Commit fc44c0c2 authored by lm's avatar lm
Browse files

Added more map icon customization options, added serial link debugging

parent 1215c545
This diff is collapsed.
NMEA library
The National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) has developed a specification that defines the interface between various pieces of marine electronic equipment. The standard permits marine electronics to send information to computers and to other marine equipment.
Most computer programs that provide real time position information understand and expect data to be in NMEA format. This data includes the complete PVT (position, velocity, time) solution computed by the GPS receiver. The idea of NMEA is to send a line of data called a sentence that is totally self contained and independent from other sentences. All NMEA sentences is sequences of ACSII symbols begins with a '$' and ends with a carriage return/line feed sequence and can be no longer than 80 characters of visible text (plus the line terminators).
We present library in 'C' programming language for work with NMEA protocol. Small and easy to use. The library build on different compilers under different platforms (see below). The code was tested in real projects. Just download and try...
- Analysis NMEA sentences and granting GPS data in C structures
- Generate NMEA sentences
- Supported sentences: GPGGA, GPGSA, GPGSV, GPRMC, GPVTG
- Multilevel architecture of algorithms
- Additional functions of geographical mathematics and work with navigation data
Supported (tested) platforms
- Microsoft Windows (MS Visual Studio 8.0, GCC)
- Windows Mobile, Windows CE (MS Visual Studio 8.0)
Licence: LGPL
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: context.c 17 2008-03-11 11:56:11Z xtimor $
#include "nmea/context.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
nmeaPROPERTY * nmea_property()
static nmeaPROPERTY prop = {
return &prop;
void nmea_trace(const char *str, ...)
int size;
va_list arg_list;
nmeaTraceFunc func = nmea_property()->trace_func;
va_start(arg_list, str);
size = NMEA_POSIX(vsnprintf)(&buff[0], NMEA_DEF_PARSEBUFF - 1, str, arg_list);
if(size > 0)
(*func)(&buff[0], size);
void nmea_trace_buff(const char *buff, int buff_size)
nmeaTraceFunc func = nmea_property()->trace_func;
if(func && buff_size)
(*func)(buff, buff_size);
void nmea_error(const char *str, ...)
int size;
va_list arg_list;
nmeaErrorFunc func = nmea_property()->error_func;
va_start(arg_list, str);
size = NMEA_POSIX(vsnprintf)(&buff[0], NMEA_DEF_PARSEBUFF - 1, str, arg_list);
if(size > 0)
(*func)(&buff[0], size);
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: generate.c 17 2008-03-11 11:56:11Z xtimor $
#include "nmea/tok.h"
#include "nmea/sentence.h"
#include "nmea/generate.h"
#include "nmea/units.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int nmea_gen_GPGGA(char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGGA *pack)
return nmea_printf(buff, buff_sz,
pack->utc.hour, pack->utc.min, pack->utc.sec, pack->utc.hsec,
pack->lat, pack->ns, pack->lon, pack->ew,
pack->sig, pack->satinuse, pack->HDOP, pack->elv, pack->elv_units,
pack->diff, pack->diff_units, pack->dgps_age, pack->dgps_sid);
int nmea_gen_GPGSA(char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGSA *pack)
return nmea_printf(buff, buff_sz,
pack->fix_mode, pack->fix_type,
pack->sat_prn[0], pack->sat_prn[1], pack->sat_prn[2], pack->sat_prn[3], pack->sat_prn[4], pack->sat_prn[5],
pack->sat_prn[6], pack->sat_prn[7], pack->sat_prn[8], pack->sat_prn[9], pack->sat_prn[10], pack->sat_prn[11],
pack->PDOP, pack->HDOP, pack->VDOP);
int nmea_gen_GPGSV(char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGSV *pack)
return nmea_printf(buff, buff_sz,
pack->pack_count, pack->pack_index + 1, pack->sat_count,
pack->sat_data[0].id, pack->sat_data[0].elv, pack->sat_data[0].azimuth, pack->sat_data[0].sig,
pack->sat_data[1].id, pack->sat_data[1].elv, pack->sat_data[1].azimuth, pack->sat_data[1].sig,
pack->sat_data[2].id, pack->sat_data[2].elv, pack->sat_data[2].azimuth, pack->sat_data[2].sig,
pack->sat_data[3].id, pack->sat_data[3].elv, pack->sat_data[3].azimuth, pack->sat_data[3].sig);
int nmea_gen_GPRMC(char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPRMC *pack)
return nmea_printf(buff, buff_sz,
pack->utc.hour, pack->utc.min, pack->utc.sec, pack->utc.hsec,
pack->status, pack->lat, pack->ns, pack->lon, pack->ew,
pack->speed, pack->direction,
pack->, pack->utc.mon + 1, pack->utc.year - 100,
pack->declination, pack->declin_ew, pack->mode);
int nmea_gen_GPVTG(char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPVTG *pack)
return nmea_printf(buff, buff_sz,
pack->dir, pack->dir_t,
pack->dec, pack->dec_m,
pack->spn, pack->spn_n,
pack->spk, pack->spk_k);
void nmea_info2GPGGA(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaGPGGA *pack)
pack->utc = info->utc;
pack->lat = fabs(info->lat);
pack->ns = ((info->lat > 0)?'N':'S');
pack->lon = fabs(info->lon);
pack->ew = ((info->lon > 0)?'E':'W');
pack->sig = info->sig;
pack->satinuse = info->satinfo.inuse;
pack->HDOP = info->HDOP;
pack->elv = info->elv;
void nmea_info2GPGSA(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaGPGSA *pack)
int it;
pack->fix_type = info->fix;
pack->PDOP = info->PDOP;
pack->HDOP = info->HDOP;
pack->VDOP = info->VDOP;
for(it = 0; it < NMEA_MAXSAT; ++it)
pack->sat_prn[it] =
int nmea_gsv_npack(int sat_count)
int pack_count = (int)ceil(((double)sat_count) / NMEA_SATINPACK);
if(0 == pack_count)
pack_count = 1;
return pack_count;
void nmea_info2GPGSV(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaGPGSV *pack, int pack_idx)
int sit, pit;
pack->sat_count = (info->satinfo.inview <= NMEA_MAXSAT)?info->satinfo.inview:NMEA_MAXSAT;
pack->pack_count = nmea_gsv_npack(pack->sat_count);
if(pack->pack_count == 0)
pack->pack_count = 1;
if(pack_idx >= pack->pack_count)
pack->pack_index = pack_idx % pack->pack_count;
pack->pack_index = pack_idx;
for(pit = 0, sit = pack->pack_index * NMEA_SATINPACK; pit < NMEA_SATINPACK; ++pit, ++sit)
pack->sat_data[pit] = info->satinfo.sat[sit];
void nmea_info2GPRMC(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaGPRMC *pack)
pack->utc = info->utc;
pack->status = ((info->sig > 0)?'A':'V');
pack->lat = fabs(info->lat);
pack->ns = ((info->lat > 0)?'N':'S');
pack->lon = fabs(info->lon);
pack->ew = ((info->lon > 0)?'E':'W');
pack->speed = info->speed / NMEA_TUD_KNOTS;
pack->direction = info->direction;
pack->declination = info->declination;
pack->declin_ew = 'E';
pack->mode = ((info->sig > 0)?'A':'N');
void nmea_info2GPVTG(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaGPVTG *pack)
pack->dir = info->direction;
pack->dec = info->declination;
pack->spn = info->speed / NMEA_TUD_KNOTS;
pack->spk = info->speed;
int nmea_generate(
char *buff, int buff_sz,
const nmeaINFO *info,
int generate_mask
int gen_count = 0, gsv_it, gsv_count;
int pack_mask = generate_mask;
nmeaGPGGA gga;
nmeaGPGSA gsa;
nmeaGPGSV gsv;
nmeaGPRMC rmc;
nmeaGPVTG vtg;
return 0;
if(pack_mask & GPGGA)
nmea_info2GPGGA(info, &gga);
gen_count += nmea_gen_GPGGA(buff + gen_count, buff_sz - gen_count, &gga);
pack_mask &= ~GPGGA;
else if(pack_mask & GPGSA)
nmea_info2GPGSA(info, &gsa);
gen_count += nmea_gen_GPGSA(buff + gen_count, buff_sz - gen_count, &gsa);
pack_mask &= ~GPGSA;
else if(pack_mask & GPGSV)
gsv_count = nmea_gsv_npack(info->satinfo.inview);
for(gsv_it = 0; gsv_it < gsv_count && buff_sz - gen_count > 0; ++gsv_it)
nmea_info2GPGSV(info, &gsv, gsv_it);
gen_count += nmea_gen_GPGSV(buff + gen_count, buff_sz - gen_count, &gsv);
pack_mask &= ~GPGSV;
else if(pack_mask & GPRMC)
nmea_info2GPRMC(info, &rmc);
gen_count += nmea_gen_GPRMC(buff + gen_count, buff_sz - gen_count, &rmc);
pack_mask &= ~GPRMC;
else if(pack_mask & GPVTG)
nmea_info2GPVTG(info, &vtg);
gen_count += nmea_gen_GPVTG(buff + gen_count, buff_sz - gen_count, &vtg);
pack_mask &= ~GPVTG;
if(buff_sz - gen_count <= 0)
return gen_count;
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: generator.c 17 2008-03-11 11:56:11Z xtimor $
#include "nmea/gmath.h"
#include "nmea/generate.h"
#include "nmea/generator.h"
#include "nmea/context.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined(NMEA_WIN) && defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(disable: 4100) /* unreferenced formal parameter */
double nmea_random(double min, double max)
static double rand_max = RAND_MAX;
double rand_val = rand();
double bounds = max - min;
return min + (rand_val * bounds) / rand_max;
* low level
int nmea_gen_init(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
int RetVal = 1; int smask = info->smask;
nmeaGENERATOR *igen = gen;
info->smask = smask;
info->lat = NMEA_DEF_LAT;
info->lon = NMEA_DEF_LON;
while(RetVal && igen)
RetVal = (*igen->init_call)(igen, info);
igen = igen->next;
return RetVal;
int nmea_gen_loop(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
int RetVal = 1;
RetVal = (*gen->loop_call)(gen, info);
if(RetVal && gen->next)
RetVal = nmea_gen_loop(gen->next, info);
return RetVal;
int nmea_gen_reset(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
int RetVal = 1;
RetVal = (*gen->reset_call)(gen, info);
return RetVal;
void nmea_gen_destroy(nmeaGENERATOR *gen)
gen->next = 0;
void nmea_gen_add(nmeaGENERATOR *to, nmeaGENERATOR *gen)
nmea_gen_add(to->next, gen);
to->next = gen;
int nmea_generate_from(
char *buff, int buff_sz,
nmeaINFO *info,
nmeaGENERATOR *gen,
int generate_mask
int retval;
if(0 != (retval = nmea_gen_loop(gen, info)))
retval = nmea_generate(buff, buff_sz, info, generate_mask);
return retval;
* NOISE generator
int nmea_igen_noise_init(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
return 1;
int nmea_igen_noise_loop(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
int it;
int in_use;
info->sig = (int)nmea_random(1, 3);
info->PDOP = nmea_random(0, 9);
info->HDOP = nmea_random(0, 9);
info->VDOP = nmea_random(0, 9);
info->fix = (int)nmea_random(2, 3);
info->lat = nmea_random(0, 100);
info->lon = nmea_random(0, 100);
info->speed = nmea_random(0, 100);
info->direction = nmea_random(0, 360);
info->declination = nmea_random(0, 360);
info->elv = (int)nmea_random(-100, 100);
info->satinfo.inuse = 0;
info->satinfo.inview = 0;
for(it = 0; it < 12; ++it)
info->satinfo.sat[it].id = it;
info->satinfo.sat[it].in_use = in_use = (int)nmea_random(0, 3);
info->satinfo.sat[it].elv = (int)nmea_random(0, 90);
info->satinfo.sat[it].azimuth = (int)nmea_random(0, 359);
info->satinfo.sat[it].sig = (int)(in_use?nmea_random(40, 99):nmea_random(0, 40));
if(info->satinfo.sat[it].sig > 0)
return 1;
int nmea_igen_noise_reset(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
return 1;
* STATIC generator
int nmea_igen_static_loop(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
return 1;
int nmea_igen_static_reset(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
info->satinfo.inuse = 4;
info->satinfo.inview = 4;
info->satinfo.sat[0].id = 1;
info->satinfo.sat[0].in_use = 1;
info->satinfo.sat[0].elv = 50;
info->satinfo.sat[0].azimuth = 0;
info->satinfo.sat[0].sig = 99;
info->satinfo.sat[1].id = 2;
info->satinfo.sat[1].in_use = 1;
info->satinfo.sat[1].elv = 50;
info->satinfo.sat[1].azimuth = 90;
info->satinfo.sat[1].sig = 99;
info->satinfo.sat[2].id = 3;
info->satinfo.sat[2].in_use = 1;
info->satinfo.sat[2].elv = 50;
info->satinfo.sat[2].azimuth = 180;
info->satinfo.sat[2].sig = 99;
info->satinfo.sat[3].id = 4;
info->satinfo.sat[3].in_use = 1;
info->satinfo.sat[3].elv = 50;
info->satinfo.sat[3].azimuth = 270;
info->satinfo.sat[3].sig = 99;
return 1;
int nmea_igen_static_init(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
info->sig = 3;
info->fix = 3;
nmea_igen_static_reset(gen, info);
return 1;
* SAT_ROTATE generator
int nmea_igen_rotate_loop(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
int it;
int count = info->satinfo.inview;
double deg = 360 / (count?count:1);
double srt = (count?(info->satinfo.sat[0].azimuth):0) + 5;
for(it = 0; it < count; ++it)
info->satinfo.sat[it].azimuth =
(int)((srt >= 360)?srt - 360:srt);
srt += deg;
return 1;
int nmea_igen_rotate_reset(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
int it;
double deg = 360 / 8;
double srt = 0;
info->satinfo.inuse = 8;
info->satinfo.inview = 8;
for(it = 0; it < info->satinfo.inview; ++it)
info->satinfo.sat[it].id = it + 1;
info->satinfo.sat[it].in_use = 1;
info->satinfo.sat[it].elv = 5;
info->satinfo.sat[it].azimuth = (int)srt;
info->satinfo.sat[it].sig = 80;
srt += deg;
return 1;
int nmea_igen_rotate_init(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
info->sig = 3;
info->fix = 3;
nmea_igen_rotate_reset(gen, info);
return 1;
* POS_RANDMOVE generator
int nmea_igen_pos_rmove_init(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
info->sig = 3;
info->fix = 3;
info->direction = info->declination = 0;
info->speed = 20;
return 1;
int nmea_igen_pos_rmove_loop(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
nmeaPOS crd;
info->direction += nmea_random(-10, 10);
info->speed += nmea_random(-2, 3);
if(info->direction < 0)
info->direction = 359 + info->direction;
if(info->direction > 359)
info->direction -= 359;
if(info->speed > 40)
info->speed = 40;
if(info->speed < 1)
info->speed = 1;
nmea_info2pos(info, &crd);
nmea_move_horz(&crd, &crd, info->direction, info->speed / 3600);
nmea_pos2info(&crd, info);
info->declination = info->direction;
return 1;
int nmea_igen_pos_rmove_destroy(nmeaGENERATOR *gen)
return 1;
* generator create
nmeaGENERATOR * __nmea_create_generator(int type, nmeaINFO *info)
nmeaGENERATOR *gen = 0;
if(0 == (gen = malloc(sizeof(nmeaGENERATOR))))
nmea_error("Insufficient memory!");
memset(gen, 0, sizeof(nmeaGENERATOR));
gen->init_call = &nmea_igen_noise_init;
gen->loop_call = &nmea_igen_noise_loop;
gen->reset_call = &nmea_igen_noise_reset;
if(0 == (gen = malloc(sizeof(nmeaGENERATOR))))
nmea_error("Insufficient memory!");
memset(gen, 0, sizeof(nmeaGENERATOR));
gen->init_call = &nmea_igen_static_init;
gen->loop_call = &nmea_igen_static_loop;
gen->reset_call = &nmea_igen_static_reset;
if(0 == (gen = malloc(sizeof(nmeaGENERATOR))))
nmea_error("Insufficient memory!");
memset(gen, 0, sizeof(nmeaGENERATOR));
gen->init_call = &nmea_igen_rotate_init;
gen->loop_call = &nmea_igen_rotate_loop;
gen->reset_call = &nmea_igen_rotate_reset;
if(0 == (gen = malloc(sizeof(nmeaGENERATOR))))
nmea_error("Insufficient memory!");
memset(gen, 0, sizeof(nmeaGENERATOR));
gen->init_call = &nmea_igen_pos_rmove_init;
gen->loop_call = &nmea_igen_pos_rmove_loop;
gen->destroy_call = &nmea_igen_pos_rmove_destroy;
gen = __nmea_create_generator(NMEA_GEN_SAT_ROTATE, info);
nmea_gen_add(gen, __nmea_create_generator(NMEA_GEN_POS_RANDMOVE, info));
return gen;
nmeaGENERATOR * nmea_create_generator(int type, nmeaINFO *info)
nmeaGENERATOR *gen = __nmea_create_generator(type, info);
nmea_gen_init(gen, info);
return gen;
void nmea_destroy_generator(nmeaGENERATOR *gen)
#if defined(NMEA_WIN) && defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(default: 4100)
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: gmath.c 17 2008-03-11 11:56:11Z xtimor $
/*! \file gmath.h */
#include "nmea/gmath.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
* \fn nmea_degree2radian
* \brief Convert degree to radian
double nmea_degree2radian(double val)
{ return (val * NMEA_PI180); }
* \fn nmea_radian2degree
* \brief Convert radian to degree
double nmea_radian2degree(double val)
{ return (val / NMEA_PI180); }
* \brief Convert NDEG (NMEA degree) to fractional degree
double nmea_ndeg2degree(double val)
double deg = ((int)(val / 100));
val = deg + (val - deg * 100) / 60;
return val;
* \brief Convert fractional degree to NDEG (NMEA degree)
double nmea_degree2ndeg(double val)
double int_part;
double fra_part;
fra_part = modf(val, &int_part);
val = int_part * 100 + fra_part * 60;
return val;
* \fn nmea_ndeg2radian
* \brief Convert NDEG (NMEA degree) to radian
double nmea_ndeg2radian(double val)
{ return nmea_degree2radian(nmea_ndeg2degree(val)); }
* \fn nmea_radian2ndeg
* \brief Convert radian to NDEG (NMEA degree)
double nmea_radian2ndeg(double val)
{ return nmea_degree2ndeg(nmea_radian2degree(val)); }
* \brief Calculate PDOP (Position Dilution Of Precision) factor
double nmea_calc_pdop(double hdop, double vdop)
return sqrt(pow(hdop, 2) + pow(vdop, 2));
double nmea_dop2meters(double dop)
{ return (dop * NMEA_DOP_FACTOR); }
double nmea_meters2dop(double meters)
{ return (meters / NMEA_DOP_FACTOR); }
* \brief Calculate distance between two points
* \return Distance in meters
double nmea_distance(
const nmeaPOS *from_pos, /**< From position in radians */
const nmeaPOS *to_pos /**< To position in radians */
double dist = ((double)NMEA_EARTHRADIUS_M) * acos(
sin(to_pos->lat) * sin(from_pos->lat) +
cos(to_pos->lat) * cos(from_pos->lat) * cos(to_pos->lon - from_pos->lon)
return dist;
* \brief Calculate distance between two points
* This function uses an algorithm for an oblate spheroid earth model.
* The algorithm is described here:
* \return Distance in meters
double nmea_distance_ellipsoid(
const nmeaPOS *from_pos, /**< From position in radians */
const nmeaPOS *to_pos, /**< To position in radians */
double *from_azimuth, /**< (O) azimuth at "from" position in radians */
double *to_azimuth /**< (O) azimuth at "to" position in radians */
/* All variables */
double f, a, b, sqr_a, sqr_b;
double L, phi1, phi2, U1, U2, sin_U1, sin_U2, cos_U1, cos_U2;
double sigma, sin_sigma, cos_sigma, cos_2_sigmam, sqr_cos_2_sigmam, sqr_cos_alpha, lambda, sin_lambda, cos_lambda, delta_lambda;
int remaining_steps;
double sqr_u, A, B, delta_sigma;
/* Check input */
NMEA_ASSERT(from_pos != 0);
NMEA_ASSERT(to_pos != 0);
if ((from_pos->lat == to_pos->lat) && (from_pos->lon == to_pos->lon))
{ /* Identical points */
if ( from_azimuth != 0 )
*from_azimuth = 0;
if ( to_azimuth != 0 )
*to_azimuth = 0;
return 0;
} /* Identical points */
/* Earth geometry */
b = (1 - f) * a;
sqr_a = a * a;
sqr_b = b * b;
/* Calculation */
L = to_pos->lon - from_pos->lon;
phi1 = from_pos->lat;
phi2 = to_pos->lat;
U1 = atan((1 - f) * tan(phi1));
U2 = atan((1 - f) * tan(phi2));
sin_U1 = sin(U1);
sin_U2 = sin(U2);
cos_U1 = cos(U1);
cos_U2 = cos(U2);
/* Initialize iteration */
sigma = 0;
sin_sigma = sin(sigma);
cos_sigma = cos(sigma);
cos_2_sigmam = 0;
sqr_cos_2_sigmam = cos_2_sigmam * cos_2_sigmam;
sqr_cos_alpha = 0;
lambda = L;
sin_lambda = sin(lambda);
cos_lambda = cos(lambda);
delta_lambda = lambda;
remaining_steps = 20;
while ((delta_lambda > 1e-12) && (remaining_steps > 0))
{ /* Iterate */
/* Variables */
double tmp1, tmp2, tan_sigma, sin_alpha, cos_alpha, C, lambda_prev;
/* Calculation */
tmp1 = cos_U2 * sin_lambda;
tmp2 = cos_U1 * sin_U2 - sin_U1 * cos_U2 * cos_lambda;
sin_sigma = sqrt(tmp1 * tmp1 + tmp2 * tmp2);
cos_sigma = sin_U1 * sin_U2 + cos_U1 * cos_U2 * cos_lambda;
tan_sigma = sin_sigma / cos_sigma;
sin_alpha = cos_U1 * cos_U2 * sin_lambda / sin_sigma;
cos_alpha = cos(asin(sin_alpha));
sqr_cos_alpha = cos_alpha * cos_alpha;
cos_2_sigmam = cos_sigma - 2 * sin_U1 * sin_U2 / sqr_cos_alpha;
sqr_cos_2_sigmam = cos_2_sigmam * cos_2_sigmam;
C = f / 16 * sqr_cos_alpha * (4 + f * (4 - 3 * sqr_cos_alpha));
lambda_prev = lambda;
sigma = asin(sin_sigma);
lambda = L +
(1 - C) * f * sin_alpha
* (sigma + C * sin_sigma * (cos_2_sigmam + C * cos_sigma * (-1 + 2 * sqr_cos_2_sigmam)));
delta_lambda = lambda_prev - lambda;
if ( delta_lambda < 0 ) delta_lambda = -delta_lambda;
sin_lambda = sin(lambda);
cos_lambda = cos(lambda);
} /* Iterate */
/* More calculation */
sqr_u = sqr_cos_alpha * (sqr_a - sqr_b) / sqr_b;
A = 1 + sqr_u / 16384 * (4096 + sqr_u * (-768 + sqr_u * (320 - 175 * sqr_u)));
B = sqr_u / 1024 * (256 + sqr_u * (-128 + sqr_u * (74 - 47 * sqr_u)));
delta_sigma = B * sin_sigma * (
cos_2_sigmam + B / 4 * (
cos_sigma * (-1 + 2 * sqr_cos_2_sigmam) -
B / 6 * cos_2_sigmam * (-3 + 4 * sin_sigma * sin_sigma) * (-3 + 4 * sqr_cos_2_sigmam)
/* Calculate result */
if ( from_azimuth != 0 )
double tan_alpha_1 = cos_U2 * sin_lambda / (cos_U1 * sin_U2 - sin_U1 * cos_U2 * cos_lambda);
*from_azimuth = atan(tan_alpha_1);
if ( to_azimuth != 0 )
double tan_alpha_2 = cos_U1 * sin_lambda / (-sin_U1 * cos_U2 + cos_U1 * sin_U2 * cos_lambda);
*to_azimuth = atan(tan_alpha_2);
return b * A * (sigma - delta_sigma);
* \brief Horizontal move of point position
int nmea_move_horz(
const nmeaPOS *start_pos, /**< Start position in radians */
nmeaPOS *end_pos, /**< Result position in radians */
double azimuth, /**< Azimuth (degree) [0, 359] */
double distance /**< Distance (km) */
nmeaPOS p1 = *start_pos;
int RetVal = 1;
distance /= NMEA_EARTHRADIUS_KM; /* Angular distance covered on earth's surface */
azimuth = nmea_degree2radian(azimuth);
end_pos->lat = asin(
sin( * cos(distance) + cos( * sin(distance) * cos(azimuth));
end_pos->lon = p1.lon + atan2(
sin(azimuth) * sin(distance) * cos(, cos(distance) - sin( * sin(end_pos->lat));
if(NMEA_POSIX(isnan)(end_pos->lat) || NMEA_POSIX(isnan)(end_pos->lon))
end_pos->lat = 0; end_pos->lon = 0;
RetVal = 0;
return RetVal;
* \brief Horizontal move of point position
* This function uses an algorithm for an oblate spheroid earth model.
* The algorithm is described here:
int nmea_move_horz_ellipsoid(
const nmeaPOS *start_pos, /**< Start position in radians */
nmeaPOS *end_pos, /**< (O) Result position in radians */
double azimuth, /**< Azimuth in radians */
double distance, /**< Distance (km) */
double *end_azimuth /**< (O) Azimuth at end position in radians */
/* Variables */
double f, a, b, sqr_a, sqr_b;
double phi1, tan_U1, sin_U1, cos_U1, s, alpha1, sin_alpha1, cos_alpha1;
double tan_sigma1, sigma1, sin_alpha, cos_alpha, sqr_cos_alpha, sqr_u, A, B;
double sigma_initial, sigma, sigma_prev, sin_sigma, cos_sigma, cos_2_sigmam, sqr_cos_2_sigmam, delta_sigma;
int remaining_steps;
double tmp1, phi2, lambda, C, L;
/* Check input */
NMEA_ASSERT(start_pos != 0);
NMEA_ASSERT(end_pos != 0);
if (fabs(distance) < 1e-12)
{ /* No move */
*end_pos = *start_pos;
if ( end_azimuth != 0 ) *end_azimuth = azimuth;
return ! (NMEA_POSIX(isnan)(end_pos->lat) || NMEA_POSIX(isnan)(end_pos->lon));
} /* No move */
/* Earth geometry */
b = (1 - f) * a;
sqr_a = a * a;
sqr_b = b * b;
/* Calculation */
phi1 = start_pos->lat;
tan_U1 = (1 - f) * tan(phi1);
cos_U1 = 1 / sqrt(1 + tan_U1 * tan_U1);
sin_U1 = tan_U1 * cos_U1;
s = distance;
alpha1 = azimuth;
sin_alpha1 = sin(alpha1);
cos_alpha1 = cos(alpha1);
tan_sigma1 = tan_U1 / cos_alpha1;
sigma1 = atan2(tan_U1, cos_alpha1);
sin_alpha = cos_U1 * sin_alpha1;
sqr_cos_alpha = 1 - sin_alpha * sin_alpha;
cos_alpha = sqrt(sqr_cos_alpha);
sqr_u = sqr_cos_alpha * (sqr_a - sqr_b) / sqr_b;
A = 1 + sqr_u / 16384 * (4096 + sqr_u * (-768 + sqr_u * (320 - 175 * sqr_u)));
B = sqr_u / 1024 * (256 + sqr_u * (-128 + sqr_u * (74 - 47 * sqr_u)));
/* Initialize iteration */
sigma_initial = s / (b * A);
sigma = sigma_initial;
sin_sigma = sin(sigma);
cos_sigma = cos(sigma);
cos_2_sigmam = cos(2 * sigma1 + sigma);
sqr_cos_2_sigmam = cos_2_sigmam * cos_2_sigmam;
delta_sigma = 0;
sigma_prev = 2 * NMEA_PI;
remaining_steps = 20;
while ((fabs(sigma - sigma_prev) > 1e-12) && (remaining_steps > 0))
{ /* Iterate */
cos_2_sigmam = cos(2 * sigma1 + sigma);
sqr_cos_2_sigmam = cos_2_sigmam * cos_2_sigmam;
sin_sigma = sin(sigma);
cos_sigma = cos(sigma);
delta_sigma = B * sin_sigma * (
cos_2_sigmam + B / 4 * (
cos_sigma * (-1 + 2 * sqr_cos_2_sigmam) -
B / 6 * cos_2_sigmam * (-3 + 4 * sin_sigma * sin_sigma) * (-3 + 4 * sqr_cos_2_sigmam)
sigma_prev = sigma;
sigma = sigma_initial + delta_sigma;
remaining_steps --;
} /* Iterate */
/* Calculate result */
tmp1 = (sin_U1 * sin_sigma - cos_U1 * cos_sigma * cos_alpha1);
phi2 = atan2(
sin_U1 * cos_sigma + cos_U1 * sin_sigma * cos_alpha1,
(1 - f) * sqrt(sin_alpha * sin_alpha + tmp1 * tmp1)
lambda = atan2(
sin_sigma * sin_alpha1,
cos_U1 * cos_sigma - sin_U1 * sin_sigma * cos_alpha1
C = f / 16 * sqr_cos_alpha * (4 + f * (4 - 3 * sqr_cos_alpha));
L = lambda -
(1 - C) * f * sin_alpha * (
sigma + C * sin_sigma *
(cos_2_sigmam + C * cos_sigma * (-1 + 2 * sqr_cos_2_sigmam))
/* Result */
end_pos->lon = start_pos->lon + L;
end_pos->lat = phi2;
if ( end_azimuth != 0 )
*end_azimuth = atan2(
sin_alpha, -sin_U1 * sin_sigma + cos_U1 * cos_sigma * cos_alpha1
return ! (NMEA_POSIX(isnan)(end_pos->lat) || NMEA_POSIX(isnan)(end_pos->lon));
* \brief Convert position from INFO to radians position
void nmea_info2pos(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaPOS *pos)
pos->lat = nmea_ndeg2radian(info->lat);
pos->lon = nmea_ndeg2radian(info->lon);
* \brief Convert radians position to INFOs position
void nmea_pos2info(const nmeaPOS *pos, nmeaINFO *info)
info->lat = nmea_radian2ndeg(pos->lat);
info->lon = nmea_radian2ndeg(pos->lon);
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: config.h 17 2008-03-11 11:56:11Z xtimor $
#ifndef __NMEA_CONFIG_H__
#define __NMEA_CONFIG_H__
#define NMEA_VERSION ("0.5.3")
#define NMEA_CONVSTR_BUF (256)
#define NMEA_TIMEPARSE_BUF (256)
#if defined(WINCE) || defined(UNDER_CE)
# define NMEA_CE
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(NMEA_CE)
# define NMEA_WIN
# define NMEA_UNI
#if defined(NMEA_WIN) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
# pragma warning(disable: 4996) /* declared deprecated */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define NMEA_POSIX(x) _##x
# define NMEA_INLINE __inline
# define NMEA_POSIX(x) x
# define NMEA_INLINE inline
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(NMEA_CE)
# include <assert.h>
# define NMEA_ASSERT(x) assert(x)
# define NMEA_ASSERT(x)
#endif /* __NMEA_CONFIG_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: context.h 4 2007-08-27 13:11:03Z xtimor $
#ifndef __NMEA_CONTEXT_H__
#define __NMEA_CONTEXT_H__
#include "config.h"
#define NMEA_DEF_PARSEBUFF (1024)
#define NMEA_MIN_PARSEBUFF (256)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef void (*nmeaTraceFunc)(const char *str, int str_size);
typedef void (*nmeaErrorFunc)(const char *str, int str_size);
typedef struct _nmeaPROPERTY
nmeaTraceFunc trace_func;
nmeaErrorFunc error_func;
int parse_buff_size;
nmeaPROPERTY * nmea_property();
void nmea_trace(const char *str, ...);
void nmea_trace_buff(const char *buff, int buff_size);
void nmea_error(const char *str, ...);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __NMEA_CONTEXT_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: generate.h 4 2007-08-27 13:11:03Z xtimor $
#ifndef __NMEA_GENERATE_H__
#define __NMEA_GENERATE_H__
#include "sentence.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int nmea_generate(
char *buff, int buff_sz, /* buffer */
const nmeaINFO *info, /* source info */
int generate_mask /* mask of sentence`s (e.g. GPGGA | GPGSA) */
int nmea_gen_GPGGA(char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGGA *pack);
int nmea_gen_GPGSA(char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGSA *pack);
int nmea_gen_GPGSV(char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGSV *pack);
int nmea_gen_GPRMC(char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPRMC *pack);
int nmea_gen_GPVTG(char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPVTG *pack);
void nmea_info2GPGGA(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaGPGGA *pack);
void nmea_info2GPGSA(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaGPGSA *pack);
void nmea_info2GPRMC(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaGPRMC *pack);
void nmea_info2GPVTG(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaGPVTG *pack);
int nmea_gsv_npack(int sat_count);
void nmea_info2GPGSV(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaGPGSV *pack, int pack_idx);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __NMEA_GENERATE_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: generator.h 4 2007-08-27 13:11:03Z xtimor $
#ifndef __NMEA_GENERATOR_H__
#define __NMEA_GENERATOR_H__
#include "info.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* high level
struct _nmeaGENERATOR;
enum nmeaGENTYPE
struct _nmeaGENERATOR * nmea_create_generator(int type, nmeaINFO *info);
void nmea_destroy_generator(struct _nmeaGENERATOR *gen);
int nmea_generate_from(
char *buff, int buff_sz, /* buffer */
nmeaINFO *info, /* source info */
struct _nmeaGENERATOR *gen, /* generator */
int generate_mask /* mask of sentence`s (e.g. GPGGA | GPGSA) */
* low level
typedef int (*nmeaNMEA_GEN_INIT)(struct _nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info);
typedef int (*nmeaNMEA_GEN_LOOP)(struct _nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info);
typedef int (*nmeaNMEA_GEN_RESET)(struct _nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info);
typedef int (*nmeaNMEA_GEN_DESTROY)(struct _nmeaGENERATOR *gen);
typedef struct _nmeaGENERATOR
void *gen_data;
nmeaNMEA_GEN_INIT init_call;
nmeaNMEA_GEN_LOOP loop_call;
nmeaNMEA_GEN_RESET reset_call;
nmeaNMEA_GEN_DESTROY destroy_call;
struct _nmeaGENERATOR *next;
int nmea_gen_init(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info);
int nmea_gen_loop(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info);
int nmea_gen_reset(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info);
void nmea_gen_destroy(nmeaGENERATOR *gen);
void nmea_gen_add(nmeaGENERATOR *to, nmeaGENERATOR *gen);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __NMEA_GENERATOR_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: gmath.h 17 2008-03-11 11:56:11Z xtimor $
#ifndef __NMEA_GMATH_H__
#define __NMEA_GMATH_H__
#include "info.h"
#define NMEA_PI (3.141592653589793) /**< PI value */
#define NMEA_PI180 (NMEA_PI / 180) /**< PI division by 180 */
#define NMEA_EARTHRADIUS_KM (6378) /**< Earth's mean radius in km */
#define NMEA_EARTHRADIUS_M (NMEA_EARTHRADIUS_KM * 1000) /**< Earth's mean radius in m */
#define NMEA_EARTH_SEMIMAJORAXIS_M (6378137.0) /**< Earth's semi-major axis in m according WGS84 */
#define NMEA_EARTH_SEMIMAJORAXIS_KM (NMEA_EARTHMAJORAXIS_KM / 1000) /**< Earth's semi-major axis in km according WGS 84 */
#define NMEA_EARTH_FLATTENING (1 / 298.257223563) /**< Earth's flattening according WGS 84 */
#define NMEA_DOP_FACTOR (5) /**< Factor for translating DOP to meters */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* degree VS radian
double nmea_degree2radian(double val);
double nmea_radian2degree(double val);
* NDEG (NMEA degree)
double nmea_ndeg2degree(double val);
double nmea_degree2ndeg(double val);
double nmea_ndeg2radian(double val);
double nmea_radian2ndeg(double val);
double nmea_calc_pdop(double hdop, double vdop);
double nmea_dop2meters(double dop);
double nmea_meters2dop(double meters);
* positions work
void nmea_info2pos(const nmeaINFO *info, nmeaPOS *pos);
void nmea_pos2info(const nmeaPOS *pos, nmeaINFO *info);
double nmea_distance(
const nmeaPOS *from_pos,
const nmeaPOS *to_pos
double nmea_distance_ellipsoid(
const nmeaPOS *from_pos,
const nmeaPOS *to_pos,
double *from_azimuth,
double *to_azimuth
int nmea_move_horz(
const nmeaPOS *start_pos,
nmeaPOS *end_pos,
double azimuth,
double distance
int nmea_move_horz_ellipsoid(
const nmeaPOS *start_pos,
nmeaPOS *end_pos,
double azimuth,
double distance,
double *end_azimuth
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __NMEA_GMATH_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: info.h 10 2007-11-15 14:50:15Z xtimor $
/*! \file */
#ifndef __NMEA_INFO_H__
#define __NMEA_INFO_H__
#include "time.h"
#define NMEA_SIG_BAD (0)
#define NMEA_SIG_LOW (1)
#define NMEA_SIG_MID (2)
#define NMEA_SIG_HIGH (3)
#define NMEA_FIX_BAD (1)
#define NMEA_FIX_2D (2)
#define NMEA_FIX_3D (3)
#define NMEA_MAXSAT (12)
#define NMEA_SATINPACK (4)
#define NMEA_DEF_LAT (5001.2621)
#define NMEA_DEF_LON (3613.0595)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Position data in fractional degrees or radians
typedef struct _nmeaPOS
double lat; /**< Latitude */
double lon; /**< Longitude */
} nmeaPOS;
* Information about satellite
* @see nmeaSATINFO
* @see nmeaGPGSV
typedef struct _nmeaSATELLITE
int id; /**< Satellite PRN number */
int in_use; /**< Used in position fix */
int elv; /**< Elevation in degrees, 90 maximum */
int azimuth; /**< Azimuth, degrees from true north, 000 to 359 */
int sig; /**< Signal, 00-99 dB */
* Information about all satellites in view
* @see nmeaINFO
* @see nmeaGPGSV
typedef struct _nmeaSATINFO
int inuse; /**< Number of satellites in use (not those in view) */
int inview; /**< Total number of satellites in view */
nmeaSATELLITE sat[NMEA_MAXSAT]; /**< Satellites information */
} nmeaSATINFO;
* Summary GPS information from all parsed packets,
* used also for generating NMEA stream
* @see nmea_parse
* @see nmea_GPGGA2info, nmea_...2info
typedef struct _nmeaINFO
int smask; /**< Mask specifying types of packages from which data have been obtained */
nmeaTIME utc; /**< UTC of position */
int sig; /**< GPS quality indicator (0 = Invalid; 1 = Fix; 2 = Differential, 3 = Sensitive) */
int fix; /**< Operating mode, used for navigation (1 = Fix not available; 2 = 2D; 3 = 3D) */
double PDOP; /**< Position Dilution Of Precision */
double HDOP; /**< Horizontal Dilution Of Precision */
double VDOP; /**< Vertical Dilution Of Precision */
double lat; /**< Latitude in NDEG - +/-[degree][min].[sec/60] */
double lon; /**< Longitude in NDEG - +/-[degree][min].[sec/60] */
double elv; /**< Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid) in meters */
double speed; /**< Speed over the ground in kilometers/hour */
double direction; /**< Track angle in degrees True */
double declination; /**< Magnetic variation degrees (Easterly var. subtracts from true course) */
nmeaSATINFO satinfo; /**< Satellites information */
} nmeaINFO;
void nmea_zero_INFO(nmeaINFO *info);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __NMEA_INFO_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: nmea.h 17 2008-03-11 11:56:11Z xtimor $
#ifndef __NMEA_H__
#define __NMEA_H__
#include "./config.h"
#include "./units.h"
#include "./gmath.h"
#include "./info.h"
#include "./sentence.h"
#include "./generate.h"
#include "./generator.h"
#include "./parse.h"
#include "./parser.h"
#include "./context.h"
#endif /* __NMEA_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: parse.h 4 2007-08-27 13:11:03Z xtimor $
#ifndef __NMEA_PARSE_H__
#define __NMEA_PARSE_H__
#include "sentence.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int nmea_pack_type(const char *buff, int buff_sz);
int nmea_find_tail(const char *buff, int buff_sz, int *res_crc);
int nmea_parse_GPGGA(const char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGGA *pack);
int nmea_parse_GPGSA(const char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGSA *pack);
int nmea_parse_GPGSV(const char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGSV *pack);
int nmea_parse_GPRMC(const char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPRMC *pack);
int nmea_parse_GPVTG(const char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPVTG *pack);
void nmea_GPGGA2info(nmeaGPGGA *pack, nmeaINFO *info);
void nmea_GPGSA2info(nmeaGPGSA *pack, nmeaINFO *info);
void nmea_GPGSV2info(nmeaGPGSV *pack, nmeaINFO *info);
void nmea_GPRMC2info(nmeaGPRMC *pack, nmeaINFO *info);
void nmea_GPVTG2info(nmeaGPVTG *pack, nmeaINFO *info);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __NMEA_PARSE_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: parser.h 4 2007-08-27 13:11:03Z xtimor $
#ifndef __NMEA_PARSER_H__
#define __NMEA_PARSER_H__
#include "info.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* high level
typedef struct _nmeaPARSER
void *top_node;
void *end_node;
unsigned char *buffer;
int buff_size;
int buff_use;
} nmeaPARSER;
int nmea_parser_init(nmeaPARSER *parser);
void nmea_parser_destroy(nmeaPARSER *parser);
int nmea_parse(
nmeaPARSER *parser,
const char *buff, int buff_sz,
nmeaINFO *info
* low level
int nmea_parser_push(nmeaPARSER *parser, const char *buff, int buff_sz);
int nmea_parser_top(nmeaPARSER *parser);
int nmea_parser_pop(nmeaPARSER *parser, void **pack_ptr);
int nmea_parser_peek(nmeaPARSER *parser, void **pack_ptr);
int nmea_parser_drop(nmeaPARSER *parser);
int nmea_parser_buff_clear(nmeaPARSER *parser);
int nmea_parser_queue_clear(nmeaPARSER *parser);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __NMEA_PARSER_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: sentence.h 17 2008-03-11 11:56:11Z xtimor $
/*! \file */
#ifndef __NMEA_SENTENCE_H__
#define __NMEA_SENTENCE_H__
#include "info.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* NMEA packets type which parsed and generated by library
enum nmeaPACKTYPE
GPNON = 0x0000, /**< Unknown packet type. */
GPGGA = 0x0001, /**< GGA - Essential fix data which provide 3D location and accuracy data. */
GPGSA = 0x0002, /**< GSA - GPS receiver operating mode, SVs used for navigation, and DOP values. */
GPGSV = 0x0004, /**< GSV - Number of SVs in view, PRN numbers, elevation, azimuth & SNR values. */
GPRMC = 0x0008, /**< RMC - Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/TRANSIT Data. */
GPVTG = 0x0010 /**< VTG - Actual track made good and speed over ground. */
* GGA packet information structure (Global Positioning System Fix Data)
typedef struct _nmeaGPGGA
nmeaTIME utc; /**< UTC of position (just time) */
double lat; /**< Latitude in NDEG - [degree][min].[sec/60] */
char ns; /**< [N]orth or [S]outh */
double lon; /**< Longitude in NDEG - [degree][min].[sec/60] */
char ew; /**< [E]ast or [W]est */
int sig; /**< GPS quality indicator (0 = Invalid; 1 = Fix; 2 = Differential, 3 = Sensitive) */
int satinuse; /**< Number of satellites in use (not those in view) */
double HDOP; /**< Horizontal dilution of precision */
double elv; /**< Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid) */
char elv_units; /**< [M]eters (Antenna height unit) */
double diff; /**< Geoidal separation (Diff. between WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and mean sea level. '-' = geoid is below WGS-84 ellipsoid) */
char diff_units; /**< [M]eters (Units of geoidal separation) */
double dgps_age; /**< Time in seconds since last DGPS update */
int dgps_sid; /**< DGPS station ID number */
} nmeaGPGGA;
* GSA packet information structure (Satellite status)
typedef struct _nmeaGPGSA
char fix_mode; /**< Mode (M = Manual, forced to operate in 2D or 3D; A = Automatic, 3D/2D) */
int fix_type; /**< Type, used for navigation (1 = Fix not available; 2 = 2D; 3 = 3D) */
int sat_prn[NMEA_MAXSAT]; /**< PRNs of satellites used in position fix (null for unused fields) */
double PDOP; /**< Dilution of precision */
double HDOP; /**< Horizontal dilution of precision */
double VDOP; /**< Vertical dilution of precision */
} nmeaGPGSA;
* GSV packet information structure (Satellites in view)
typedef struct _nmeaGPGSV
int pack_count; /**< Total number of messages of this type in this cycle */
int pack_index; /**< Message number */
int sat_count; /**< Total number of satellites in view */
} nmeaGPGSV;
* RMC packet information structure (Recommended Minimum sentence C)
typedef struct _nmeaGPRMC
nmeaTIME utc; /**< UTC of position */
char status; /**< Status (A = active or V = void) */
double lat; /**< Latitude in NDEG - [degree][min].[sec/60] */
char ns; /**< [N]orth or [S]outh */
double lon; /**< Longitude in NDEG - [degree][min].[sec/60] */
char ew; /**< [E]ast or [W]est */
double speed; /**< Speed over the ground in knots */
double direction; /**< Track angle in degrees True */
double declination; /**< Magnetic variation degrees (Easterly var. subtracts from true course) */
char declin_ew; /**< [E]ast or [W]est */
char mode; /**< Mode indicator of fix type (A = autonomous, D = differential, E = estimated, N = not valid, S = simulator) */
} nmeaGPRMC;
* VTG packet information structure (Track made good and ground speed)
typedef struct _nmeaGPVTG
double dir; /**< True track made good (degrees) */
char dir_t; /**< Fixed text 'T' indicates that track made good is relative to true north */
double dec; /**< Magnetic track made good */
char dec_m; /**< Fixed text 'M' */
double spn; /**< Ground speed, knots */
char spn_n; /**< Fixed text 'N' indicates that speed over ground is in knots */
double spk; /**< Ground speed, kilometers per hour */
char spk_k; /**< Fixed text 'K' indicates that speed over ground is in kilometers/hour */
} nmeaGPVTG;
void nmea_zero_GPGGA(nmeaGPGGA *pack);
void nmea_zero_GPGSA(nmeaGPGSA *pack);
void nmea_zero_GPGSV(nmeaGPGSV *pack);
void nmea_zero_GPRMC(nmeaGPRMC *pack);
void nmea_zero_GPVTG(nmeaGPVTG *pack);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __NMEA_SENTENCE_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: time.h 4 2007-08-27 13:11:03Z xtimor $
/*! \file */
#ifndef __NMEA_TIME_H__
#define __NMEA_TIME_H__
#include "config.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Date and time data
* @see nmea_time_now
typedef struct _nmeaTIME
int year; /**< Years since 1900 */
int mon; /**< Months since January - [0,11] */
int day; /**< Day of the month - [1,31] */
int hour; /**< Hours since midnight - [0,23] */
int min; /**< Minutes after the hour - [0,59] */
int sec; /**< Seconds after the minute - [0,59] */
int hsec; /**< Hundredth part of second - [0,99] */
} nmeaTIME;
* \brief Get time now to nmeaTIME structure
void nmea_time_now(nmeaTIME *t);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __NMEA_TIME_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: tok.h 4 2007-08-27 13:11:03Z xtimor $
#ifndef __NMEA_TOK_H__
#define __NMEA_TOK_H__
#include "config.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int nmea_calc_crc(const char *buff, int buff_sz);
int nmea_atoi(const char *str, int str_sz, int radix);
double nmea_atof(const char *str, int str_sz);
int nmea_printf(char *buff, int buff_sz, const char *format, ...);
int nmea_scanf(const char *buff, int buff_sz, const char *format, ...);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __NMEA_TOK_H__ */
* NMEA library
* URL:
* Author: Tim (
* Licence:
* $Id: units.h 4 2007-08-27 13:11:03Z xtimor $
#ifndef __NMEA_UNITS_H__
#define __NMEA_UNITS_H__
#include "config.h"
* Distance units
#define NMEA_TUD_YARDS (1.0936) /**< Yeards, meter * NMEA_TUD_YARDS = yard */
#define NMEA_TUD_KNOTS (1.852) /**< Knots, kilometer / NMEA_TUD_KNOTS = knot */
#define NMEA_TUD_MILES (1.609) /**< Miles, kilometer / NMEA_TUD_MILES = mile */
* Speed units
#define NMEA_TUS_MS (3.6) /**< Meters per seconds, (k/h) / NMEA_TUS_MS= (m/s) */
#endif /* __NMEA_UNITS_H__ */
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