sizelatlng.h 3.65 KB
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* @file       sizelatlng.h
* @author     The OpenPilot Team, Copyright (C) 2010.
* @brief      
* @see        The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* @defgroup   OPMapWidget
* @{
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or 
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License 
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along 
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

#include <QString>

namespace internals {
struct PointLatLng;
struct SizeLatLng
    static  SizeLatLng Empty;

    SizeLatLng(SizeLatLng const&  size)
       this->widthLng = size.widthLng;
       this->heightLat = size.heightLat;

     SizeLatLng(PointLatLng const&  pt);

     SizeLatLng(double const& heightLat, double const&  widthLng)
       this->heightLat = heightLat;
       this->widthLng = widthLng;

     friend SizeLatLng operator+(SizeLatLng const&  sz1, SizeLatLng const&  sz2);
     friend SizeLatLng operator-(SizeLatLng const&  sz1, SizeLatLng const&  sz2);
     friend bool operator==(SizeLatLng const&  sz1, SizeLatLng const&  sz2);
     friend bool operator!=(SizeLatLng const&  sz1, SizeLatLng const&  sz2);

//     static explicit operator PointLatLng(SizeLatLng size)
//    {
//       return new PointLatLng(size.HeightLat(), size.WidthLng());
//    }

     bool IsEmpty()const
         return ((this->widthLng == 0) && (this->heightLat == 0));

     double WidthLng()const
         return this->widthLng;
     void SetWidthLng(double const& value)
         this->widthLng = value;

     double HeightLat()const
         return this->heightLat;
     void SetHeightLat(double const& value)
         this->heightLat = value;

     static SizeLatLng Add(SizeLatLng const& sz1, SizeLatLng const& sz2)
       return SizeLatLng(sz1.HeightLat() + sz2.HeightLat(), sz1.WidthLng() + sz2.WidthLng());

     static SizeLatLng Subtract(SizeLatLng const& sz1, SizeLatLng const& sz2)
       return SizeLatLng(sz1.HeightLat() - sz2.HeightLat(), sz1.WidthLng() - sz2.WidthLng());

//     override bool Equals(object obj)
//    {
//       if(!(obj is SizeLatLng))
//       {
//          return false;
//       }
//       SizeLatLng ef = (SizeLatLng) obj;
//       return (((ef.WidthLng == this->WidthLng) && (ef.HeightLat == this->HeightLat)) && ef.GetType().Equals(base.GetType()));
//    }

//     override int GetHashCode()
//    {
//       return base.GetHashCode();
//    }

//     PointLatLng ToPointLatLng()
//    {
//       return (PointLatLng) this;
//    }

     QString ToString()
         return ("{WidthLng=" + QString::number(this->widthLng) + ", HeightLng=" + QString::number(this->heightLat) + "}");

    double heightLat;
    double widthLng;

#endif // SIZELATLNG_H