ArrayCwiseBinaryOps.h 9.43 KB
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/** \returns an expression of the coefficient wise product of \c *this and \a other
  * \sa MatrixBase::cwiseProduct
template<typename OtherDerived>
operator*(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const
  return EIGEN_CWISE_PRODUCT_RETURN_TYPE(Derived,OtherDerived)(derived(), other.derived());

/** \returns an expression of the coefficient wise quotient of \c *this and \a other
  * \sa MatrixBase::cwiseQuotient
template<typename OtherDerived>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_quotient_op<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>
operator/(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const
  return CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_quotient_op<Scalar>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>(derived(), other.derived());

/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise min of \c *this and \a other
  * Example: \include Cwise_min.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_min.out
  * \sa max()

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/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise min of \c *this and scalar \a other
  * \sa max()
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_min_op<Scalar>, const Derived,
                                        const CwiseNullaryOp<internal::scalar_constant_op<Scalar>, PlainObject> >
(const Scalar &other) const
  return (min)(Derived::PlainObject::Constant(rows(), cols(), other));

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/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise max of \c *this and \a other
  * Example: \include Cwise_max.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_max.out
  * \sa min()

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/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise max of \c *this and scalar \a other
  * \sa min()
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_max_op<Scalar>, const Derived,
                                        const CwiseNullaryOp<internal::scalar_constant_op<Scalar>, PlainObject> >
(const Scalar &other) const
  return (max)(Derived::PlainObject::Constant(rows(), cols(), other));

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template<typename OtherDerived> \
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_cmp_op<Scalar, internal::cmp_ ## COMPARATOR>, const Derived, const OtherDerived> \
OP(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const \
{ \
  return CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_cmp_op<Scalar, internal::cmp_ ## COMPARATOR>, const Derived, const OtherDerived>(derived(), other.derived()); \
typedef CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_cmp_op<Scalar, internal::cmp_ ## COMPARATOR>, const Derived, const CwiseNullaryOp<internal::scalar_constant_op<Scalar>, PlainObject> > Cmp ## COMPARATOR ## ReturnType; \
typedef CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_cmp_op<Scalar, internal::cmp_ ## COMPARATOR>, const CwiseNullaryOp<internal::scalar_constant_op<Scalar>, PlainObject>, const Derived > RCmp ## COMPARATOR ## ReturnType; \
OP(const Scalar& s) const { \
  return this->OP(Derived::PlainObject::Constant(rows(), cols(), s)); \
} \
friend EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const RCmp ## COMPARATOR ## ReturnType \
OP(const Scalar& s, const Derived& d) { \
  return Derived::PlainObject::Constant(d.rows(), d.cols(), s).OP(d); \

template<typename OtherDerived> \
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_cmp_op<Scalar, internal::cmp_##RCOMPARATOR>, const OtherDerived, const Derived> \
OP(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const \
{ \
  return CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_cmp_op<Scalar, internal::cmp_##RCOMPARATOR>, const OtherDerived, const Derived>(other.derived(), derived()); \
} \
inline const RCmp ## RCOMPARATOR ## ReturnType \
OP(const Scalar& s) const { \
  return Derived::PlainObject::Constant(rows(), cols(), s).R_OP(*this); \
} \
friend inline const Cmp ## RCOMPARATOR ## ReturnType \
OP(const Scalar& s, const Derived& d) { \
  return d.R_OP(Derived::PlainObject::Constant(d.rows(), d.cols(), s)); \

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/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise \< operator of *this and \a other
  * Example: \include Cwise_less.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_less.out
  * \sa all(), any(), operator>(), operator<=()
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/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise \<= operator of *this and \a other
  * Example: \include Cwise_less_equal.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_less_equal.out
  * \sa all(), any(), operator>=(), operator<()
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/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise \> operator of *this and \a other
  * Example: \include Cwise_greater.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_greater.out
  * \sa all(), any(), operator>=(), operator<()
EIGEN_MAKE_CWISE_COMP_R_OP(operator>, operator<, LT)
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136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143

/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise \>= operator of *this and \a other
  * Example: \include Cwise_greater_equal.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_greater_equal.out
  * \sa all(), any(), operator>(), operator<=()
EIGEN_MAKE_CWISE_COMP_R_OP(operator>=, operator<=, LE)
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/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise == operator of *this and \a other
  * \warning this performs an exact comparison, which is generally a bad idea with floating-point types.
  * In order to check for equality between two vectors or matrices with floating-point coefficients, it is
  * generally a far better idea to use a fuzzy comparison as provided by isApprox() and
  * isMuchSmallerThan().
  * Example: \include Cwise_equal_equal.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_equal_equal.out
  * \sa all(), any(), isApprox(), isMuchSmallerThan()
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/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise != operator of *this and \a other
  * \warning this performs an exact comparison, which is generally a bad idea with floating-point types.
  * In order to check for equality between two vectors or matrices with floating-point coefficients, it is
  * generally a far better idea to use a fuzzy comparison as provided by isApprox() and
  * isMuchSmallerThan().
  * Example: \include Cwise_not_equal.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_not_equal.out
  * \sa all(), any(), isApprox(), isMuchSmallerThan()
172 173 174 175

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// scalar addition

/** \returns an expression of \c *this with each coeff incremented by the constant \a scalar
  * Example: \include Cwise_plus.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_plus.out
  * \sa operator+=(), operator-()
inline const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_add_op<Scalar>, const Derived>
operator+(const Scalar& scalar) const
  return CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_add_op<Scalar>, const Derived>(derived(), internal::scalar_add_op<Scalar>(scalar));

friend inline const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_add_op<Scalar>, const Derived>
operator+(const Scalar& scalar,const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<Derived>& other)
  return other + scalar;

/** \returns an expression of \c *this with each coeff decremented by the constant \a scalar
  * Example: \include Cwise_minus.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_minus.out
  * \sa operator+(), operator-=()
inline const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_add_op<Scalar>, const Derived>
operator-(const Scalar& scalar) const
  return *this + (-scalar);

friend inline const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_add_op<Scalar>, const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_opposite_op<Scalar>, const Derived> >
operator-(const Scalar& scalar,const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<Derived>& other)
  return (-other) + scalar;
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/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise && operator of *this and \a other
  * \warning this operator is for expression of bool only.
  * Example: \include Cwise_boolean_and.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_boolean_and.out
  * \sa operator||(), select()
template<typename OtherDerived>
inline const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_boolean_and_op, const Derived, const OtherDerived>
operator&&(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const
  EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::is_same<bool,Scalar>::value && internal::is_same<bool,typename OtherDerived::Scalar>::value),
  return CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_boolean_and_op, const Derived, const OtherDerived>(derived(),other.derived());

/** \returns an expression of the coefficient-wise || operator of *this and \a other
  * \warning this operator is for expression of bool only.
  * Example: \include Cwise_boolean_or.cpp
  * Output: \verbinclude Cwise_boolean_or.out
  * \sa operator&&(), select()
template<typename OtherDerived>
inline const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_boolean_or_op, const Derived, const OtherDerived>
operator||(const EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS<OtherDerived> &other) const
  EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::is_same<bool,Scalar>::value && internal::is_same<bool,typename OtherDerived::Scalar>::value),
  return CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_boolean_or_op, const Derived, const OtherDerived>(derived(),other.derived());
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