#include <QThread>
class LogCompressor : public QThread
/** @brief Create the log compressor. It will only get active upon calling startCompression() */
LogCompressor(QString logFileName, QString outFileName="", QString delimiter="\t");
/** @brief Start the compression of a raw, line-based logfile into a CSV file */
void startCompression(bool holeFilling=false);
bool isFinished();
int getCurrentLine();
void run(); ///< This function actually performs the compression. It's an overloaded function from QThread
QString logFileName; ///< The input file name.
QString outFileName; ///< The output file name. If blank defaults to logFileName
bool running; ///< True when the startCompression() function is operating.
int currentDataLine; ///< The current line of data that is being processed. Only relevant when running==true
QString delimiter; ///< Delimiter between fields in the output file. Defaults to tab ('\t')
bool holeFillingEnabled; ///< Enables the filling of holes in the dataset with the previous value (or NaN if none exists)
/** @brief This signal is emitted when there is a change in the status of the parsing algorithm. For instance if an error is encountered.
* @param status A status message
void logProcessingStatusChanged(QString status);
/** @brief This signal is emitted once a logfile has been finished writing
* @param fileName The name of the output (CSV) file
void finishedFile(QString fileName);