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 QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
 (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
 QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.
 QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.

#include "TCPLinkTest.h"
#include <QTcpServer>

/// @file
///     @brief TCPLink class unit test
///     @author Don Gagne <>

TCPLinkUnitTest::TCPLinkUnitTest(void) :

// Called before every test
void TCPLinkUnitTest::init(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_link == NULL);
    Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy == NULL);

    _link = new TCPLink(_hostAddress, _port);
    Q_ASSERT(_link != NULL);

    _rgSignals[bytesReceivedSignalIndex] = SIGNAL(bytesReceived(LinkInterface*, QByteArray));
    _rgSignals[connectedSignalIndex] = SIGNAL(connected(void));
    _rgSignals[disconnectedSignalIndex] = SIGNAL(disconnected(void));
    _rgSignals[connected2SignalIndex] = SIGNAL(connected(bool));
    _rgSignals[nameChangedSignalIndex] = SIGNAL(nameChanged(QString));
    _rgSignals[communicationErrorSignalIndex] = SIGNAL(communicationError(const QString&, const QString&));
    _rgSignals[communicationUpdateSignalIndex] = SIGNAL(communicationUpdate(const QString&, const QString&));
    _rgSignals[deleteLinkSignalIndex] = SIGNAL(deleteLink(LinkInterface* const));

    _multiSpy = new MultiSignalSpy();
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->init(_link, _rgSignals, _cSignals), true);

// Called after every test
void TCPLinkUnitTest::cleanup(void)

    delete _multiSpy;
    delete _link;

    _multiSpy = NULL;
    _link = NULL;

void TCPLinkUnitTest::_properties_test(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy->checkNoSignals() == true);
    // Make sure we get the right values back
    QHostAddress    hostAddressOut;
    quint16         portOut;
    hostAddressOut = _link->getHostAddress();
    QCOMPARE(_hostAddress, hostAddressOut);

    portOut = _link->getPort();
    QCOMPARE(_port, portOut);

void TCPLinkUnitTest::_nameChangedSignal_test(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy->checkNoSignals() == true);
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(nameChangedSignalMask), true);
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(nameChangedSignalMask), true);

void TCPLinkUnitTest::_connectFail_test(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy->checkNoSignals() == true);
    QCOMPARE(_link->connect(), false);

    // Make sure we get a linkError signal with the right link name
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->waitForSignalByIndex(communicationErrorSignalIndex, 1000), true);
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(communicationErrorSignalMask), true);
    QList<QVariant> arguments = _multiSpy->getSpyByIndex(communicationErrorSignalIndex)->takeFirst();
    QCOMPARE(, _link->getName());

    // Try to connect again to make sure everything was cleaned up correctly from previous failed connection
    QCOMPARE(_link->connect(), false);
    // Make sure we get a linkError signal with the right link name
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->waitForSignalByIndex(communicationErrorSignalIndex, 1000), true);
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(communicationErrorSignalMask), true);
    arguments = _multiSpy->getSpyByIndex(communicationErrorSignalIndex)->takeFirst();
    QCOMPARE(, _link->getName());

void TCPLinkUnitTest::_connectSucceed_test(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_multiSpy->checkNoSignals() == true);

    // Start the server side
    QTcpServer* server = new QTcpServer(this);
    QCOMPARE(server->listen(_hostAddress, _port), true);
    // Connect to the server
    QCOMPARE(_link->connect(), true);
    // Wait for the connection to come through on server side
    QCOMPARE(server->waitForNewConnection(1000), true);
    QTcpSocket* serverSocket = server->nextPendingConnection();
    // Make sure we get the two different connected signals
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->waitForSignalByIndex(connectedSignalIndex, 1000), true);
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(connectedSignalMask | connected2SignalMask), true);
    QList<QVariant> arguments = _multiSpy->getSpyByIndex(connected2SignalIndex)->takeFirst();
    QCOMPARE(, true);
    // Test server->link data path

    QByteArray bytesOut("test");
    // Write data from server to link
    // Make sure we get the bytesReceived signal, with the correct data
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->waitForSignalByIndex(bytesReceivedSignalIndex, 1000), true);
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(bytesReceivedSignalMask), true);
    arguments = _multiSpy->getSpyByIndex(bytesReceivedSignalIndex)->takeFirst();
    QCOMPARE(, QVariant(bytesOut));
    // Test link->server data path
    // Write data from link to server
    _link->writeBytes(, bytesOut.size());
    QCOMPARE(_link->getSocket()->waitForBytesWritten(1000), true);

    // Make sure we get readyRead on server
    QCOMPARE(serverSocket->waitForReadyRead(1000), true);

    // Read the data and make sure it matches
    QByteArray bytesIn = serverSocket->read(bytesOut.size() + 100);
    QCOMPARE(bytesIn, bytesOut);
    // Disconnect the link
    // Make sure we get the disconnected signals on link side
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->waitForSignalByIndex(disconnectedSignalIndex, 1000), true);
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(disconnectedSignalMask | connected2SignalMask), true);
    arguments = _multiSpy->getSpyByIndex(connected2SignalIndex)->takeFirst();
    QCOMPARE(, false);
    // Make sure we get disconnected signals from the server side
    QCOMPARE(serverSocket->waitForDisconnected(1000), true  );
    // Try to connect again to make sure everything was cleaned up correctly from previous connection
    // Connect to the server
    QCOMPARE(_link->connect(), true);
    // Wait for the connection to come through on server side
    QCOMPARE(server->waitForNewConnection(1000), true);
    serverSocket = server->nextPendingConnection();
    // Make sure we get the two different connected signals
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->waitForSignalByIndex(connectedSignalIndex, 1000), true);
    QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkOnlySignalByMask(connectedSignalMask | connected2SignalMask), true);
    arguments = _multiSpy->getSpyByIndex(connected2SignalIndex)->takeFirst();
    QCOMPARE(, true);

    delete server;
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