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#include "MultiSignalSpy.h"
#include <QEventLoop>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTest>
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/// @file
///     @brief This class allows you to keep track of signal counts on a set of signals associated with an object.
///     Mainly used for writing object unit tests.
///     @author Don Gagne <>

MultiSignalSpy::MultiSignalSpy(QObject* parent) :
25 26
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27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42


    for (size_t i=0; i<_cSignals; i++) {
        delete _rgSpys[i];

/// Initializes the class. Must be called once before use.
///     @return true if success, false for failure

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43 44 45
bool MultiSignalSpy::init(QObject*        signalEmitter,    ///< [in] object which the signals are emitted from
                          const char**    rgSignals,        ///< [in] array of signals to spy on
                          size_t          cSignals)         ///< [in] numbers of signals in rgSignals
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46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
    if (!signalEmitter || !rgSignals || cSignals == 0) {
        qDebug() << "Invalid arguments";
        return false;
    _signalEmitter = signalEmitter;
    _rgSignals = rgSignals;
    _cSignals = cSignals;

    // Allocate and connect QSignalSpy's
    _rgSpys = new QSignalSpy*[_cSignals];
    Q_ASSERT(_rgSpys != nullptr);
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59 60
    for (size_t i=0; i<_cSignals; i++) {
        _rgSpys[i] = new QSignalSpy(_signalEmitter, _rgSignals[i]);
        if (_rgSpys[i] == nullptr) {
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62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
            qDebug() << "Unabled to allocated QSignalSpy";
            return false;
        if (!_rgSpys[i]->isValid()) {
            qDebug() << "Invalid signal";
            return false;
    return true;

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bool MultiSignalSpy::_checkSignalByMaskWorker(quint32 mask, bool multipleSignalsAllowed)
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75 76 77 78
    for (size_t i=0; i<_cSignals; i++) {
        if ((1 << i) & mask) {
            QSignalSpy* spy = _rgSpys[i];
            Q_ASSERT(spy != nullptr);
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81 82
            if ((multipleSignalsAllowed && spy->count() ==  0) || (!multipleSignalsAllowed && spy->count() != 1)) {
                qDebug() << "Failed index:" << i;
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84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
                return false;
    return true;

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bool MultiSignalSpy::_checkOnlySignalByMaskWorker(quint32 mask, bool multipleSignalsAllowed)
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93 94 95
    for (size_t i=0; i<_cSignals; i++) {
        QSignalSpy* spy = _rgSpys[i];
        Q_ASSERT(spy != nullptr);
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97 98

        if ((1 << i) & mask) {
            if ((multipleSignalsAllowed && spy->count() ==  0) || (!multipleSignalsAllowed && spy->count() != 1)) {
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101 102 103 104
                return false;
        } else {
            if (spy->count() != 0) {
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106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
                return false;
    return true;

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bool MultiSignalSpy::checkSignalByMask(quint32 mask)
115 116 117 118
    return _checkSignalByMaskWorker(mask, false /* multipleSignalsAllowed */);

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bool MultiSignalSpy::checkOnlySignalByMask(quint32 mask)
120 121 122 123
    return _checkOnlySignalByMaskWorker(mask, false /* multipleSignalsAllowed */);

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bool MultiSignalSpy::checkSignalsByMask(quint32 mask)
125 126 127 128
    return _checkSignalByMaskWorker(mask, true /* multipleSignalsAllowed */);

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bool MultiSignalSpy::checkOnlySignalsByMask(quint32 mask)
130 131 132 133
    return _checkOnlySignalByMaskWorker(mask, true /* multipleSignalsAllowed */);

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/// @return true if signal count = 0 for specified signals
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bool MultiSignalSpy::checkNoSignalByMask(quint32 mask)
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136 137 138 139
    for (size_t i=0; i<_cSignals; i++) {
        if ((1 << i) & mask) {
            QSignalSpy* spy = _rgSpys[i];
            Q_ASSERT(spy != nullptr);
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141 142

            if (spy->count() != 0) {
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144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
                return false;
    return true;

/// @return true if signal count = 0 on all signals
bool MultiSignalSpy::checkNoSignals(void)
    return checkNoSignalByMask(~0);

/// @return QSignalSpy for the specified signal
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QSignalSpy* MultiSignalSpy::getSpyByIndex(quint32 index)
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160 161
    Q_ASSERT(index < _cSignals);
    Q_ASSERT(_rgSpys[index] != nullptr);
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163 164 165 166 167

    return _rgSpys[index];

/// Sets the signal count to 0 for the specified signal
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void MultiSignalSpy::clearSignalByIndex(quint32 index)
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169 170
    Q_ASSERT(index < _cSignals);
    Q_ASSERT(_rgSpys[index] != nullptr);
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172 173 174 175 176

/// Sets the signal count to 0 for all specified signals
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void MultiSignalSpy::clearSignalsByMask(quint32 mask)
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178 179 180 181
    for (size_t i=0; i<_cSignals; i++) {
        if ((1 << i) & mask) {
            QSignalSpy* spy = _rgSpys[i];
            Q_ASSERT(spy != nullptr);
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183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191


/// Sets the signal count to 0 for all signals
void MultiSignalSpy::clearAllSignals(void)
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    for (quint32 i=0;i<_cSignals; i++) {
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193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205

void MultiSignalSpy::timerEvent(QTimerEvent * event)
    _timeout = true;

/// Waits the specified signal
///     @return false for timeout
bool MultiSignalSpy::waitForSignalByIndex(
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                                          quint32 index,  ///< [in] index of signal to wait on
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207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227
                                          int     msec)   ///< [in] numbers of milleconds to wait before timeout, -1 wait forever
    // Check input parameters
    if (msec < -1 || msec == 0)
        return false;
    // activate the timeout
    _timeout = false;
    int timerId;
    if (msec != -1) {
        timerId = startTimer(msec);
    } else {
        timerId = 0;
    // Begin waiting
    QSignalSpy* spy = _rgSpys[index];
    while (spy->count() == 0 && !_timeout) {
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229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237
    // Clean up and return status
    if (timerId) {

    return spy->count() != 0;

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void MultiSignalSpy::_printSignalState(quint32 mask)
240 241
    for (size_t i=0; i<_cSignals; i++) {
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242 243
        bool expected = (1 << i) & mask;

        QSignalSpy* spy = _rgSpys[i];
        Q_ASSERT(spy != nullptr);
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        qDebug() << "Signal index:" << i << "count:" << spy->count() << "expected:" << expected << _rgSignals[i];
247 248
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bool MultiSignalSpy::pullBoolFromSignalIndex(quint32 index)
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251 252 253 254
    QSignalSpy* spy = getSpyByIndex(index);
    return spy->value(0).value(0).toBool();
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255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266

int MultiSignalSpy::pullIntFromSignalIndex(quint32 index)
    QSignalSpy* spy = getSpyByIndex(index);
    return spy->value(0).value(0).toInt();

QGeoCoordinate MultiSignalSpy::pullQGeoCoordinateFromSignalIndex(quint32 index)
    QSignalSpy* spy = getSpyByIndex(index);
    return spy->value(0).value(0).value<QGeoCoordinate>();