QGCUnconnectedInfoWidget.h 833 Bytes
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#include <QWidget>

namespace Ui {
    class QGCUnconnectedInfoWidget;

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 * @brief Widget providing initial instructions
 * This widget provides initial instructions to new users how
 * to connect a simulation or a live link to a system to
 * QGroundControl. The widget should be automatically be
 * unloaded and destroyed once the first MAV/UAS is connected.
 * @see UASListWidget
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class QGCUnconnectedInfoWidget : public QWidget

    explicit QGCUnconnectedInfoWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);

    Ui::QGCUnconnectedInfoWidget *ui;

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public slots:
    /** @brief Start simulation */
    void simulate();
    /** @brief Add a link */
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    void addLink();