ClpCholeskyBase.hpp 8.09 KB
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/* $Id$ */
// Copyright (C) 2003, International Business Machines
// Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).

#ifndef ClpCholeskyBase_H
#define ClpCholeskyBase_H

#include "CoinPragma.hpp"
#include "CoinTypes.hpp"
/* valid combinations are
#warning("Bad combination of CLP_LONG_CHOLESKY and COIN_BIG_DOUBLE/COIN_LONG_WORK");
"Bad combination of CLP_LONG_CHOLESKY and COIN_LONG_WORK"
  typedef long double longDouble;
#define CHOL_SMALL_VALUE 1.0e-15
typedef double longDouble;
#define CHOL_SMALL_VALUE 1.0e-11
typedef double longDouble;
#define CHOL_SMALL_VALUE 1.0e-11
class ClpInterior;
class ClpCholeskyDense;
class ClpMatrixBase;

/** Base class for Clp Cholesky factorization
    Will do better factorization.  very crude ordering

    Derived classes may be using more sophisticated methods

class ClpCholeskyBase {

  /**@name Virtual methods that the derived classes may provide  */
  /** Orders rows and saves pointer to matrix.and model.
      returns non-zero if not enough memory.
      You can use preOrder to set up ADAT
      If using default symbolic etc then must set sizeFactor_ to
      size of input matrix to order (and to symbolic).
      Also just permute_ and permuteInverse_ should be created */
  virtual int order(ClpInterior *model);
  /** Does Symbolic factorization given permutation.
         This is called immediately after order.  If user provides this then
         user must provide factorize and solve.  Otherwise the default factorization is used
         returns non-zero if not enough memory */
  virtual int symbolic();
  /** Factorize - filling in rowsDropped and returning number dropped.
         If return code negative then out of memory */
  virtual int factorize(const CoinWorkDouble *diagonal, int *rowsDropped);
  /** Uses factorization to solve. */
  virtual void solve(CoinWorkDouble *region);
  /** Uses factorization to solve. - given as if KKT.
      region1 is rows+columns, region2 is rows */
  virtual void solveKKT(CoinWorkDouble *region1, CoinWorkDouble *region2, const CoinWorkDouble *diagonal,
    CoinWorkDouble diagonalScaleFactor);

  /// AMD ordering
  int orderAMD();


  /**@name Gets */
  /// status.  Returns status
  inline int status() const
    return status_;
  /// numberRowsDropped.  Number of rows gone
  inline int numberRowsDropped() const
    return numberRowsDropped_;
  /// reset numberRowsDropped and rowsDropped.
  void resetRowsDropped();
  /// rowsDropped - which rows are gone
  inline char *rowsDropped() const
    return rowsDropped_;
  /// choleskyCondition.
  inline double choleskyCondition() const
    return choleskyCondition_;
  /// goDense i.e. use dense factoriaztion if > this (default 0.7).
  inline double goDense() const
    return goDense_;
  /// goDense i.e. use dense factoriaztion if > this (default 0.7).
  inline void setGoDense(double value)
    goDense_ = value;
  /// rank.  Returns rank
  inline int rank() const
    return numberRows_ - numberRowsDropped_;
  /// Return number of rows
  inline int numberRows() const
    return numberRows_;
  /// Return size
  inline int size() const
    return sizeFactor_;
  /// Return sparseFactor
  inline longDouble *sparseFactor() const
    return sparseFactor_;
  /// Return diagonal
  inline longDouble *diagonal() const
    return diagonal_;
  /// Return workDouble
  inline longDouble *workDouble() const
    return workDouble_;
  /// If KKT on
  inline bool kkt() const
    return doKKT_;
  /// Set KKT
  inline void setKKT(bool yesNo)
    doKKT_ = yesNo;
  /// Set integer parameter
  inline void setIntegerParameter(int i, int value)
    integerParameters_[i] = value;
  /// get integer parameter
  inline int getIntegerParameter(int i)
    return integerParameters_[i];
  /// Set double parameter
  inline void setDoubleParameter(int i, double value)
    doubleParameters_[i] = value;
  /// get double parameter
  inline double getDoubleParameter(int i)
    return doubleParameters_[i];

  /**@name Constructors, destructor
  /** Constructor which has dense columns activated.
         Default is off. */
  ClpCholeskyBase(int denseThreshold = -1);
  /** Destructor (has to be public) */
  virtual ~ClpCholeskyBase();
  /// Copy
  ClpCholeskyBase(const ClpCholeskyBase &);
  /// Assignment
  ClpCholeskyBase &operator=(const ClpCholeskyBase &);
  ///@name Other
  /// Clone
  virtual ClpCholeskyBase *clone() const;

  /// Returns type
  inline int type() const
    if (doKKT_)
      return 100;
      return type_;

  /// Sets type
  inline void setType(int type)
    type_ = type;
  /// model.
  inline void setModel(ClpInterior *model)
    model_ = model;

  /**@name Symbolic, factor and solve */
  /** Symbolic1  - works out size without clever stuff.
         Uses upper triangular as much easier.
         Returns size
  int symbolic1(const int *Astart, const int *Arow);
  /** Symbolic2  - Fills in indices
         Uses lower triangular so can do cliques etc
  void symbolic2(const int *Astart, const int *Arow);
  /** Factorize - filling in rowsDropped and returning number dropped
         in integerParam.
  void factorizePart2(int *rowsDropped);
  /** solve - 1 just first half, 2 just second half - 3 both.
     If 1 and 2 then diagonal has sqrt of inverse otherwise inverse
  void solve(CoinWorkDouble *region, int type);
  /// Forms ADAT - returns nonzero if not enough memory
  int preOrder(bool lowerTriangular, bool includeDiagonal, bool doKKT);
  /// Updates dense part (broken out for profiling)
  void updateDense(longDouble *d, /*longDouble * work,*/ int *first);

  /**@name Data members
        The data members are protected to allow access for derived classes. */
  /// type (may be useful) if > 20 do KKT
  int type_;
  /// Doing full KKT (only used if default symbolic and factorization)
  bool doKKT_;
  /// Go dense at this fraction
  double goDense_;
  /// choleskyCondition.
  double choleskyCondition_;
  /// model.
  ClpInterior *model_;
  /// numberTrials.  Number of trials before rejection
  int numberTrials_;
  /// numberRows.  Number of Rows in factorization
  int numberRows_;
  /// status.  Status of factorization
  int status_;
  /// rowsDropped
  char *rowsDropped_;
  /// permute inverse.
  int *permuteInverse_;
  /// main permute.
  int *permute_;
  /// numberRowsDropped.  Number of rows gone
  int numberRowsDropped_;
  /// sparseFactor.
  longDouble *sparseFactor_;
  /// choleskyStart - element starts
  int *choleskyStart_;
  /// choleskyRow (can be shorter than sparsefactor)
  int *choleskyRow_;
  /// Index starts
  int *indexStart_;
  /// Diagonal
  longDouble *diagonal_;
  /// double work array
  longDouble *workDouble_;
  /// link array
  int *link_;
  // Integer work array
  int *workInteger_;
  // Clique information
  int *clique_;
  /// sizeFactor.
  int sizeFactor_;
  /// Size of index array
  int sizeIndex_;
  /// First dense row
  int firstDense_;
  /// integerParameters
  int integerParameters_[64];
  /// doubleParameters;
  double doubleParameters_[64];
  /// Row copy of matrix
  ClpMatrixBase *rowCopy_;
  /// Dense indicators
  char *whichDense_;
  /// Dense columns (updated)
  longDouble *denseColumn_;
  /// Dense cholesky
  ClpCholeskyDense *dense_;
  /// Dense threshold (for taking out of Cholesky)
  int denseThreshold_;


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