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#include "PlanimetryCalculus.h"



    \fn void PlanimetryCalculus::rotatePoint(QPointF &point, double alpha)
    Rotates the \a point counter clockwisely by the angle \a alpha (in radiants).
void PlanimetryCalculus::rotatePoint(QPointF &point, double alpha)
15 16 17
    if (!point.isNull()) {
        double x = point.x();
        double y = point.y();

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
        point.setX(x*qCos(alpha) - y*qSin(alpha));
        point.setY(x*qSin(alpha) + y*qCos(alpha));

void PlanimetryCalculus::rotatePoint(QList<QPointF> &points, double alpha)
    for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
        rotatePoint(points[i], alpha);
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

    \fn void PlanimetryCalculus::rotatePointDegree(QPointF &point, double alpha)
    Rotates the \a point counter clockwisely by the angle \a alpha (in degrees).
void PlanimetryCalculus::rotatePointDegree(QPointF &point, double alpha)
    rotatePoint(point, alpha/180*M_PI);

40 41 42 43 44 45 46
void PlanimetryCalculus::rotatePointDegree(QList<QPointF> &points, double alpha)
    for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
        rotatePointDegree(points[i], alpha);

47 48 49 50
    \fn PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2)
    Returns the intersection type of the two cirles \a circle1 and \a circle2.

51 52
    \note Returns Error if circle.isNull() returns true;

53 54 55 56
    \sa Circle
PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2)
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166
    // r1 == 0 || r2 == 0 results in indefined behavior
    if (!circle1.isNull() && !circle2.isNull()) {
        double r1 = circle1.radius();
        double r2 = circle2.radius();
        double d  = distance(circle1.origin(), circle2.origin());
        double r = 0;
        double R = 0;
        if (r1 > r2) {
            R = r1; // large
            r = r2; // small
        } else {
            // this branch is also choosen if r1 == r2
            R = r2;
            r = r1;

        if        (r + d < R) {
            // this branch is also reached if d < rLarge && rSmall == 0
            return PlanimetryCalculus::InsideNoIntersection;
        } else if (qFuzzyCompare(r + d, R)) {
            if    (qFuzzyIsNull(d))
                return PlanimetryCalculus::CirclesEqual;
                return PlanimetryCalculus::InsideTouching;
        } else if (d < R) {
            return PlanimetryCalculus::InsideIntersection;
        } else if (d - r < R) {
            return PlanimetryCalculus::OutsideIntersection;
        } else if (qFuzzyCompare(d - r, R)) {
            return PlanimetryCalculus::OutsideTouching;
        } else {
            return PlanimetryCalculus::OutsideNoIntersection;
    return PlanimetryCalculus::Error;

    \fn PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2, QList<QPointF> intersectionPoints)
    Calculates the intersection points of two circles if present and stores the result in \a intersectionPoints.
    Returns the intersection type of the two cirles \a circle1 and \a circle2.

    The function assumes that the list \a intersectionPoints is empty.

    \note Returns Error if circle.isNull() returns true;

    \sa Circle
PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2, QList<QPointF> &intersectionPoints)
    PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType returnValue = intersects(circle1, circle2);

    if (   returnValue == PlanimetryCalculus::InsideNoIntersection
        || returnValue == PlanimetryCalculus::OutsideNoIntersection
        || returnValue == PlanimetryCalculus::CirclesEqual
        || returnValue == PlanimetryCalculus::Error  ) {
        return returnValue; // No intersection Points, or infinitly many (in case of CirclesEqual).
    } else {
        double r1    = circle1.radius();
        double r2    = circle2.radius();
        double d     = distance(circle1.origin(), circle2.origin());
        double alpha = angle(circle1.origin(), circle2.origin());
        double r = 0;
        double R = 0;
        if (r1 > r2) {
            R = r1;
            r = r2;
        } else {
            // this branch is also choosen if r1 == r2
            R = r2;
            r = r1;

        if        (   returnValue == PlanimetryCalculus::InsideTouching
                   || returnValue == PlanimetryCalculus::OutsideTouching) {
            // Intersection point in coordinate system of circle 1.
            // Coordinate system circle1: origin = circle1.origin(), x-axis towars circle2.origin() y-axis such that the
            // coordinate system is dextrorse with z-axis outward faceing with respect to the drawing plane.
            intersectionPoints.append(QPointF(0, r1));
        } else { //triggered if (   returnValue == PlanimetryCalculus::InsideIntersection
                 //              || returnValue == PlanimetryCalculus::OutsideIntersection)
            // See fist branch for explanation

            // this equations are obtained by solving x^2+y^2=R^2 and (x - d)^2+y^2=r^2
            double x  = (qPow(d, 2) - qPow(r, 2) + qPow(R, 2))/2/d;
            double y = 1/2/d*qSqrt(4*qPow(d*R, 2) - qPow(qPow(d, 2) - qPow(r, 2) +  qPow(R, 2), 2));

            intersectionPoints.append(QPointF(x, y));
            intersectionPoints.append(QPointF(x, -y));
        // Transform the coordinate to the world coordinate system. Alpha is the angle between world and circle1 coordinate system.
        rotatePoint(intersectionPoints, alpha);

        return returnValue;

    \fn PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line)
    Returns the Intersection type of \a circle and \a line.
    Returns \c Error if either line or circe \c {isNull() == true}.

    \sa QPointF, Circle
PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line)
    QList<QPointF> dummyList;
    return intersects(circle, line, dummyList, false /* calculate intersection points*/);

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PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line, QList<QPointF> &intersectionPoints)
    return intersects(circle, line, intersectionPoints, true /* calculate intersection points*/);
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179

    \fn double PlanimetryCalculus::distance(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2)
    Calculates the distance (2-norm) between \a p1 and \a p2.
    \sa QPointF
double PlanimetryCalculus::distance(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2)
180 181
    double dx = p2.x()-p1.x();
    double dy = p2.y()-p1.y();
182 183 184 185

    return qSqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);

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    \fn double PlanimetryCalculus::distance(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2)
    Calculates the angle (in radiants) between the line defined by \a p1 and \a p2 and the x-axis according to the following rule.
    Angle = qAtan2(dy, dx), where dx = p2.x()-p1.x() and dy = p2.y()-p1.y().

    \note The order of \a p1 and \a p2 matters. Swapping \a p1 and \a p2 will result in a angle of oposite sign.
    \sa QPointF
double PlanimetryCalculus::angle(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2)
    double dx = p2.x()-p1.x();
    double dy = p2.y()-p1.y();

    return qAtan2(dy, dx);

    \fn double PlanimetryCalculus::distance(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2)
    Calculates the angle (in degrees) between the line defined by \a p1 and \a p2 and the x-axis according to the following rule.
    Angle = qAtan2(dy, dx)*180/pi, where dx = p2.x()-p1.x() and dy = p2.y()-p1.y().

    \note The order of \a p1 and \a p2 matters. Swapping \a p1 and \a p2 will result in a angle of oposite sign.
    \sa QPointF
double PlanimetryCalculus::angleDegree(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2)
    return angle(p1, p2)*180/M_PI;

    \fn PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line, QList<QPointF> &intersectionPoints, bool calcInstersect)
    Returns the Intersection type of \a circle and \a line.
    Stores the intersection points in \a intersectionPoints if \a calcIntersect is \c true.
    Returns \c Error if either line or circe \c {isNull() == true}.

    \sa QPointF, Circle
PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line, QList<QPointF> &intersectionPoints, bool calcInstersect)
    if (!circle.isNull() && ! line.isNull()) {
        QPointF translationVector = line.p1();
        double angleWLDegree = line.angle(); // angle between wold and line coordinate system

        QPointF originCircleL = circle.origin() - translationVector;
        rotatePoint(originCircleL, -angleWLDegree); // circle origin in line corrdinate system

        double y = originCircleL.y();
        double r = circle.radius();
        if (qAbs(y) > r)
            return PlanimetryCalculus::NoIntersection;
        else if ( qFuzzyCompare(qFabs(y), r) ) { // tangent
            double x_ori = originCircleL.x();

            if (x_ori >= 0 && x_ori <= line.length()) {
                if (calcInstersect) {
                    QPointF intersectionPt = QPointF(x_ori, 0);
                    rotatePoint(intersectionPt, angleWLDegree);
                    intersectionPoints.append(intersectionPt + translationVector);

                return PlanimetryCalculus::Tangent;

            return PlanimetryCalculus::NoIntersection;
        } else { // sekant
            double x_ori = originCircleL.x();
            double y_ori = originCircleL.y();
            double delta = qSqrt(qPow(r, 2)-qPow(y_ori, 2));
            double x1    = x_ori + delta; // x coordinate (line system) of fist intersection point
            double x2    = x_ori - delta;// x coordinate (line system) of second intersection point
            bool doesIntersect = false; // remember if actual intersection was on the line

            if (x1 >= 0 && x1 <= line.length()) { // check if intersection point is on the line
                if (calcInstersect) {
                    QPointF intersectionPt = QPointF(x1, 0); // first intersection point (line system)
                    rotatePoint(intersectionPt, angleWLDegree);
                    intersectionPoints.append(intersectionPt + translationVector); // transform (to world system) and append first intersection point
                doesIntersect = true;
            if (x2 >= 0 && x2 <= line.length()) { // check if intersection point is on the line
                if (calcInstersect) {
                    QPointF intersectionPt = QPointF(x2, 0); // second intersection point (line system)
                    rotatePoint(intersectionPt, angleWLDegree);
                    intersectionPoints.append(intersectionPt + translationVector); // transform (to world system) and append second intersection point
                doesIntersect = true;

            return doesIntersect ? PlanimetryCalculus::Secant : PlanimetryCalculus::NoIntersection;

    return PlanimetryCalculus::Error;

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    \class PlanimetryCalculus
    \inmodule Wima

    \brief The \c PlanimetryCalculus class provides routines handy for planimetrical (2D) calculations.