qwt_transform.cpp 3.18 KB
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/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

#include "qwt_transform.h"
#include "qwt_math.h"

#if QT_VERSION < 0x040601
#define qExp(x) ::exp(x)

//! Smallest allowed value for logarithmic scales: 1.0e-150
QT_STATIC_CONST_IMPL double QwtLogTransform::LogMin = 1.0e-150;

//! Largest allowed value for logarithmic scales: 1.0e150
QT_STATIC_CONST_IMPL double QwtLogTransform::LogMax = 1.0e150;

//! Constructor

//! Destructor

  \param value Value to be bounded
  \return value unmodified
double QwtTransform::bounded( double value ) const
    return value;

//! Constructor

//! Destructor

  \param value Value to be transformed
  \return value unmodified
double QwtNullTransform::transform( double value ) const
    return value;

  \param value Value to be transformed
  \return value unmodified
double QwtNullTransform::invTransform( double value ) const
    return value;

//! \return Clone of the transformation
QwtTransform *QwtNullTransform::copy() const
    return new QwtNullTransform();

//! Constructor

//! Destructor

  \param value Value to be transformed
  \return log( value )
double QwtLogTransform::transform( double value ) const
    return ::log( value );

  \param value Value to be transformed
  \return exp( value )
double QwtLogTransform::invTransform( double value ) const
    return qExp( value );

  \param value Value to be bounded
  \return qBound( LogMin, value, LogMax )
double QwtLogTransform::bounded( double value ) const
    return qBound( LogMin, value, LogMax );

//! \return Clone of the transformation
QwtTransform *QwtLogTransform::copy() const
    return new QwtLogTransform();

  \param exponent Exponent
QwtPowerTransform::QwtPowerTransform( double exponent ):
    d_exponent( exponent )

//! Destructor

  \param value Value to be transformed
  \return Exponentiation preserving the sign
double QwtPowerTransform::transform( double value ) const
    if ( value < 0.0 )
        return -qPow( -value, 1.0 / d_exponent );
        return qPow( value, 1.0 / d_exponent );

  \param value Value to be transformed
  \return Inverse exponentiation preserving the sign
double QwtPowerTransform::invTransform( double value ) const
    if ( value < 0.0 )
        return -qPow( -value, d_exponent );
        return qPow( value, d_exponent );

//! \return Clone of the transformation
QwtTransform *QwtPowerTransform::copy() const
    return new QwtPowerTransform( d_exponent );