AreaData.h 2.4 KB
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#pragma once

#include <QGeoCoordinate>
#include <QObject>

#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"

class GeoArea;
class SafeArea;
class MeasurementArea;

class AreaData : public QObject {
  AreaData(QObject *parent = nullptr);
  AreaData(const AreaData &other, QObject *parent = nullptr);
  AreaData &operator=(const AreaData &other);

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Valentin Platzgummer committed
20 21
  Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel *areaList READ areaList NOTIFY areaListChanged)

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  // Member Methodes
  //! \brief insert Inserts the area if areaList does not contain it.
  //! \param areaData
  bool insert(GeoArea *areaData);
  //! \brief remove
  //! \param areaData Removes the area.
  //! \note Deletes the area if it has no parent.
  void remove(GeoArea *areaData);
  void clear();
  //! \brief areaList
  //! \return Returns the list of areas.
  //! \note For Qml use only, don't alter the list, or risk to break invariants.
  QmlObjectListModel *areaList();
  //! \brief areaList
  //! \return Returns the list of areas.
  const QmlObjectListModel *areaList() const;

  //! \brief origin
  //! \return Returns an origin near one of the areas.
  //! \note Origin might change if the list of areas changes.
  const QGeoCoordinate &origin() const;

  Q_INVOKABLE bool isValid() const;
  Q_INVOKABLE bool tryMakeValid();
  //! \brief initialize Initializes the areas in a valid way, such that they
  //! area inside the bounding box. \param bottomLeft bottom left corner of the
  //! bounding box. \param topRight  top right corner of the bounding box. \note
  //! Behavior is undefined, if \p bottomLeft and \p topRight are not the bottom
  //! left and the top right corner of the bounding box. \return Returns true on
  //! succes, false either.
  Q_INVOKABLE bool initialize(const QGeoCoordinate &bottomLeft,
                              const QGeoCoordinate &topRight);
  //! \brief initialized Checks if area data is initialized
  //! \return Returns true if area list contains a SafeArea and a
  //! MeasurementArea and both areas have atleast three vertices, returns false
  //! either.
  Q_INVOKABLE bool initialized();

  bool operator==(const AreaData &other) const;
  bool operator!=(const AreaData &other) const;

  void areaListChanged();
  void originChanged();

  void _setOrigin(const QGeoCoordinate &origin);
  QGeoCoordinate _newOrigin();

  QGeoCoordinate _origin;
  QmlObjectListModel _areaList;