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MainRootWindow.qml 23.7 KiB
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     *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
     * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
     * in the root of the source code directory.
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
    import QtQuick          2.11
    import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
    import QtQuick.Dialogs  1.3
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
    import QtQuick.Layouts  1.11
    import QtQuick.Window   2.11
    import QGroundControl               1.0
    import QGroundControl.Palette       1.0
    import QGroundControl.Controls      1.0
    import QGroundControl.ScreenTools   1.0
    import QGroundControl.FlightDisplay 1.0
    import QGroundControl.FlightMap     1.0
    /// Native QML top level window
    ApplicationWindow {
        id:             mainWindow
        minimumWidth:   ScreenTools.isMobile ? Screen.width  : Math.min(215 * Screen.pixelDensity, Screen.width)
        minimumHeight:  ScreenTools.isMobile ? Screen.height : Math.min(120 * Screen.pixelDensity, Screen.height)
        visible:        true
        Component.onCompleted: {
            //-- Full screen on mobile or tiny screens
            if(ScreenTools.isMobile || Screen.height / ScreenTools.realPixelDensity < 120) {
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
            } else {
                width   = ScreenTools.isMobile ? Screen.width  : Math.min(250 * Screen.pixelDensity, Screen.width)
                height  = ScreenTools.isMobile ? Screen.height : Math.min(150 * Screen.pixelDensity, Screen.height)
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
        readonly property real      _topBottomMargins:          ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.5
        readonly property string    _mainToolbar:               QGroundControl.corePlugin.options.mainToolbarUrl
        readonly property string    _planToolbar:               QGroundControl.corePlugin.options.planToolbarUrl
        //-- Global Scope Variables
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
        property var                activeVehicle:              QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
        property bool               communicationLost:          activeVehicle ? activeVehicle.connectionLost : false
        property string             formatedMessage:            activeVehicle ? activeVehicle.formatedMessage : ""
        property real               availableHeight:            mainWindow.height - mainWindow.header.height
        property var                currentPlanMissionItem:     planMasterControllerPlan ? planMasterControllerPlan.missionController.currentPlanViewItem : null
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
        property var                planMasterControllerPlan:   null
        property var                planMasterControllerView:   null
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
        readonly property string    navButtonWidth:             ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 24
        readonly property real      defaultTextHeight:          ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
        readonly property real      defaultTextWidth:           ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
        QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: true }
        //-- Actions
        signal armVehicle
        signal disarmVehicle
        signal vtolTransitionToFwdFlight
        signal vtolTransitionToMRFlight
        //-- Global Scope Functions
        function viewSwitch(isPlanView) {
            settingsWindow.visible  = false
            setupWindow.visible     = false
            analyzeWindow.visible   = false
            planViewLoader.visible  = false
                toolbar.source  = _planToolbar
                toolbar.source  = _mainToolbar
            planViewLoader.visible = true
        function showAnalyzeView() {
            analyzeWindow.visible = true
            setupWindow.visible = true
            settingsWindow.visible = true
        //-- Global simple message dialog
        function showMessageDialog(title, text) {
            if(simpleMessageDialog.visible) {
            simpleMessageDialog.title = title
            simpleMessageDialog.text  = text
        MessageDialog {
            id:                 simpleMessageDialog
            standardButtons:    StandardButton.Ok
            modality:           Qt.ApplicationModal
            visible:            false
        //-- Global complex dialog
        /// Shows a QGCViewDialogContainer based dialog
        ///     @param component The dialog contents
        ///     @param title Title for dialog
        ///     @param charWidth Width of dialog in characters
        ///     @param buttons Buttons to show in dialog using StandardButton enum
        readonly property int showDialogFullWidth:      -1  ///< Use for full width dialog
        readonly property int showDialogDefaultWidth:   40  ///< Use for default dialog width
        function showComponentDialog(component, title, charWidth, buttons) {
            var dialogWidth = charWidth === showDialogFullWidth ? mainWindow.width : ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * charWidth
            mainWindowDialog.width = dialogWidth
            mainWindowDialog.dialogComponent = component
            mainWindowDialog.dialogTitle = title
            mainWindowDialog.dialogButtons = buttons
            if(buttons & StandardButton.Cancel || buttons & StandardButton.Close || buttons & StandardButton.Discard || buttons & StandardButton.Abort || buttons & StandardButton.Ignore) {
                mainWindowDialog.closePolicy = Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside;
                mainWindowDialog.interactive = true;
        Drawer {
            id:             mainWindowDialog
            y:              mainWindow.header.height
            height:         mainWindow.height - mainWindow.header.height
            edge:           Qt.RightEdge
            interactive:    false
            background: Rectangle {
                color:  qgcPal.windowShadeDark
            property var    dialogComponent: null
            property var    dialogButtons: null
            property string dialogTitle: ""
            Loader {
                id:             dlgLoader
                anchors.fill:   parent
                onLoaded: {
            onOpened: {
                dlgLoader.source = "QGCViewDialogContainer.qml"
            onClosed: {
                dlgLoader.source = ""
        //-- Weird hack that has to be fixed elsewhere and have this removed
        property bool _forceClose: false
        function reallyClose() {
            _forceClose = true
        function finishCloseProcess() {
            // The above shutdown causes a flurry of activity as the vehicle components are removed. This in turn
            // causes the Windows Version of Qt to crash if you allow the close event to be accepted. In order to prevent
            // the crash, we ignore the close event and setup a delayed timer to close the window after things settle down.
            if(ScreenTools.isWindows) {
            } else {
        Timer {
            id:         delayedWindowCloseTimer
            interval:   1500
            running:    false
            repeat:     false
            onTriggered: {
        MessageDialog {
            id:                 activeConnectionsCloseDialog
            title:              qsTr("%1 close").arg(QGroundControl.appName)
            text:               qsTr("There are still active connections to vehicles. Are you sure you want to exit?")
            standardButtons:    StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.Cancel
            modality:           Qt.ApplicationModal
            visible:            false
            onYes:              finishCloseProcess()
            function check() {
                if (QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle) {
                } else {
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
        //-- Check for unsaved missions
        onClosing: {
            if (!_forceClose) {
                close.accepted = false
        MessageDialog {
            id:                 unsavedMissionCloseDialog
            title:              qsTr("%1 close").arg(QGroundControl.appName)
            text:               qsTr("You have a mission edit in progress which has not been saved/sent. If you close you will lose changes. Are you sure you want to close?")
            standardButtons:    StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.No
            modality:           Qt.ApplicationModal
            visible:            false
            onYes:              activeConnectionsCloseDialog.check()
            function check() {
                if (planMasterControllerPlan && planMasterControllerPlan.dirty) {
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
                } else {
        //-- Main, full window background (Fly View)
        background: Item {
            id:             rootBackground
            anchors.fill:   parent
        //-- Toolbar
        header: ToolBar {
            height:         ScreenTools.toolbarHeight
            visible:        !QGroundControl.videoManager.fullScreen
            background:     Rectangle {
                color:      qgcPal.globalTheme === QGCPalette.Light ? QGroundControl.corePlugin.options.toolbarBackgroundLight : QGroundControl.corePlugin.options.toolbarBackgroundDark
            Loader {
                id:             toolbar
                source:         _mainToolbar
                //-- Toggle Full Screen / Windowed
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill:   parent
                    enabled:        !ScreenTools.isMobile
                    onDoubleClicked: {
                        if(mainWindow.visibility === Window.Windowed) {
                        } else {
        //-- Fly View
        FlightDisplayView {
            id:             flightView
            anchors.fill:   parent
            //-- Loader helper for any child, no matter how deep, to display
            //   elements on top of the fly (video) window.
            Loader {
                id: rootVideoLoader
                anchors.centerIn: parent
        //-- Plan View
        Loader {
            id:             planViewLoader
            anchors.fill:   parent
            visible:        false
            source:         "PlanView.qml"
        //-- Settings
        Loader {
            id:             settingsWindow
            anchors.fill:   parent
            visible:        false
            source:         "AppSettings.qml"
        //-- Setup
        Loader {
            id:             setupWindow
            anchors.fill:   parent
            visible:        false
            source:         "SetupView.qml"
            visible:        false
            source:         "AnalyzeView.qml"
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
        //-- Loader helper for any child, no matter how deep, to display elements
        //   on top of the main window.
        //   This is DEPRECATED. Use Popup instead.
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
            id: rootLoader
            anchors.centerIn: parent
        //-- Vehicle Messages
        function formatMessage(message) {
            message = message.replace(new RegExp("<#E>", "g"), "color: " + qgcPal.warningText + "; font: " + (ScreenTools.defaultFontPointSize.toFixed(0) - 1) + "pt monospace;");
            message = message.replace(new RegExp("<#I>", "g"), "color: " + qgcPal.warningText + "; font: " + (ScreenTools.defaultFontPointSize.toFixed(0) - 1) + "pt monospace;");
            message = message.replace(new RegExp("<#N>", "g"), "color: " + qgcPal.text + "; font: " + (ScreenTools.defaultFontPointSize.toFixed(0) - 1) + "pt monospace;");
            return message;
        function showVehicleMessages() {
            if(!vehicleMessageArea.visible) {
                if(QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicleAvailable) {
                    messageText.text = formatMessage(activeVehicle.formatedMessages)
                    //-- Hack to scroll to last message
                    for (var i = 0; i < activeVehicle.messageCount; i++)
                } else {
                    messageText.text = qsTr("No Messages")
            if(vehicleMessageArea.visible) {
                //-- Hack to scroll down
        Popup {
            id:                 vehicleMessageArea
            width:              mainWindow.width  * 0.666
            height:             mainWindow.height * 0.666
            modal:              true
            focus:              true
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
            x:                  Math.round((mainWindow.width  - width)  * 0.5)
            y:                  Math.round((mainWindow.height - height) * 0.5)
            closePolicy:        Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside
            background: Rectangle {
                anchors.fill:   parent
                color:          qgcPal.window
                border.color:   qgcPal.text
                radius:         ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.5
            QGCFlickable {
                id:                 messageFlick
                anchors.margins:    ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
                anchors.fill:       parent
                contentHeight:      messageText.height
                contentWidth:       messageText.width
                pixelAligned:       true
                clip:               true
                TextEdit {
                    id:             messageText
                    readOnly:       true
                    textFormat:     TextEdit.RichText
                    color:          qgcPal.text
            //-- Dismiss Vehicle Messages
            QGCColoredImage {
                anchors.margins:    ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.5
                anchors.right:      parent.right
                width:              ScreenTools.isMobile ? ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5 : ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
                height:             width
                sourceSize.height:  width
                source:             "/res/XDelete.svg"
                fillMode:           Image.PreserveAspectFit
                mipmap:             true
                smooth:             true
                color:              qgcPal.text
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill:       parent
                    anchors.margins:    ScreenTools.isMobile ? -ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight : 0
                    onClicked: {
            //-- Clear Messages
            QGCColoredImage {
                anchors.bottom:     parent.bottom
                anchors.right:      parent.right
                anchors.margins:    ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.5
                height:             ScreenTools.isMobile ? ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5 : ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
                width:              height
                sourceSize.height:   height
                source:             "/res/TrashDelete.svg"
                fillMode:           Image.PreserveAspectFit
                mipmap:             true
                smooth:             true
                color:              qgcPal.text
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill:   parent
                    onClicked: {
                        if(QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicleAvailable) {
        //-- System Messages
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
        property string _systemMessage:     ""
            if(systemMessageArea.visible || QGroundControl.videoManager.fullScreen) {
                _systemMessage = message
        function showMissingParameterOverlay(missingParamName) {
            showError(qsTr("Parameters missing: %1").arg(missingParamName))
        function showFactError(errorMsg) {
            showError(qsTr("Fact error: %1").arg(errorMsg))
        Popup {
            id:                 systemMessageArea
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
            x:                  Math.round((mainWindow.width - width) * 0.5)
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
            height:             ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 6
            modal:              false
            focus:              true
            closePolicy:        Popup.CloseOnEscape
            background: Rectangle {
                anchors.fill:   parent
                color:          qgcPal.alertBackground
                radius:         ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.5
                border.color:   qgcPal.alertBorder
                border.width:   2
            onOpened: {
                systemMessageText.text = mainWindow._systemMessage
            onClosed: {
                //-- Are there messages in the waiting queue?
                if(mainWindow._messageQueue.length) {
                    mainWindow._systemMessage = ""
                    //-- Show all messages in queue
                    for (var i = 0; i < mainWindow._messageQueue.length; i++) {
                        var text = mainWindow._messageQueue[i]
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
                        if(i) mainWindow._systemMessage += "<br>"
                        mainWindow._systemMessage += text
                    mainWindow._systemMessage = ""
                id:                 systemMessageFlick
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
                anchors.margins:    ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.5
                contentHeight:      systemMessageText.height
                contentWidth:       systemMessageText.width
                boundsBehavior:     Flickable.StopAtBounds
                pixelAligned:       true
                clip:               true
                TextEdit {
                    id:             systemMessageText
                    width:          systemMessageArea.width - systemMessageClose.width - (ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 2)
                    anchors.centerIn: parent
                    readOnly:       true
                    textFormat:     TextEdit.RichText
                    font.pointSize: ScreenTools.defaultFontPointSize
                    wrapMode:       TextEdit.WordWrap
                    color:          qgcPal.alertText
            //-- Dismiss Critical Message
            QGCColoredImage {
                id:                 systemMessageClose
                anchors.margins:    ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.5
                anchors.right:      parent.right
                width:              ScreenTools.isMobile ? ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5 : ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
                height:             width
                sourceSize.height:  width
                source:             "/res/XDelete.svg"
                fillMode:           Image.PreserveAspectFit
                color:              qgcPal.alertText
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill:       parent
    Gus Grubba's avatar
    Gus Grubba committed
                    anchors.margins:    -ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
            //-- More text below indicator
            QGCColoredImage {
                anchors.margins:    ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.5
                anchors.bottom:     parent.bottom
                anchors.right:      parent.right
                width:              ScreenTools.isMobile ? ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5 : ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
                height:             width
                sourceSize.height:  width
                source:             "/res/ArrowDown.svg"
                fillMode:           Image.PreserveAspectFit
                visible:            systemMessageText.lineCount > 5
                color:              qgcPal.alertText
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill:   parent
                    onClicked: {
        //-- Indicator Popups
        function showPopUp(item, dropItem) {
            indicatorDropdown.currentIndicator = dropItem
            indicatorDropdown.currentItem = item
        Popup {
            id:             indicatorDropdown
            y:              ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
            modal:          true
            focus:          true
            closePolicy:    Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside
            property var    currentItem:        null
            property var    currentIndicator:   null
            background: Rectangle {
                width:  loader.width
                height: loader.height
                color:  Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0)
            Loader {
                id:             loader
                onLoaded: {
                    var centerX = mainWindow.contentItem.mapFromItem(indicatorDropdown.currentItem, 0, 0).x - (loader.width * 0.5)
                    if((centerX + indicatorDropdown.width) > (mainWindow.width - ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth)) {
                        centerX = mainWindow.width - indicatorDropdown.width - ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
                    indicatorDropdown.x = centerX
            onOpened: {
                loader.sourceComponent = indicatorDropdown.currentIndicator
            onClosed: {
                loader.sourceComponent = null
                indicatorDropdown.currentIndicator = null