ApplicationUsage 4.86 KB
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/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield 
 * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under  
 * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or 
 * (at your option) any later version.  The full license is in LICENSE file
 * included with this distribution, and on the website.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.


#include <osg/Referenced>

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <ostream>

namespace osg {

class OSG_EXPORT ApplicationUsage : public osg::Referenced
        static ApplicationUsage* instance();

        ApplicationUsage() {}

        ApplicationUsage(const std::string& commandLineUsage);

        typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> UsageMap;

        /** The ApplicationName is often displayed when logging errors, and frequently incorporated into the Description (below). */
        void setApplicationName(const std::string& name) { _applicationName = name; }
        const std::string& getApplicationName() const { return _applicationName; }

        /** If non-empty, the Description is typically shown by the Help Handler
          * as text on the Help display (which also lists keyboard abbreviations. */
        void setDescription(const std::string& desc) { _description = desc; }
        const std::string& getDescription() const { return _description; }

        enum Type
            NO_HELP = 0x0,
            COMMAND_LINE_OPTION = 0x1,
            KEYBOARD_MOUSE_BINDING = 0x4,
        void addUsageExplanation(Type type,const std::string& option,const std::string& explanation);
        void setCommandLineUsage(const std::string& explanation) { _commandLineUsage=explanation; }
        const std::string& getCommandLineUsage() const { return _commandLineUsage; }

        void addCommandLineOption(const std::string& option,const std::string& explanation, const std::string &defaultValue = "");
        void setCommandLineOptions(const UsageMap& usageMap) { _commandLineOptions=usageMap; }
        const UsageMap& getCommandLineOptions() const { return _commandLineOptions; }

        void setCommandLineOptionsDefaults(const UsageMap& usageMap) { _commandLineOptionsDefaults=usageMap; }
        const UsageMap& getCommandLineOptionsDefaults() const { return _commandLineOptionsDefaults; }

        void addEnvironmentalVariable(const std::string& option,const std::string& explanation, const std::string& defaultValue = "");
        void setEnvironmentalVariables(const UsageMap& usageMap) { _environmentalVariables=usageMap; }
        const UsageMap& getEnvironmentalVariables() const { return _environmentalVariables; }

        void setEnvironmentalVariablesDefaults(const UsageMap& usageMap) { _environmentalVariablesDefaults=usageMap; }
        const UsageMap& getEnvironmentalVariablesDefaults() const { return _environmentalVariablesDefaults; }

        void addKeyboardMouseBinding(const std::string& option,const std::string& explanation);

        void setKeyboardMouseBindings(const UsageMap& usageMap) { _keyboardMouse=usageMap; }
        const UsageMap& getKeyboardMouseBindings() const { return _keyboardMouse; }

        void getFormattedString(std::string& str, const UsageMap& um,unsigned int widthOfOutput=80,bool showDefaults=false,const UsageMap& ud=UsageMap());

        void write(std::ostream& output,const UsageMap& um,unsigned int widthOfOutput=80,bool showDefaults=false,const UsageMap& ud=UsageMap());
        void write(std::ostream& output,unsigned int type=COMMAND_LINE_OPTION, unsigned int widthOfOutput=80,bool showDefaults=false);

        void writeEnvironmentSettings(std::ostream& output);

        virtual ~ApplicationUsage() {}

        std::string _applicationName;
        std::string _description;
        std::string _commandLineUsage;
        UsageMap    _commandLineOptions;
        UsageMap    _environmentalVariables;
        UsageMap    _keyboardMouse;
        UsageMap    _environmentalVariablesDefaults;
        UsageMap    _commandLineOptionsDefaults;

class ApplicationUsageProxy

        /** register an explanation of commandline/environmentvariable/keyboard mouse usage.*/
        ApplicationUsageProxy(ApplicationUsage::Type type,const std::string& option,const std::string& explanation)

