PX4RCCalibrationTest.cc 25.3 KB
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 QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
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 This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
 QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.
 QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#include "PX4RCCalibrationTest.h"
#include "UASManager.h"
#include "MockQGCUASParamManager.h"

/// @file
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///     @brief QPX4RCCalibration Widget unit test
30 31 32
///     @author Don Gagne <don@thegagnes.com>

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33 34

35 36 37 38 39 40
// This will check for the wizard buttons being enabled of disabled according to the mask you pass in.
// We use a macro instead of a method so that we get better line number reporting on failure.
#define CHK_BUTTONS(mask) \
{ \
    if (_nextButton->isEnabled() != !!((mask) & nextButtonMask) || \
        _skipButton->isEnabled() != !!((mask) & skipButtonMask) || \
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        _cancelButton->isEnabled() != !!((mask) & cancelButtonMask) ) { \
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
        qDebug() << _statusLabel->text(); \
    } \
    QCOMPARE(_nextButton->isEnabled(), !!((mask) & nextButtonMask)); \
    QCOMPARE(_skipButton->isEnabled(), !!((mask) & skipButtonMask)); \
    QCOMPARE(_cancelButton->isEnabled(), !!((mask) & cancelButtonMask)); \

// This allows you to write unit tests which will click the Cancel button the first time through, followed
// by the Next button on the second iteration.
#define NEXT_OR_CANCEL(cancelNum) \
{ \
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    if (mode == testModeStandalone && tryCancel ## cancelNum) { \
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
        QTest::mouseClick(_cancelButton, Qt::LeftButton); \
        QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_rcCalState, PX4RCCalibration::rcCalStateChannelWait); \
        tryCancel ## cancelNum = false; \
        goto StartOver; \
    } else { \
        QTest::mouseClick(_nextButton, Qt::LeftButton); \
    } \

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63 64
const int PX4RCCalibrationTest::_stickSettleWait = PX4RCCalibration::_stickDetectSettleMSecs * 1.5;

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65 66
const int PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testMinValue = PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue + 10;
const int PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testMaxValue = PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue - 10;
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const int PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testCenterValue = PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testMinValue + ((PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testMaxValue - PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testMinValue) / 2);
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69 70
/// @brief Maps from function index to channel index. -1 signals no mapping. Channel indices are offset 1 from function index
/// to catch bugs where function index is incorrectly used as channel index.
const int PX4RCCalibrationTest::_rgFunctionChannelMap[PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax]= { 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 9, 10, 11 };

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73 74
const struct PX4RCCalibrationTest::ChannelSettings PX4RCCalibrationTest::_rgChannelSettings[PX4RCCalibrationTest::_availableChannels] = {
	// Function										Min                 Max                 #  Reversed
75 76
	// Channel 0 : Not mapped to function, Simulate invalid Min/Max
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	{ PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			_testCenterValue,	_testCenterValue,   0, false },
    // Channels 1-4: Mapped to attitude control function
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80 81 82 83
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionRoll,			_testMinValue,      _testMaxValue,      0, true },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionPitch,			_testMinValue,      _testMaxValue,      0, false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionYaw,			_testMinValue,      _testMaxValue,      0, true },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionThrottle,		_testMinValue,      _testMaxValue,      0,  false },
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
    // Channels 5-8: Not mapped to function, Simulate invalid Min/Max, since available channel Min/Max is still shown.
    // These are here to skip over the flight mode functions
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			_testCenterValue,   _testCenterValue,   0,	false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			_testCenterValue,   _testCenterValue,   0,	false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			_testCenterValue,   _testCenterValue,   0,	false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			_testCenterValue,   _testCenterValue,   0,	false },
    // Channels 9-11: Remainder of non-flight mode switches
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93 94 95
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionFlaps,			_testMinValue,      _testMaxValue,      0, false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionAux1,			_testMinValue,      _testMaxValue,      0, false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionAux2,			_testMinValue,      _testMaxValue,      0, false },
96 97
    // Channel 12 : Not mapped to function, Simulate invalid Min, valid Max
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    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			_testCenterValue,	_testMaxValue,      0,  false },
99 100
	// Channel 13 : Not mapped to function, Simulate valid Min, invalid Max
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	{ PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,           _testMinValue,      _testCenterValue,   0,	false },
102 103
    // Channels 14-17: Not mapped to function, Simulate invalid Min/Max, since available channel Min/Max is still shown
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104 105 106 107
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			_testCenterValue,   _testCenterValue,   0,	false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			_testCenterValue,   _testCenterValue,   0,	false },
	{ PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			_testCenterValue,   _testCenterValue,   0,	false },
	{ PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			_testCenterValue,   _testCenterValue,   0,	false },
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108 109

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110 111
const struct PX4RCCalibrationTest::ChannelSettings PX4RCCalibrationTest::_rgChannelSettingsValidate[PX4RCCalibration::_chanMax] = {
    // Function										Min Value									Max Value									Trim Value										Reversed
    // Channels 0: not mapped and should be set to defaults
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	{ PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint,         false },
    // Channels 1-4: Mapped to attitude control function
117 118 119 120
	{ PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionRoll,			_testMinValue,                              _testMaxValue,                              _testCenterValue,                               true },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionPitch,			_testMinValue,                              _testMaxValue,                              _testCenterValue,                               false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionYaw,			_testMinValue,                              _testMaxValue,                              _testCenterValue,                               true },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionThrottle,		_testMinValue,                              _testMaxValue,                              _testMinValue,                                  false },
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
    // Channels 5-8: not mapped and should be set to defaults
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint,         false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint,         false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint,         false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint,         false },
    // Channels 9-11: Remainder of non-flight mode switches
129 130 131
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionFlaps,			_testMinValue,                              _testMaxValue,                              _testCenterValue,                               false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionAux1,			_testMinValue,                              _testMaxValue,                              _testCenterValue,                               false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionAux2,			_testMinValue,                              _testMaxValue,                              _testCenterValue,                               false },
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133 134 135 136 137
	// Channels 12-17 are not mapped and should be set to defaults
	{ PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint,         false },
	{ PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint,         false },
	{ PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint,         false },
	{ PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint,         false },
138 139
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint,         false },
    { PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax,			PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue,	PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint,         false },
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140 141

142 143 144 145
PX4RCCalibrationTest::PX4RCCalibrationTest(void) :
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146 147 148 149 150

/// @brief Called one time before any test cases are run.
void PX4RCCalibrationTest::initTestCase(void)
151 152 153 154
	// Validate that our function to channel mapping is still correct.
	for (int function=0; function<PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax; function++) {
		int chanIndex = _rgFunctionChannelMap[function];
		if (chanIndex != -1) {
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155 156
			Q_ASSERT(_rgChannelSettings[chanIndex].function == function);
			Q_ASSERT(_rgChannelSettingsValidate[chanIndex].function == function);
157 158
159 160 161 162

void PX4RCCalibrationTest::init(void)
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163 164
165 166 167
    _mockUASManager = new MockUASManager();
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169 170 171 172
    _mockUAS = new MockUAS();
173 174 175
    // This will instatiate the widget with an active uas with ready parameters
176 177
    _calWidget = new PX4RCCalibration();
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179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192

    // Get pointers to the push buttons
    _cancelButton = _calWidget->findChild<QPushButton*>("rcCalCancel");
    _nextButton = _calWidget->findChild<QPushButton*>("rcCalNext");
    _skipButton = _calWidget->findChild<QPushButton*>("rcCalSkip");
    _statusLabel = _calWidget->findChild<QLabel*>("rcCalStatus");
    for (size_t i=0; i<PX4RCCalibration::_chanMax; i++) {
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193 194 195
        QString radioWidgetName("channel%1Value");

        RCValueWidget* radioWidget = _calWidget->findChild<RCValueWidget*>(radioWidgetName.arg(i+1));
196 197
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        _rgValueWidget[i] = radioWidget;
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200 201 202 203 204 205 206
    _rgSignals[0] = SIGNAL(nextButtonMessageBoxDisplayed());
    _multiSpyNextButtonMessageBox = new MultiSignalSpy();
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpyNextButtonMessageBox->init(_calWidget, _rgSignals, 1), true);
    QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_currentStep, -1);
207 208 209 210

void PX4RCCalibrationTest::cleanup(void)
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211 212 213
    delete _calWidget;
214 215 216
    delete _mockUAS;
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219 220 221
    delete _mockUASManager;
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/// @brief Test for correct behavior in determining minimum numbers of channels for flight.
226 227 228
void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_minRCChannels_test(void)
    // Next button won't be enabled until we see the minimum number of channels.
229 230
    for (int chan=0; chan<PX4RCCalibration::_chanMinimum; chan++) {
        _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(chan, (float)PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint);
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231 232
        // We use _chanCount internally so we should validate it
        QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_chanCount, chan+1);
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234 235
        // Validate Next button state
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236 237
        QTest::mouseClick(_nextButton, Qt::LeftButton);
        bool signalFound = _multiSpyNextButtonMessageBox->waitForSignalByIndex(0, 200);
        if (chan == PX4RCCalibration::_chanMinimum - 1) {
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239 240 241
            // Last channel should trigger Calibration available
            QCOMPARE(signalFound, false);
            QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_currentStep, 0);
        } else {
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243 244 245
            // Still less than the minimum channels. Next button should show message box. Calibration should not start.
            QCOMPARE(signalFound, true);
            QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_currentStep, -1);
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249 250 251
        // The following test code no longer works since view update doesn't happens until parameters are received.
        // Leaving code here because RC Cal could be restructured to handle this case at some point.
#if 0
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        // Only available channels should have visible widget. A ui update cycle needs to have passed so we wait a little.
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253 254
        QTest::qWait(PX4RCCalibration::_updateInterval * 2);
        for (int chanWidget=0; chanWidget<PX4RCCalibration::_chanMax; chanWidget++) {
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255 256
            //qDebug() << _rgValueWidget[chanWidget]->objectName() << chanWidget << chan;
            QCOMPARE(_rgValueWidget[chanWidget]->isVisible(), !!(chanWidget <= chan));
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259 260 261

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void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_beginCalibration(void)
263 264 265
    CHK_BUTTONS(nextButtonMask | cancelButtonMask);

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266 267 268 269
    // We should already have enough channels to proceed with calibration. Click next to start the process.
    QTest::mouseClick(_nextButton, Qt::LeftButton);
    QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_currentStep, 1);
270 271 272

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void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_stickMoveWaitForSettle(int channel, int value)
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275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287
    //qDebug() << "_stickMoveWaitForSettle channel:value" << channel << value;

    // Move the stick, this will initialized the settle checker
    _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(channel, value);
    // Emit the signal again to start the settle timer
    _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(channel, value);
    // Wait long enough for the settle timer to expire
    QTest::qWait(PX4RCCalibration::_stickDetectSettleMSecs * 1.5);
    // Emit the signal again so that we detect stick settle
    _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(channel, value);
288 289

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void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_stickMoveAutoStep(const char* functionStr, enum PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctions function, enum PX4RCCalibrationTest::MoveToDirection direction, bool identifyStep)
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292 293
    //qDebug() << "_stickMoveAutoStep function:direction:reversed:identifyStep" << functionStr << function << direction << identifyStep;
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295 296 297 298 299 300
    int channel = _rgFunctionChannelMap[function];
    int saveStep = _calWidget->_currentStep;
    bool reversed = _rgChannelSettings[channel].reversed;
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302 303
    if (!identifyStep && direction != moveToCenter) {
        // We have already identified the function channel mapping. Move other channels around to make sure there is no impact.
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305 306 307
        int otherChannel = channel + 1;
        if (otherChannel >= PX4RCCalibration::_chanMax) {
            otherChannel = 0;
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308 309
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310 311 312
        _stickMoveWaitForSettle(otherChannel, _testMinValue);
        QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_currentStep, saveStep);
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314 315 316
        _stickMoveWaitForSettle(otherChannel, PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint);
        QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_currentStep, saveStep);
317 318
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319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329
    // Move channel to specified position to trigger next step
    int value;
    if (direction == moveToMin) {
        value = reversed ? _testMaxValue : _testMinValue;
    } else if (direction == moveToMax) {
        value = reversed ? _testMinValue : _testMaxValue;
    } else if (direction == moveToCenter) {
        value = PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint;
    } else {
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331 332 333
    _stickMoveWaitForSettle(channel, value);
    QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_currentStep, saveStep + 1);
334 335

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void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_switchMinMaxStep(void)
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    CHK_BUTTONS(nextButtonMask | cancelButtonMask);
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339 340 341 342
    // Try setting a min/max value that is below the threshold to make sure min/max doesn't go valid
    _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(0, (float)(PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMValidMinValue + 1));
    _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(0, (float)(PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMValidMaxValue - 1));
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343 344 345 346
    QCOMPARE(_rgValueWidget[0]->isMinValid(), false);
    QCOMPARE(_rgValueWidget[0]->isMaxValid(), false);
    // Send min/max values switch channels
    for (int chan=0; chan<_availableChannels; chan++) {
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348 349 350
        //qDebug() << chan << _rgChannelSettingsPreValidate[chan].rcMin << _rgChannelSettingsPreValidate[chan].rcMax;
        _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(chan, _rgChannelSettings[chan].rcMin);
        _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(chan, _rgChannelSettings[chan].rcMax);
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Don Gagne's avatar
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355 356 357
    int saveStep = _calWidget->_currentStep;
    QTest::mouseClick(_nextButton, Qt::LeftButton);
    QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_currentStep, saveStep + 1);
358 359

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void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_flapsDetectStep(void)
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    int channel = _rgFunctionChannelMap[PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionFlaps];
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    //qDebug() << "_flapsDetectStep channel" << channel;
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366 367
    // Test code can't handle reversed flaps channel
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369 370 371
    CHK_BUTTONS(nextButtonMask | cancelButtonMask | skipButtonMask);
    int saveStep = _calWidget->_currentStep;

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373 374 375
    // Wiggle channel to identify
    _stickMoveWaitForSettle(channel, _testMaxValue);
    _stickMoveWaitForSettle(channel, _testMinValue);
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377 378
    // Leave channel on full flaps down
    _stickMoveWaitForSettle(channel, _testMaxValue);
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380 381 382 383 384
    // User has to hit next at this step
    QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_currentStep, saveStep);
    CHK_BUTTONS(nextButtonMask | cancelButtonMask | skipButtonMask);
    QTest::mouseClick(_nextButton, Qt::LeftButton);
    QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_currentStep, saveStep + 1);
385 386

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void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_switchSelectAutoStep(const char* functionStr, PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctions function)
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389 390
    //qDebug() << "_switchSelectAutoStep" << functionStr << "function:" << function;
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392 393 394
    int buttonMask = cancelButtonMask;
    if (function != PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionModeSwitch) {
        buttonMask |= skipButtonMask;
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395 396
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    int saveStep = _calWidget->_currentStep;
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401 402 403 404 405 406
    // Wiggle stick for channel
    int channel = _rgFunctionChannelMap[function];
    _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(channel, _testMinValue);
    _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(channel, _testMaxValue);
    QCOMPARE(_calWidget->_currentStep, saveStep + 1);
407 408

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void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_fullCalibration_test(void)
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411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428
    QTest::mouseClick(_nextButton, Qt::LeftButton);    
    _stickMoveAutoStep("Throttle", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionThrottle, moveToMax, true /* identify step */);
    _stickMoveAutoStep("Throttle", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionThrottle, moveToMin, false /* not identify step */);
    _stickMoveAutoStep("Yaw", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionYaw, moveToMax, true /* identify step */);
    _stickMoveAutoStep("Yaw", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionYaw, moveToMin, false /* not identify step */);
    _stickMoveAutoStep("Roll", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionRoll, moveToMax, true /* identify step */);
    _stickMoveAutoStep("Roll", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionRoll, moveToMin, false /* not identify step */);
    _stickMoveAutoStep("Pitch", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionPitch, moveToMax, true /* identify step */);
    _stickMoveAutoStep("Pitch", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionPitch, moveToMin, false /* not identify step */);
    _stickMoveAutoStep("Pitch", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionPitch, moveToCenter, false /* not identify step */);
    _stickMoveAutoStep("Flaps", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionFlaps, moveToMin, false /* not identify step */);
    _switchSelectAutoStep("Aux1", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionAux1);
    _switchSelectAutoStep("Aux2", PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionAux2);
429 430 431

    // One more click and the parameters should get saved
    QTest::mouseClick(_nextButton, Qt::LeftButton);
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435 436
/// @brief Sets rc input to Throttle down home position. Centers all other channels.
void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_channelHomePosition(void)
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    // Initialize available channels to center point.
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    for (int i=0; i<_availableChannels; i++) {
440 441
        _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(i, (float)PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint);
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443 444 445
    // Throttle to min - 1 (throttle is not reversed). We do this so that the trim value is below the min value. This should end up
    // being validated and raised to min value. If not, something is wrong with RC Cal code.
    _mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(_rgFunctionChannelMap[PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionThrottle], _testMinValue - 1);
446 447

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void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_validateParameters(void)
449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457
    MockQGCUASParamManager* paramMgr = _mockUAS->getMockQGCUASParamManager();
    MockQGCUASParamManager::ParamMap_t mapParamsSet = paramMgr->getMockSetParameters();

    QString minTpl("RC%1_MIN");
    QString maxTpl("RC%1_MAX");
    QString trimTpl("RC%1_TRIM");
    QString revTpl("RC%1_REV");
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458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471
    // Check mapping for all fuctions
    for (int chanFunction=0; chanFunction<PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax; chanFunction++) {
        int chanIndex = _rgFunctionChannelMap[chanFunction];
        int expectedParameterValue;
        if (chanIndex == -1) {
            expectedParameterValue = 0;  // 0 signals no mapping
        } else {
            expectedParameterValue = chanIndex + 1; // 1-based parameter value
        QCOMPARE(mapParamsSet.contains(PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[chanFunction].parameterName), true);
        QCOMPARE(mapParamsSet[PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[chanFunction].parameterName].toInt(), expectedParameterValue);
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472 473 474 475 476 477 478

    // Validate the channel settings. Note the channels are 1-based in parameter names.
    for (int chan = 0; chan<PX4RCCalibration::_chanMax; chan++) {
        int oneBasedChannel = chan + 1;
        bool convertOk;
        // Required channels have min/max set on them. Remaining channels are left to default.
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479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487
		int rcMinExpected = _rgChannelSettingsValidate[chan].rcMin;
		int rcMaxExpected = _rgChannelSettingsValidate[chan].rcMax;
		int rcTrimExpected = _rgChannelSettingsValidate[chan].rcTrim;
        bool rcReversedExpected = _rgChannelSettingsValidate[chan].reversed;

        QCOMPARE(mapParamsSet.contains(minTpl.arg(oneBasedChannel)), true);
        QCOMPARE(mapParamsSet.contains(maxTpl.arg(oneBasedChannel)), true);
        QCOMPARE(mapParamsSet.contains(trimTpl.arg(oneBasedChannel)), true);
        QCOMPARE(mapParamsSet.contains(revTpl.arg(oneBasedChannel)), true);
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489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500
        int rcMinActual = mapParamsSet[minTpl.arg(oneBasedChannel)].toInt(&convertOk);
        QCOMPARE(convertOk, true);
        int rcMaxActual = mapParamsSet[maxTpl.arg(oneBasedChannel)].toInt(&convertOk);
        QCOMPARE(convertOk, true);
        int rcTrimActual = mapParamsSet[trimTpl.arg(oneBasedChannel)].toInt(&convertOk);
        QCOMPARE(convertOk, true);
        float rcReversedFloat = mapParamsSet[revTpl.arg(oneBasedChannel)].toFloat(&convertOk);
        QCOMPARE(convertOk, true);
        bool rcReversedActual = (rcReversedFloat == -1.0f);
        //qDebug() << "_validateParemeters expected channel:min:max:trim:rev" << chan << rcMinExpected << rcMaxExpected << rcTrimExpected << rcReversedExpected;
        //qDebug() << "_validateParemeters actual channel:min:max:trim:rev" << chan << rcMinActual << rcMaxActual << rcTrimActual << rcReversedActual;

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502 503 504 505
        QCOMPARE(rcMinExpected, rcMinActual);
        QCOMPARE(rcMaxExpected, rcMaxActual);
        QCOMPARE(rcTrimExpected, rcTrimActual);
        QCOMPARE(rcReversedExpected, rcReversedActual);
506 507
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508 509 510
    // Check mapping for all fuctions
    for (int chanFunction=0; chanFunction<PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax; chanFunction++) {
        QCOMPARE(mapParamsSet.contains(PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[chanFunction].parameterName), true);

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512 513 514 515 516
        int expectedValue;
        if (_rgFunctionChannelMap[chanFunction] == -1) {
            expectedValue = 0;  // 0 signals no mapping
        } else {
            expectedValue = _rgFunctionChannelMap[chanFunction] + 1; // 1-based
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518 519
        // qDebug() << chanFunction << expectedValue << mapParamsSet[PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[chanFunction].parameterName].toInt();
        QCOMPARE(mapParamsSet[PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[chanFunction].parameterName].toInt(), expectedValue);
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