ClpConstraint.hpp 3.22 KB
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/* $Id$ */
// Copyright (C) 2007, International Business Machines
// Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).

#ifndef ClpConstraint_H
#define ClpConstraint_H

class ClpSimplex;
class ClpModel;

/** Constraint Abstract Base Class

Abstract Base Class for describing a constraint or objective function

class ClpConstraint {

  ///@name Stuff

  /** Fills gradient.  If Linear then solution may be NULL,
         also returns true value of function and offset so we can use x not deltaX in constraint
         If refresh is false then uses last solution
         Uses model for scaling
         Returns non-zero if gradient undefined at current solution
  virtual int gradient(const ClpSimplex *model,
    const double *solution,
    double *gradient,
    double &functionValue,
    double &offset,
    bool useScaling = false,
    bool refresh = true) const = 0;
  /// Constraint function value
  virtual double functionValue(const ClpSimplex *model,
    const double *solution,
    bool useScaling = false,
    bool refresh = true) const;
  /// Resize constraint
  virtual void resize(int newNumberColumns) = 0;
  /// Delete columns in  constraint
  virtual void deleteSome(int numberToDelete, const int *which) = 0;
  /// Scale constraint
  virtual void reallyScale(const double *columnScale) = 0;
  /** Given a zeroed array sets nonlinear columns to 1.
         Returns number of nonlinear columns
  virtual int markNonlinear(char *which) const = 0;
  /** Given a zeroed array sets possible nonzero coefficients to 1.
         Returns number of nonzeros
  virtual int markNonzero(char *which) const = 0;

  ///@name Constructors and destructors
  /// Default Constructor

  /// Copy constructor
  ClpConstraint(const ClpConstraint &);

  /// Assignment operator
  ClpConstraint &operator=(const ClpConstraint &rhs);

  /// Destructor
  virtual ~ClpConstraint();

  /// Clone
  virtual ClpConstraint *clone() const = 0;


  ///@name Other
  /// Returns type, 0 linear, 1 nonlinear
  inline int type()
    return type_;
  /// Row number (-1 is objective)
  inline int rowNumber() const
    return rowNumber_;

  /// Number of possible coefficients in gradient
  virtual int numberCoefficients() const = 0;

  /// Stored constraint function value
  inline double functionValue() const
    return functionValue_;

  /// Constraint offset
  inline double offset() const
    return offset_;
  /// Say we have new primal solution - so may need to recompute
  virtual void newXValues() {}


  ///@name Protected member data
  /// Gradient at last evaluation
  mutable double *lastGradient_;
  /// Value of non-linear part of constraint
  mutable double functionValue_;
  /// Value of offset for constraint
  mutable double offset_;
  /// Type of constraint - linear is 1
  int type_;
  /// Row number (-1 is objective)
  int rowNumber_;


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