MissionSettings.FactMetaData.json 2.58 KB
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    "name":             "PlannedHomePositionLatitude",
    "shortDescription": "Planned home position latitude",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    7,
    "defaultValue":     37.803784
    "name":             "PlannedHomePositionLongitude",
    "shortDescription": "Planned home position longitude",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    7,
    "defaultValue":     -122.462276
    "name":             "PlannedHomePositionAltitude",
    "shortDescription": "Planned home position altitude",
    "type":             "double",
    "units":            "m",
    "decimalPlaces":    1,
    "defaultValue":     0
    "name":             "FlightSpeed",
    "shortDescription": "Flight speed for mission.",
    "type":             "double",
    "units":            "m/s",
    "min":              0,
    "decimalPlaces":    1
    "name":             "CameraAction",
    "shortDescription": "Specify whether the camera should take photos or video",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "enumStrings":      "No camera action,Take photos (time),Take photos (distance),Take video",
    "enumValues":       "0,1,2,3",
    "defaultValue":     0
    "name":             "CameraPhotoIntervalDistance",
    "shortDescription": "Specify the distance between each photo",
    "type":             "double",
    "units":            "m",
    "min":              0,
    "decimalPlaces":    1,
    "defaultValue":     1
    "name":             "CameraPhotoIntervalTime",
    "shortDescription": "Specify the time between each photo",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "units":            "secs",
    "min":              1,
    "decimalPlaces":    0,
    "defaultValue":     10
    "name":             "GimbalPitch",
    "shortDescription": "Gimbal pitch rotation.",
    "type":             "double",
    "units":            "deg",
    "min":              0.0,
    "max":              360.0,
    "decimalPlaces":    0,
    "defaultValue":     0
    "name":             "GimbalYaw",
    "shortDescription": "Gimbal yaw rotation.",
    "type":             "double",
    "units":            "deg",
    "min":              0.0,
    "max":              360.0,
    "decimalPlaces":    0,
    "defaultValue":     0
    "name":             "MissionEndAction",
    "shortDescription": "The action to take when the mission completed.",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "enumStrings":      "No action on mission completion,Loiter after mission completes,RTL after mission completes,Land after mission completes",
    "enumValues":       "0,1,2,3",
    "defaultValue":     0