size; // Describes the size
uint32_t content; // Either contains the information, or the offset to the exif header where the information is stored (if 32 bits is not enough)
// This struct contains all the fields that we want to add to the image
struct fields_s {
field_s gpsVersion;
field_s gpsLatRef;
field_s gpsLat;
field_s gpsLonRef;
field_s gpsLon;
field_s gpsAltRef;
field_s gpsAlt;
field_s gpsMapDatum;
uint32_t finishedDataField;
// These are the additional information that can not be put into a single uin32_t
struct extended_s {
uint32_t gpsLat[6];
uint32_t gpsLon[6];
uint32_t gpsAlt[2];
char mapDatum[7];// = {0x57,0x47,0x53,0x2D,0x38,0x34,0x00};
// This struct contains all the information we want to add to the image
struct readable_s {
fields_s fields;
extended_s extendedData;
// This union is used because for writing the information we have to use a char array, but we still want the information to be available in a more descriptive way
union {
char c[0xa3];
readable_s readable;
} gpsData;
char2uint32_u gpsIFDInd;
gpsIFDInd.i = nextIfdOffset;
// this will stay constant
char gpsInfo[12] = {0x25, 0x88, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, gpsIFDInd.c[0], gpsIFDInd.c[1], gpsIFDInd.c[2], gpsIFDInd.c[3]};
// filling values to gpsData
uint32_t gpsDataExtInd = gpsIFDInd.i + 2 + sizeof(fields_s);
// Filling up the fields with the corresponding values
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.tagID = 0;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.type = 1;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.size = 4;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.content = 2;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.tagID = 1;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.type = 2;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.size = 2;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.content = coordinate.latitude() > 0 ? 'N' : 'S';
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.tagID = 2;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.type = 5;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.size = 3;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.content = gpsDataExtInd;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.tagID = 3;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.type = 2;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.size = 2;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.content = coordinate.longitude() > 0 ? 'E' : 'W';
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLon.tagID = 4;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLon.type = 5;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLon.size = 3;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLon.content = gpsDataExtInd + 6 * 4;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAltRef.tagID = 5;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAltRef.type = 2;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAltRef.size = 2;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAltRef.content = 0x00;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAlt.tagID = 6;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAlt.type = 5;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAlt.size = 1;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAlt.content = gpsDataExtInd + 6 * 4 * 2;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsMapDatum.tagID = 18;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsMapDatum.type = 2;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsMapDatum.size = 7;
gpsData.readable.fields.gpsMapDatum.content = gpsDataExtInd + 6 * 4 * 2 + 2 * 4;
gpsData.readable.fields.finishedDataField = 0;
// Filling up the additional information that does not fit into the fields
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[0] = abs(static_cast<int>(coordinate.latitude()));
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[1] = 1;
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[2] = static_cast<int>((fabs(coordinate.latitude()) - std::floor(fabs(coordinate.latitude()))) * 60000.0);
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[3] = 1000;
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[4] = 0;
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[5] = 1;
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[0] = abs(static_cast<int>(coordinate.longitude()));
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[1] = 1;
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[2] = static_cast<int>((fabs(coordinate.longitude()) - std::floor(fabs(coordinate.longitude()))) * 60000.0);
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[3] = 1000;
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[4] = 0;
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[5] = 1;
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsAlt[0] = coordinate.altitude() * 100;
gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsAlt[1] = 100;
gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[0] = 'W';
gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[1] = 'G';
gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[2] = 'S';
gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[3] = '-';
gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[4] = '8';
gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[5] = '4';
gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[6] = 0x00;
// remove 12 spaces from image description, as otherwise we need to loop through every field and correct the new address values
buf.remove(nextIfdOffsetInd + 4, 12);
// TODO correct size in image description
// insert Gps Info to image file
buf.insert(nextIfdOffsetInd, gpsInfo, 12);
char numberOfFields[2] = {0x08, 0x00};
// insert number of gps specific fields that we want to add
buf.insert(gpsIFDInd.i + tiffHeaderInd, numberOfFields, 2);
// insert the gps data
buf.insert(gpsIFDInd.i + 2 + tiffHeaderInd, gpsData.c, 0xa3);
// update the new file size and exif offsets
char2uint16_u converter;
converter.i = qToBigEndian(app1SizeEndian);
buf.replace(app1HeaderInd + 2, 2, converter.c, 2);
converter.i = nextIfdOffset + 12 + 0xa5;
buf.replace(nextIfdOffsetInd + 12, 2, converter.c, 2);
converter.i = (numberOfTiffFields) + 1;
buf.replace(tiffHeaderInd + 8, 2, converter.c, 2);
return true;
#include <QGeoCoordinate>
#include <QDebug>
class ExifParser
double readTime(QByteArray& buf);
bool write(QByteArray& data, QGeoCoordinate coordinate);
#endif // EXIFPARSER_H
......@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
#include "GeoTagController.h"
#include "QGCFileDialog.h"
#include "ExifParser.h"
#include <QtEndian>
#include <cfloat>
: _progress(0)
......@@ -73,15 +76,191 @@ void GeoTagWorker::run(void)
_cancel = false;
emit progressChanged(0);
//used to time operations to get a feel for how much to progress the progressBar
QElapsedTimer timerTotal;
QElapsedTimer timerLoadImages;
QElapsedTimer timerParseExif;
QElapsedTimer timerFilter;
QElapsedTimer timerLoadLogFile;
QElapsedTimer timerGeotag;
//////////// Load Images
QDir imageDirectory = QDir(_imageDirectory);
if(!imageDirectory.exists()) {
emit error(tr("Cannot find the image directory"));
if(!imageDirectory.mkdir(_imageDirectory + "/TAGGED")) {
emit error(tr("Images have already been tagged"));
imageDirectory.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::Readable | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::Writable);
QStringList nameFilters;
nameFilters << "*.jpg" << "*.JPG";
QFileInfoList imageList = imageDirectory.entryInfoList();
if(imageList.isEmpty()) {
emit error(tr("The image directory doesn't contain images, make sure your images are of the JPG format"));
for (int i = 0; i < imageList.size(); ++i) {
QFile file(;
if (! {
qWarning() << "Image loading time elapsed: " << timerLoadImages.elapsed() << " milliseconds";
////////// Parse exif data
// Parse EXIF
ExifParser exifParser;
for (int i = 0; i < _imageBuffers.count(); i++) {
qWarning() << "Parse exif data time elapsed: " << timerParseExif.elapsed() << " milliseconds";
////////// Load PX4 log
if (!parsePX4Log()) {
qWarning() << "Geotagging failed";
qWarning() << "Found " << _geoRef.count() << " trigger logs.";
qWarning() << "Log loading time elapsed: " << timerLoadLogFile.elapsed() << " milliseconds";
////////// Filter Trigger
if (!triggerFiltering()) {
qWarning() << "Geotagging failed";
qWarning() << "Filter time elapsed: " << timerFilter.elapsed() << " milliseconds";
//////////// Tag images
for(int i = 0; i < _imageIndices.count() && i < _triggerIndices.count() && i < imageList.count(); i++) {
if (!exifParser.write(_imageBuffers[_imageIndices[i]], _geoRef[_triggerIndices[i]])) {
_cancel = true;
} else {
QFile file(_imageDirectory + "/TAGGED/" + imageList[_imageIndices[i]].fileName());
if ( QFile::WriteOnly)) {
qWarning() << "Tagging images time elapsed: " << timerGeotag.elapsed() << " milliseconds";
for (int i=0; i<10;i++) {
if (_cancel) {
emit error(tr("Tagging cancelled"));
emit progressChanged(i*10);
qWarning() << "Total time elapsed: " << timerTotal.elapsed() << " milliseconds";
emit progressChanged(100);
emit taggingComplete();
bool GeoTagWorker::parsePX4Log()
// general message header
// char header[] = {0xA3, 0x95, 0x00};
// header for GPOS message
char gposHeader[] = {0xA3, 0x95, 0x10, 0x00};
int gposOffsets[3] = {3, 7, 11};
int gposLengths[3] = {4, 4, 4};
// header for trigger message
char triggerHeader[] = {0xA3, 0x95, 0x37, 0x00};
int triggerOffsets[2] = {3, 11};
int triggerLengths[2] = {8, 4};
// load log
QFile file(_logFile);
if (! {
qWarning() << "Could not open log file";
return false;
QByteArray log = file.readAll();
// extract trigger data
int index = 1;
int sequence = -1;
QGeoCoordinate lastCoordinate;
while(index < log.count() - 1) {
int gposIndex = log.indexOf(gposHeader, index + 1);
int triggerIndex = log.indexOf(triggerHeader, index + 1);
// check for whether last entry has been passed
if ((gposIndex < 0 && triggerIndex < 0) || (gposIndex >= log.count() - 1 && triggerIndex >= log.count() - 1)) {
} else if (gposIndex < 0) {
gposIndex = triggerIndex + 1;
} else if (triggerIndex < 0) {
triggerIndex = gposIndex + 1;
// extract next entry, gpos or trigger
if (gposIndex < triggerIndex) {
// TODO: somehow verify that the gposIndex is really the header of a gpos message
int32_t* lat = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(log.mid(gposIndex + gposOffsets[0], gposLengths[0]).data());
double latitude = static_cast<double>(qFromLittleEndian(*lat))/1.0e7;
int32_t* lon = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(log.mid(gposIndex + gposOffsets[1], gposLengths[1]).data());
double longitude = static_cast<double>(qFromLittleEndian(*lon))/1.0e7;
longitude = fmod(180.0 + longitude, 360.0) - 180.0;
float* alt = reinterpret_cast<float*>(log.mid(gposIndex + gposOffsets[2], gposLengths[2]).data());
index = gposIndex;
} else {
uint64_t* time = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(log.mid(triggerIndex + triggerOffsets[0], triggerLengths[0]).data());
double timeDouble = static_cast<double>(qFromLittleEndian(*time));
uint32_t* seq = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(log.mid(triggerIndex + triggerOffsets[1], triggerLengths[1]).data());
int seqInt = static_cast<int>(qFromLittleEndian(*seq));
if (sequence < seqInt && sequence + 20 > seqInt) { // assume that logging has not skipped more than 20 triggers. this prevents wrong header detection
sequence = seqInt;
index = triggerIndex;
return true;
bool GeoTagWorker::triggerFiltering()
for (int i = 0; i < _triggerTime.count() && i < _tagTime.count(); i++) {
return true;
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QThread>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QGeoCoordinate>
class GeoTagWorker : public QThread
......@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ public:
void setLogFile(const QString& logFile) { _logFile = logFile; }
void setImageDirectory(const QString& imageDirectory) { _imageDirectory = imageDirectory; }
void cancellTagging(void) { _cancel = true; }
void cancelTagging(void) { _cancel = true; }
void run(void) final;
......@@ -38,9 +41,19 @@ signals:
void progressChanged(double progress);
bool parsePX4Log();
bool triggerFiltering();
bool _cancel;
QString _logFile;
QString _imageDirectory;
QList<QByteArray> _imageBuffers;
QList<double> _tagTime;
QList<QGeoCoordinate> _geoRef;
QList<double> _triggerTime;
QList<int> _imageIndices;
QList<int> _triggerIndices;
/// Controller for GeoTagPage.qml. Supports geotagging images based on logfile camera tags.
......@@ -67,7 +80,7 @@ public:
Q_INVOKABLE void pickLogFile(void);
Q_INVOKABLE void pickImageDirectory(void);
Q_INVOKABLE void startTagging(void);
Q_INVOKABLE void cancelTagging(void) { _worker.cancellTagging(); }
Q_INVOKABLE void cancelTagging(void) { _worker.cancelTagging(); }
QString logFile (void) const { return _worker.logFile(); }
QString imageDirectory (void) const { return _worker.imageDirectory(); }
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