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FactSliderPanel.qml 3.06 KiB
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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.
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import QtQuick              2.3
import QtQuick.Controls     1.2
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import QGroundControl.FactSystem    1.0
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import QGroundControl.Palette       1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls      1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools   1.0

Column {
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    /// ListModel must contains elements which look like this:
    ///     ListElement {
    ///         title:          "Roll sensitivity"
    ///         description:    "Slide to the left to make roll control faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if roll oscillates or is too twitchy."
    ///         param:          "MC_ROLL_TC"
    ///         min:            0
    ///         max:            100
    ///         step:           1
    ///     }
    property ListModel sliderModel

    property var qgcViewPanel
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    property real _margins:         ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
    property bool _loadComplete:    false
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    FactPanelController {
        id:         controller
        factPanel:  qgcViewPanel

    QGCPalette { id: palette; colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
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    Column {
        id:                 sliderOuterColumn
        anchors.left:       parent.left
        anchors.right:      parent.right
        spacing:            _margins
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        Repeater {
            id:     sliderRepeater
            model:  sliderModel
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            Rectangle {
                id:                 sliderRect
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                anchors.left:       parent.left
                anchors.right:      parent.right
                height:             sliderColumn.y + sliderColumn.height + _margins
                color:              palette.windowShade

                Column {
                    id:                 sliderColumn
                    anchors.margins:    _margins
                    anchors.left:       parent.left
                    anchors.right:      parent.right
                    spacing:            _margins

                    QGCLabel {
                        text:           title

                    FactValueSlider {
                        digitCount:     fact.maxString.length
                        incrementSlots: 3
                        fact:           controller.getParameterFact(-1, param)

                    QGCLabel {
                        text:           description
                        anchors.left:   parent.left
                        anchors.right:  parent.right
                        wrapMode:       Text.WordWrap
                } // Column
            } // Rectangle
        } // Repeater
    } // Column
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} // QGCView