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  • lm's avatar
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    #include "QGCMAVLink.h"
    lm's avatar
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    #include "QGCMAVLinkInspector.h"
    #include "MultiVehicleManager.h"
    #include "UAS.h"
    #include "QGCApplication.h"
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    #include "ui_QGCMAVLinkInspector.h"
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
    #include <QList>
    lm's avatar
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    #include <QDebug>
    const float QGCMAVLinkInspector::updateHzLowpass = 0.2f;
    const unsigned int QGCMAVLinkInspector::updateInterval = 1000U;
    QGCMAVLinkInspector::QGCMAVLinkInspector(const QString& title, QAction* action, MAVLinkProtocol* protocol, QWidget *parent) :
        QGCDockWidget(title, action, parent),
    LM's avatar
    LM committed
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
        ui(new Ui::QGCMAVLinkInspector)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
        // Make sure "All" is an option for both the system and components
        ui->systemComboBox->addItem(tr("All"), 0);
        ui->componentComboBox->addItem(tr("All"), 0);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
        // Set up the column headers for the message listing
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
        QStringList header;
        header << tr("Name");
        header << tr("Value");
        header << tr("Type");
        connect(ui->systemComboBox, static_cast<void (QComboBox::*)(int)>(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged),
                this, &QGCMAVLinkInspector::selectDropDownMenuSystem);
        connect(ui->componentComboBox, static_cast<void (QComboBox::*)(int)>(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged),
                this, &QGCMAVLinkInspector::selectDropDownMenuComponent);
        connect(ui->clearButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QGCMAVLinkInspector::clearView);
        connect(qgcApp()->toolbox()->multiVehicleManager(), &MultiVehicleManager::vehicleAdded, this, &QGCMAVLinkInspector::_vehicleAdded);
        connect(protocol, &MAVLinkProtocol::messageReceived, this, &QGCMAVLinkInspector::receiveMessage);
        // Attach the UI's refresh rate to a timer.
        connect(&updateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &QGCMAVLinkInspector::refreshView);
    LM's avatar
    LM committed
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    void QGCMAVLinkInspector::_vehicleAdded(Vehicle* vehicle)
    LM's avatar
    LM committed
        ui->systemComboBox->addItem(QString("Vehicle %1").arg(vehicle->id()), vehicle->id());
        // Add a tree for a new UAS
    LM's avatar
    LM committed
    void QGCMAVLinkInspector::selectDropDownMenuSystem(int dropdownid)
        selectedSystemID = ui->systemComboBox->itemData(dropdownid).toInt();
    void QGCMAVLinkInspector::selectDropDownMenuComponent(int dropdownid)
        selectedComponentID = ui->componentComboBox->itemData(dropdownid).toInt();
    void QGCMAVLinkInspector::rebuildComponentList()
        ui->componentComboBox->addItem(tr("All"), 0);
        Vehicle* vehicle = qgcApp()->toolbox()->multiVehicleManager()->getVehicleById(selectedSystemID);
        if (vehicle)
            UASInterface* uas = vehicle->uas();
            QMap<int, QString> components = uas->getComponents();
            foreach (int id, components.keys())
                QString name = components.value(id);
                ui->componentComboBox->addItem(name, id);
    LM's avatar
    LM committed
    void QGCMAVLinkInspector::addComponent(int uas, int component, const QString& name)
    LM's avatar
    LM committed
        if (uas != selectedSystemID) return;
     * Reset the view. This entails clearing all data structures and resetting data from already-
     * received messages.
    void QGCMAVLinkInspector::clearView()
        QMap<int, mavlink_message_t* >::iterator ite;
        for(ite=uasMessageStorage.begin(); ite!=uasMessageStorage.end();++ite)
            delete ite.value();
            ite.value() = NULL;
        QMap<int, QMap<int, QTreeWidgetItem*>* >::iterator iteMsg;
        for (iteMsg=uasMsgTreeItems.begin(); iteMsg!=uasMsgTreeItems.end();++iteMsg)
            QMap<int, QTreeWidgetItem*>* msgTreeItems = iteMsg.value();
            QList<int> groupKeys = msgTreeItems->uniqueKeys();
            QList<int>::iterator listKeys;
            for (listKeys=groupKeys.begin();listKeys!=groupKeys.end();++listKeys)
                delete msgTreeItems->take(*listKeys);
        QMap<int, QTreeWidgetItem* >::iterator iteTree;
        for(iteTree=uasTreeWidgetItems.begin(); iteTree!=uasTreeWidgetItems.end();++iteTree)
            delete iteTree.value();
            iteTree.value() = NULL;
        QMap<int, QMap<int, float>* >::iterator iteHz;
        for (iteHz=uasMessageHz.begin(); iteHz!=uasMessageHz.end();++iteHz)
            delete iteHz.value();
            iteHz.value() = NULL;
        QMap<int, QMap<int, unsigned int>* >::iterator iteCount;
        for(iteCount=uasMessageCount.begin(); iteCount!=uasMessageCount.end();++iteCount)
            delete iteCount.value();
            iteCount.value() = NULL;
        QMap<int, QMap<int, quint64>* >::iterator iteLast;
        for(iteLast=uasLastMessageUpdate.begin(); iteLast!=uasLastMessageUpdate.end();++iteLast)
            delete iteLast.value();
            iteLast.value() = NULL;
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    void QGCMAVLinkInspector::refreshView()
        QMap<int, mavlink_message_t* >::const_iterator ite;
        for(ite=uasMessageStorage.constBegin(); ite!=uasMessageStorage.constEnd();++ite)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            const mavlink_message_info_t* msgInfo = mavlink_get_message_info(msg);
            if (!msgInfo) {
                qWarning() << QStringLiteral("QGCMAVLinkInspector::refreshView NULL msgInfo msgid(%1)").arg(msg->msgid);
            // Ignore NULL values
            if (msg->msgid == 0xFF) continue;
            // Update the message frenquency
            // Get the previous frequency for low-pass filtering
            float msgHz = 0.0f;
            QMap<int, QMap<int, float>* >::const_iterator iteHz = uasMessageHz.find(msg->sysid);
            QMap<int, float>* uasMsgHz = iteHz.value();
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
            while((iteHz != uasMessageHz.end()) && (iteHz.key() == msg->sysid))
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                    uasMsgHz = iteHz.value();
                    msgHz = iteHz.value()->value(msg->msgid);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
            // Get the number of message received
            float msgCount = 0;
            QMap<int, QMap<int, unsigned int> * >::const_iterator iter = uasMessageCount.find(msg->sysid);
            QMap<int, unsigned int>* uasMsgCount = iter.value();
            while((iter != uasMessageCount.end()) && (iter.key()==msg->sysid))
                    msgCount = (float) iter.value()->value(msg->msgid);
                    uasMsgCount = iter.value();
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
            // Compute the new low-pass filtered frequency and update the message count
            msgHz = (1.0f-updateHzLowpass)* msgHz + updateHzLowpass*msgCount/((float)updateInterval/1000.0f);
            uasMsgCount->insert(msg->msgid,(unsigned int) 0);
            // Update the tree view
            QString messageName("%1 (%2 Hz, #%3)");
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            messageName = messageName.arg(msgInfo->name).arg(msgHz, 3, 'f', 1).arg(msg->msgid);
            // Look for the tree for the UAS sysid
            QMap<int, QTreeWidgetItem*>* msgTreeItems = uasMsgTreeItems.value(msg->sysid);
            if (!msgTreeItems)
                // The UAS tree has not been created yet, no update
            // Add the message with msgid to the tree if not done yet
                QStringList fields;
                fields << messageName;
                QTreeWidgetItem* widget = new QTreeWidgetItem();
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < msgInfo->num_fields; ++i)
                    QTreeWidgetItem* field = new QTreeWidgetItem();
                QList<int> groupKeys = msgTreeItems->uniqueKeys();
                int insertIndex = groupKeys.indexOf(msg->msgid);
            // Update the message
            QTreeWidgetItem* message = msgTreeItems->value(msg->msgid);
                message->setData(0, Qt::DisplayRole, QVariant(messageName));
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < msgInfo->num_fields; ++i)
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                    updateField(msg, msgInfo, i, message->child(i));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    void QGCMAVLinkInspector::addUAStoTree(int sysId)
            // Add the UAS to the main tree after it has been created
            Vehicle* vehicle = qgcApp()->toolbox()->multiVehicleManager()->getVehicleById(sysId);
            if (vehicle)
                UASInterface* uas = vehicle->uas();
                QStringList idstring;
                idstring << QString("Vehicle %1").arg(uas->getUASID());
                QTreeWidgetItem* uasWidget = new QTreeWidgetItem(idstring);
                uasMsgTreeItems.insert(sysId,new QMap<int, QTreeWidgetItem*>());
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    void QGCMAVLinkInspector::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link,mavlink_message_t message)
        quint64 receiveTime;
        if (selectedSystemID != 0 && selectedSystemID != message.sysid) return;
        if (selectedComponentID != 0 && selectedComponentID != message.compid) return;
        // Create dynamically an array to store the messages for each UAS
        if (!uasMessageStorage.contains(message.sysid))
            mavlink_message_t* msg = new mavlink_message_t;
            *msg = message;
        bool msgFound = false;
        QMap<int, mavlink_message_t* >::const_iterator iteMsg = uasMessageStorage.find(message.sysid);
        mavlink_message_t* uasMessage = iteMsg.value();
        while((iteMsg != uasMessageStorage.end()) && (iteMsg.key() == message.sysid))
            if (iteMsg.value()->msgid == message.msgid)
                msgFound = true;
                uasMessage = iteMsg.value();
        if (!msgFound)
            mavlink_message_t* msgIdMessage = new mavlink_message_t;
            *msgIdMessage = message;
            *uasMessage = message;
        // Looking if this message has already been received once
        QMap<int, QMap<int, quint64>* >::const_iterator ite = uasLastMessageUpdate.find(message.sysid);
        QMap<int, quint64>* lastMsgUpdate = ite.value();
        while((ite != uasLastMessageUpdate.end()) && (ite.key() == message.sysid))
                msgFound = true;
                // Point to the found message
                lastMsgUpdate = ite.value();
        receiveTime = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
        // If the message doesn't exist, create a map for the frequency, message count and time of reception
            // Create a map for the message frequency
            QMap<int, float>* messageHz = new QMap<int,float>;
            // Create a map for the message count
            QMap<int, unsigned int>* messagesCount = new QMap<int, unsigned int>;
            // Create a map for the time of reception of the message
            QMap<int, quint64>* lastMessage = new QMap<int, quint64>;
            // Point to the created message
            lastMsgUpdate = lastMessage;
            // The message has been found/created
            if ((lastMsgUpdate->contains(message.msgid))&&(uasMessageCount.contains(message.sysid)))
                // Looking for and updating the message count
                unsigned int count = 0;
                QMap<int, QMap<int, unsigned int>* >::const_iterator iter = uasMessageCount.find(message.sysid);
                QMap<int, unsigned int> * uasMsgCount = iter.value();
                while((iter != uasMessageCount.end()) && (iter.key() == message.sysid))
                        uasMsgCount = iter.value();
                        count = uasMsgCount->value(message.msgid,0);
        if (selectedSystemID == 0 || selectedComponentID == 0)
        switch (message.msgid)
            case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_DATA_STREAM:
                    mavlink_data_stream_t stream;
                    mavlink_msg_data_stream_decode(&message, &stream);
                    onboardMessageInterval.insert(stream.stream_id, stream.message_rate);
    lm's avatar
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    lm's avatar
    lm committed
        delete ui;
    lm's avatar
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    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
    void QGCMAVLinkInspector::updateField(mavlink_message_t* msg, const mavlink_message_info_t* msgInfo, int fieldid, QTreeWidgetItem* item)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
        // Add field tree widget item
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
        item->setData(0, Qt::DisplayRole, QVariant(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].name));
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
        QMap<int, mavlink_message_t* >::const_iterator iteMsg = uasMessageStorage.find(msg->sysid);
        mavlink_message_t* uasMessage = iteMsg.value();
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
        while((iteMsg != uasMessageStorage.end()) && (iteMsg.key() == msg->sysid))
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (iteMsg.value()->msgid == msg->msgid)
                msgFound = true;
                uasMessage = iteMsg.value();
        if (!msgFound)
        uint8_t* m = (uint8_t*)&uasMessage->payload64[0];
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
        switch (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].type)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
        case MAVLINK_TYPE_CHAR:
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length > 0)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                char* str = (char*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                // Enforce null termination
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                str[msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length-1] = '\0';
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                QString string(str);
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, "char");
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, string);
                // Single char
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                char b = *((char*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset));
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("char[%1]").arg(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, b);
        case MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T:
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length > 0)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                uint8_t* nums = m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset;
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                // Enforce null termination
                QString tmp("%1, ");
                QString string;
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length; ++j)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                    string += tmp.arg(nums[j]);
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("uint8_t[%1]").arg(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, string);
                // Single value
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                uint8_t u = *(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, "uint8_t");
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, u);
        case MAVLINK_TYPE_INT8_T:
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length > 0)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                int8_t* nums = (int8_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                // Enforce null termination
                QString tmp("%1, ");
                QString string;
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length; ++j)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                    string += tmp.arg(nums[j]);
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("int8_t[%1]").arg(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, string);
                // Single value
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                int8_t n = *((int8_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, "int8_t");
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, n);
        case MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT16_T:
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length > 0)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                uint16_t* nums = (uint16_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                // Enforce null termination
                QString tmp("%1, ");
                QString string;
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length; ++j)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                    string += tmp.arg(nums[j]);
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("uint16_t[%1]").arg(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, string);
                // Single value
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                uint16_t n = *((uint16_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, "uint16_t");
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, n);
        case MAVLINK_TYPE_INT16_T:
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length > 0)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                int16_t* nums = (int16_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                // Enforce null termination
                QString tmp("%1, ");
                QString string;
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length; ++j)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                    string += tmp.arg(nums[j]);
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("int16_t[%1]").arg(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, string);
                // Single value
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                int16_t n = *((int16_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, "int16_t");
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, n);
        case MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT32_T:
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length > 0)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                uint32_t* nums = (uint32_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                // Enforce null termination
                QString tmp("%1, ");
                QString string;
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length; ++j)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                    string += tmp.arg(nums[j]);
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("uint32_t[%1]").arg(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, string);
                // Single value
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                float n = *((uint32_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, "uint32_t");
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, n);
        case MAVLINK_TYPE_INT32_T:
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length > 0)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                int32_t* nums = (int32_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                // Enforce null termination
                QString tmp("%1, ");
                QString string;
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length; ++j)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                    string += tmp.arg(nums[j]);
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("int32_t[%1]").arg(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, string);
                // Single value
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                int32_t n = *((int32_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, "int32_t");
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, n);
        case MAVLINK_TYPE_FLOAT:
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length > 0)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                float* nums = (float*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                // Enforce null termination
                QString tmp("%1, ");
                QString string;
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length; ++j)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Geoff Fink's avatar
    Geoff Fink committed
                   string += tmp.arg(nums[j]);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("float[%1]").arg(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, string);
                // Single value
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                float f = *((float*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, "float");
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, f);
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length > 0)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                double* nums = (double*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                // Enforce null termination
                QString tmp("%1, ");
                QString string;
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length; ++j)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                    string += tmp.arg(nums[j]);
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("double[%1]").arg(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, string);
                // Single value
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                double f = *((double*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, "double");
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, f);
        case MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT64_T:
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length > 0)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                uint64_t* nums = (uint64_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                // Enforce null termination
                QString tmp("%1, ");
                QString string;
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length; ++j)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                    string += tmp.arg(nums[j]);
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("uint64_t[%1]").arg(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, string);
                // Single value
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                uint64_t n = *((uint64_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, "uint64_t");
    pixhawk's avatar
    pixhawk committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, (quint64) n);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
        case MAVLINK_TYPE_INT64_T:
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            if (msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length > 0)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                int64_t* nums = (int64_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                // Enforce null termination
                QString tmp("%1, ");
                QString string;
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length; ++j)
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                    string += tmp.arg(nums[j]);
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("int64_t[%1]").arg(msgInfo->fields[fieldid].array_length));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, string);
                // Single value
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
                int64_t n = *((int64_t*)(m+msgInfo->fields[fieldid].wire_offset));
    lm's avatar
    lm committed
                item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, "int64_t");
    pixhawk's avatar
    pixhawk committed
                item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, (qint64) n);
    lm's avatar
    lm committed