MockUAS.h 13 KB
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 QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station

 (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>

 This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project

9 10 11 12
 QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

14 15 16 17
 QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

19 20
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.

22 23

24 25 26 27 28
#ifndef MOCKUAS_H
#define MOCKUAS_H

#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "MockQGCUASParamManager.h"
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#include "MockMavlinkInterface.h"
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

#include <limits>

/// @file
///     @brief This is a mock implementation of a UAS used for writing Unit Tests. Normal usage is to
///         call MockUASManager::setMockActiveUAS to set it to the active mock UAS>
///     @author Don Gagne <>

class MockUAS : public UASInterface

43 44
    // The following UASInterface signals are supported
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45 46
    //  void parameterChanged(int uas, int component, QString parameterName, QVariant value);
    //  void remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int channelId, float raw);

48 49 50 51
    // Implemented UASInterface overrides
    virtual int getSystemType(void) { return _systemType; }
    virtual int getUASID(void) const { return _systemId; }
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    virtual bool isAirplane() { return false; }
    virtual QGCUASParamManagerInterface* getParamManager() { return &_paramManager; };

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55 56
    // sendMessage is only supported if a mavlink plugin is installed.
    virtual void sendMessage(mavlink_message_t message);

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    // MockUAS methods

    // Use these methods to setup/control the mock UAS

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    void setMockSystemType(int systemType) { _systemType = systemType; }
    void setMockSystemId(int systemId) { _systemId = systemId; }

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    /// @return returns mock QGCUASParamManager associated with the UAS. This mock implementation
    /// allows you to simulate parameter input and validate parameter setting
    MockQGCUASParamManager* getMockQGCUASParamManager(void) { return &_paramManager; }

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    /// @brief Sets the parameter map into the mock QGCUASParamManager and signals parameterChanged for
72 73
    /// each param
    void setMockParametersAndSignal(MockQGCUASParamManager::ParamMap_t& map);

    void emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(int channel, float raw) { emit remoteControlChannelRawChanged(channel, raw); }

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    /// @brief Installs a mavlink plugin. Only a single mavlink plugin is supported at a time.
    void setMockMavlinkPlugin(MockMavlinkInterface* mavlinkPlugin) { _mavlinkPlugin = mavlinkPlugin; };

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    // Unimplemented UASInterface overrides
    virtual QString getUASName() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return _bogusString; };
    virtual const QString& getShortState() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return _bogusString; };
    virtual const QString& getShortMode() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return _bogusString; };
    virtual QString getShortModeTextFor(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode) const { Q_UNUSED(base_mode); Q_UNUSED(custom_mode); Q_ASSERT(false); return _bogusStaticString; };
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
    virtual quint64 getUptime() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return 0; };
    virtual double getLocalX() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); };
    virtual double getLocalY() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); };
    virtual double getLocalZ() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); };
    virtual bool localPositionKnown() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return false; };
    virtual double getLatitude() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); };
    virtual double getLongitude() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); };
    virtual double getAltitudeAMSL() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); };
    virtual double getAltitudeRelative() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); };
    virtual bool globalPositionKnown() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return false; };
    virtual double getRoll() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); };
    virtual double getPitch() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); };
    virtual double getYaw() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); };
    virtual bool getSelected() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return false; };
    virtual bool isArmed() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return false; };
    virtual int getAirframe() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return 0; };
    virtual UASWaypointManager* getWaypointManager(void) { Q_ASSERT(false); return NULL; };
    virtual QList<LinkInterface*> getLinks() { Q_ASSERT(false); return QList<LinkInterface*>(); };
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    virtual bool systemCanReverse() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return false; };
    virtual QString getSystemTypeName() { Q_ASSERT(false); return _bogusString; };
    virtual int getAutopilotType() { return MAV_AUTOPILOT_PX4; };
107 108 109
    virtual QGCUASFileManager* getFileManager() {Q_ASSERT(false); return NULL; }

    /** @brief Send a message over this link (to this or to all UAS on this link) */
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    virtual void sendMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message){ Q_UNUSED(link); Q_UNUSED(message); Q_ASSERT(false); }
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
    virtual QString getAutopilotTypeName() { Q_ASSERT(false); return _bogusString; };
    virtual void setAutopilotType(int apType) { Q_UNUSED(apType); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual QMap<int, QString> getComponents() { Q_ASSERT(false); return _bogusMapIntQString; };
    virtual QList<QAction*> getActions() const { Q_ASSERT(false); return _bogusQListQActionPointer; };

public slots:
    // Unimplemented UASInterface overrides
    virtual void setUASName(const QString& name) { Q_UNUSED(name); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void executeCommand(MAV_CMD command) { Q_UNUSED(command); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void executeCommand(MAV_CMD command, int confirmation, float param1, float param2, float param3, float param4, float param5, float param6, float param7, int component) { Q_UNUSED(command); Q_UNUSED(confirmation); Q_UNUSED(param1); Q_UNUSED(param2); Q_UNUSED(param3); Q_UNUSED(param4); Q_UNUSED(param5); Q_UNUSED(param6); Q_UNUSED(param7); Q_UNUSED(component); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void executeCommandAck(int num, bool success) { Q_UNUSED(num); Q_UNUSED(success); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void setAirframe(int airframe) { Q_UNUSED(airframe); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void launch() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void home() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void land() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void pairRX(int rxType, int rxSubType) { Q_UNUSED(rxType); Q_UNUSED(rxSubType); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void halt() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void go() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void setMode(uint8_t newBaseMode, uint32_t newCustomMode) { Q_UNUSED(newBaseMode); Q_UNUSED(newCustomMode); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void emergencySTOP() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual bool emergencyKILL() { Q_ASSERT(false); return false; };
    virtual void shutdown() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void setTargetPosition(float x, float y, float z, float yaw) { Q_UNUSED(x); Q_UNUSED(y); Q_UNUSED(z); Q_UNUSED(yaw); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void setLocalOriginAtCurrentGPSPosition() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void setHomePosition(double lat, double lon, double alt) { Q_UNUSED(lat); Q_UNUSED(lon); Q_UNUSED(alt); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void requestParameter(int component, const QString& parameter) { Q_UNUSED(component); Q_UNUSED(parameter); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void writeParametersToStorage() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void readParametersFromStorage() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void setParameter(const int component, const QString& id, const QVariant& value)
        { Q_UNUSED(component); Q_UNUSED(id); Q_UNUSED(value); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void addLink(LinkInterface* link) { Q_UNUSED(link); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void setSelected() { Q_ASSERT(false); }
    virtual void enableAllDataTransmission(int rate) { Q_UNUSED(rate); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void enableRawSensorDataTransmission(int rate) { Q_UNUSED(rate); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void enableExtendedSystemStatusTransmission(int rate) { Q_UNUSED(rate); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void enableRCChannelDataTransmission(int rate) { Q_UNUSED(rate); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void enableRawControllerDataTransmission(int rate) { Q_UNUSED(rate); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void enablePositionTransmission(int rate) { Q_UNUSED(rate); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void enableExtra1Transmission(int rate) { Q_UNUSED(rate); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void enableExtra2Transmission(int rate) { Q_UNUSED(rate); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void enableExtra3Transmission(int rate) { Q_UNUSED(rate); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void setLocalPositionSetpoint(float x, float y, float z, float yaw)
        { Q_UNUSED(x); Q_UNUSED(y); Q_UNUSED(z); Q_UNUSED(yaw); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void setLocalPositionOffset(float x, float y, float z, float yaw) { Q_UNUSED(x); Q_UNUSED(y); Q_UNUSED(z); Q_UNUSED(yaw); Q_ASSERT(false); };
155 156
    virtual void startRadioControlCalibration(int param) { Q_UNUSED(param); return; };
    virtual void endRadioControlCalibration() { return; };
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    virtual void startMagnetometerCalibration() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void startGyroscopeCalibration() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void startPressureCalibration() { Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void setBatterySpecs(const QString& specs) { Q_UNUSED(specs); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual QString getBatterySpecs() { Q_ASSERT(false); return _bogusString; };
    virtual void sendHilState(quint64 time_us, float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float rollspeed, float pitchspeed, float yawspeed, double lat, double lon, double alt, float vx, float vy, float vz, float ind_airspeed, float true_airspeed, float xacc, float yacc, float zacc)
        { Q_UNUSED(time_us); Q_UNUSED(roll); Q_UNUSED(pitch); Q_UNUSED(yaw); Q_UNUSED(rollspeed); Q_UNUSED(pitchspeed); Q_UNUSED(yawspeed); Q_UNUSED(lat); Q_UNUSED(lon); Q_UNUSED(alt); Q_UNUSED(vx); Q_UNUSED(vy); Q_UNUSED(vz); Q_UNUSED(ind_airspeed); Q_UNUSED(true_airspeed); Q_UNUSED(xacc); Q_UNUSED(yacc); Q_UNUSED(zacc); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void sendHilSensors(quint64 time_us, float xacc, float yacc, float zacc, float rollspeed, float pitchspeed, float yawspeed, float xmag, float ymag, float zmag, float abs_pressure, float diff_pressure, float pressure_alt, float temperature, quint32 fields_changed)
        { Q_UNUSED(time_us); Q_UNUSED(xacc); Q_UNUSED(yacc); Q_UNUSED(zacc); Q_UNUSED(rollspeed); Q_UNUSED(pitchspeed); Q_UNUSED(yawspeed); Q_UNUSED(xmag); Q_UNUSED(ymag); Q_UNUSED(zmag); Q_UNUSED(abs_pressure); Q_UNUSED(diff_pressure); Q_UNUSED(pressure_alt); Q_UNUSED(temperature); Q_UNUSED(fields_changed); Q_ASSERT(false); };
    virtual void sendHilGps(quint64 time_us, double lat, double lon, double alt, int fix_type, float eph, float epv, float vel, float vn, float ve, float vd, float cog, int satellites)
        { Q_UNUSED(time_us); Q_UNUSED(lat); Q_UNUSED(lon); Q_UNUSED(alt); Q_UNUSED(fix_type); Q_UNUSED(eph); Q_UNUSED(epv); Q_UNUSED(vel); Q_UNUSED(vn); Q_UNUSED(ve); Q_UNUSED(vd); Q_UNUSED(cog); Q_UNUSED(satellites); Q_ASSERT(false); };
168 169 170
    virtual void sendHilOpticalFlow(quint64 time_us, qint16 flow_x, qint16 flow_y, float flow_comp_m_x,
                            float flow_comp_m_y, quint8 quality, float ground_distance)
    { Q_UNUSED(time_us); Q_UNUSED(flow_x); Q_UNUSED(flow_y); Q_UNUSED(flow_comp_m_x); Q_UNUSED(flow_comp_m_y); Q_UNUSED(quality); Q_UNUSED(ground_distance); Q_ASSERT(false);};
171 172 173 174
    virtual void sendMapRCToParam(QString param_id, float scale, float value0, quint8 param_rc_channel_index, float valueMin, float valueMax)
    { Q_UNUSED(param_id); Q_UNUSED(scale); Q_UNUSED(value0); Q_UNUSED(param_rc_channel_index); Q_UNUSED(valueMin); Q_UNUSED(valueMax); }
    virtual void unsetRCToParameterMap() {}

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    virtual bool isRotaryWing() { Q_ASSERT(false); return false; }
    virtual bool isFixedWing() { Q_ASSERT(false); return false; }

178 179 180
    int                 _systemType;
    int                 _systemId;

    MockQGCUASParamManager _paramManager;

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    MockMavlinkInterface* _mavlinkPlugin;   ///< Mock Mavlink plugin, NULL for none
185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193

    // Bogus variables used for return types of NYI methods
    QString             _bogusString;
    static QString      _bogusStaticString;
    QMap<int, QString>  _bogusMapIntQString;
    QList<QAction*>     _bogusQListQActionPointer;
    QList<int>          _bogusQListInt;

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