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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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QLabel {
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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QLabel#modeLabel {
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QLabel#stateLabel {
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

QLabel#navLabel {
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

QLabel#positionLabel {
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QLabel#timeElapsedLabel {
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QLabel#groundDistanceLabel {
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QLabel#speedLabel {
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QLabel#timeRemainingLabel {
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QLabel#waypointLabel {
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
QGroupBox {
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
QToolButton#typeButton {
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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QPushButton:pressed {
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
QPushButton#abortButton {
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
QPushButton:pressed#abortButton {
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

QPushButton#killButton {
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

QProgressBar:horizontal {
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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QProgressBar:vertical {
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

QProgressBar:horizontal {
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

QProgressBar:horizontal QLabel {
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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QProgressBar:vertical QLabel {
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

QProgressBar:vertical {
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed

QProgressBar::chunk {
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QProgressBar::chunk#batteryBar {
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QProgressBar::chunk#speedBar {
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QProgressBar::chunk#thrustBar {
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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         <string>Remaining flight time</string>
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         <string>Remaining flight time</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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         <string>Current throttle</string>
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         <string>Current throttle</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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         <string>Ground Speed</string>
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         <string>Ground Speed</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
         <string>00.0 m/s</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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         <string>Current Waypoint</string>
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         <string>Current Waypoint</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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         <string>Current Position</string>
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         <string>Current Position</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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         <string>00.0  00.0  00.0 m</string>
lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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           <string>Liftoff / Launch</string>
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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           <string>Loiter / Wait at current position</string>
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           <string>Loiter / Wait at current position</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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           <string>Continue flightplan</string>
          <property name="statusTip">
           <string>Continue flightplan</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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          <property name="icon">
           <iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
          <property name="toolTip">
           <string>Fly straight to landing location</string>
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           <string>Fly straight to landing location</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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           <string>Only in standby mode: Power off system</string>
          <property name="statusTip">
           <string>Only in standby mode: Power off system</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
          <property name="toolTip">
           <string>Emergency land system at closest possible site</string>
          <property name="statusTip">
           <string>Emergency land system at closest possible site</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
lm's avatar
lm committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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           <string>Kill immediately all onboard power</string>
          <property name="statusTip">
           <string>Kill immediately all onboard power</string>
pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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         <string>Waiting for first status update..</string>
lm's avatar
lm committed
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lm's avatar
lm committed
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pixhawk's avatar
pixhawk committed
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