qwt_analog_clock.cpp 5.28 KB
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/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

#include "qwt_analog_clock.h"

  \param parent Parent widget
QwtAnalogClock::QwtAnalogClock(QWidget *parent):

#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
  \param parent Parent widget
  \param name Object name
QwtAnalogClock::QwtAnalogClock(QWidget* parent, const char *name):
    QwtDial(parent, name)

void QwtAnalogClock::initClock()

    setRange(0.0, 60.0 * 60.0 * 12.0); // seconds
    setScale(-1, 5, 60.0 * 60.0);

    setScaleOptions(ScaleTicks | ScaleLabel);
    setScaleTicks(1, 0, 8);

    QColor knobColor =
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
        palette().color(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Text);
        palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text);
    knobColor = knobColor.dark(120);

    QColor handColor;
    int width;

59 60
    for ( int i = 0; i < NHands; i++ ) {
        if ( i == SecondHand ) {
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            width = 2;
            handColor = knobColor.dark(120);
        } else {
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64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
            width = 8;
            handColor = knobColor;

        QwtDialSimpleNeedle *hand = new QwtDialSimpleNeedle(
            QwtDialSimpleNeedle::Arrow, true, handColor, knobColor);

        d_hand[i] = NULL;
        setHand((Hand)i, hand);

//! Destructor
    for ( int i = 0; i < NHands; i++ )
        delete d_hand[i];

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  Nop method, use setHand instead
  \sa QwtAnalogClock::setHand
void QwtAnalogClock::setNeedle(QwtDialNeedle *)
    // no op

   Set a clockhand
   \param hand Specifies the type of hand
   \param needle Hand
   \sa QwtAnalogClock::hand()
void QwtAnalogClock::setHand(Hand hand, QwtDialNeedle *needle)
    if ( hand >= 0 || hand < NHands ) {
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        delete d_hand[hand];
        d_hand[hand] = needle;

  \return Clock hand
  \param hd Specifies the type of hand
  \sa QwtAnalogClock::setHand
QwtDialNeedle *QwtAnalogClock::hand(Hand hd)
    if ( hd < 0 || hd >= NHands )
        return NULL;

    return d_hand[hd];

  \return Clock hand
  \param hd Specifies the type of hand
  \sa QwtAnalogClock::setHand
const QwtDialNeedle *QwtAnalogClock::hand(Hand hd) const
    return ((QwtAnalogClock *)this)->hand(hd);

  \brief Set the current time

  This is the same as QwtAnalogClock::setTime(), but Qt < 3.0
  can't handle default parameters for slots.
void QwtAnalogClock::setCurrentTime()
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  Set a time
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  \param time Time to display
void QwtAnalogClock::setTime(const QTime &time)
148 149 150 151
    if ( time.isValid() ) {
        setValue((time.hour() % 12) * 60.0 * 60.0
                 + time.minute() * 60.0 + time.second());
    } else
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  Find the scale label for a given value

  \param value Value
  \return Label
QwtText QwtAnalogClock::scaleLabel(double value) const
    if ( value == 0.0 )
        value = 60.0 * 60.0 * 12.0;

    return QString::number(int(value / (60.0 * 60.0)));

  \brief Draw the needle

  A clock has no single needle but three hands instead. drawNeedle
  translates value() into directions for the hands and calls

  \param painter Painter
  \param center Center of the clock
  \param radius Maximum length for the hands
  \param direction Dummy, not used.
  \param cg ColorGroup

  \sa QwtAnalogClock::drawHand()
void QwtAnalogClock::drawNeedle(QPainter *painter, const QPoint &center,
                                int radius, double, QPalette::ColorGroup cg) const
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    if ( isValid() ) {
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        const double hours = value() / (60.0 * 60.0);
        const double minutes = (value() - (int)hours * 60.0 * 60.0) / 60.0;
190 191
        const double seconds = value() - (int)hours * 60.0 * 60.0
                               - (int)minutes * 60.0;
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        drawHand(painter, HourHand, center, radius,
                 360.0 - (origin() + 360.0 * hours / 12.0), cg);
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        drawHand(painter, MinuteHand, center, radius,
                 360.0 - (origin() + 360.0 * minutes / 60.0), cg);
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        drawHand(painter, SecondHand, center, radius,
                 360.0 - (origin() + 360.0 * seconds / 60.0), cg);
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  Draw a clock hand

  \param painter Painter
  \param hd Specify the type of hand
  \param center Center of the clock
  \param radius Maximum length for the hands
  \param direction Direction of the hand in degrees, counter clockwise
  \param cg ColorGroup
void QwtAnalogClock::drawHand(QPainter *painter, Hand hd,
213 214
                              const QPoint &center, int radius, double direction,
                              QPalette::ColorGroup cg) const
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    const QwtDialNeedle *needle = hand(hd);
    if ( needle ) {
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        if ( hd == HourHand )
            radius = qRound(0.8 * radius);

        needle->draw(painter, center, radius, direction, cg);