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 * @file
 *   @brief Implementation of class MAVLinkXMLParser
 *   @author Lorenz Meier <>

#include <QFile>
#include <QDir>
#include <QPair>
#include <QList>
#include <QMap>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QLocale>
#include "MAVLinkXMLParser.h"

#include <QDebug>

MAVLinkXMLParser::MAVLinkXMLParser(QDomDocument* document, QString outputDirectory, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent),

MAVLinkXMLParser::MAVLinkXMLParser(QString document, QString outputDirectory, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent)
    doc = new QDomDocument();
    QFile file(document);
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    if ( | QIODevice::Text)) {
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
        const QString instanceText(QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll()));
    fileName = document;
    outputDirName = outputDirectory;


 * Generate C-code (C-89 compliant) out of the XML protocol specs.
bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
    // Process result
    bool success = true;

    // Only generate if output dir is correctly set
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    if (outputDirName == "") {
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
        emit parseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: No output directory given.\nAbort.</font>"));
        return false;

    QString topLevelOutputDirName = outputDirName;

    // print out the element names of all elements that are direct children
    // of the outermost element.
    QDomElement docElem = doc->documentElement();
    QDomNode n = docElem;//.firstChild();
    QDomNode p = docElem;

    // Sanity check variables
    QList<int>* usedMessageIDs = new QList<int>();
    QMap<QString, QString>* usedMessageNames = new QMap<QString, QString>();
    QMap<QString, QString>* usedEnumNames = new QMap<QString, QString>();

    QList< QPair<QString, QString> > cFiles;
    QString lcmStructDefs = "";

    QString pureFileName;
    QString pureIncludeFileName;

    QFileInfo fInfo(this->fileName);
    pureFileName = fInfo.baseName().split(".", QString::SkipEmptyParts).first();

    // XML parsed and converted to C code. Now generating the files
    outputDirName += QDir::separator() + pureFileName;
    QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC();
    QLocale loc(QLocale::English);
    QString dateFormat = "dddd, MMMM d yyyy, hh:mm UTC";
    QString date = loc.toString(now, dateFormat);
    QString includeLine = "#include \"%1\"\n";
    QString mainHeaderName = pureFileName + ".h";
    QString messagesDirName = ".";//"generated";
    QDir dir(outputDirName + "/" + messagesDirName);

    int mavlinkVersion = 0;

    // we need to gather the message lengths across multiple includes,
    // which we can do via detecting recursion
    static unsigned message_lengths[256];
    static int highest_message_id;
    static int recursion_level;

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    if (recursion_level == 0) {
100 101 102 103 104 105
        highest_message_id = 0;
        memset(message_lengths, 0, sizeof(message_lengths));

    // Start main header
    QString mainHeader = QString("/** @file\n *\t@brief MAVLink comm protocol.\n *\t@see\n *\t Generated on %1\n */\n#ifndef " + pureFileName.toUpper() + "_H\n#define " + pureFileName.toUpper() + "_H\n\n").arg(date); // The main header includes all messages
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
    // Mark all code as C code
    mainHeader += "#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n\n";
    mainHeader += "\n#include \"../protocol.h\"\n";
    mainHeader += "\n#define MAVLINK_ENABLED_" + pureFileName.toUpper() + "\n\n";

    QString enums;

    // Run through root children
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    while(!n.isNull()) {
117 118
        // Each child is a message
        QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element.
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119 120
        if(!e.isNull()) {
            if (e.tagName() == "mavlink") {
121 122
                p = n;
                n = n.firstChild();
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                while (!n.isNull()) {
                    e = n.toElement();
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                    if (!e.isNull()) {
                        // Handle all include tags
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                        if (e.tagName() == "include") {
128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
                            QString incFileName = e.text();
                            // Load file
                            //QDomDocument includeDoc = QDomDocument();

                            // Prepend file path if it is a relative path and
                            // make it relative to opened file
                            QFileInfo fInfo(incFileName);

                            QString incFilePath;
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                            if (fInfo.isRelative()) {
138 139 140 141 142 143
                                QFileInfo rInfo(this->fileName);
                                incFilePath = rInfo.absoluteDir().canonicalPath() + "/" + incFileName;
                                pureIncludeFileName = fInfo.baseName().split(".", QString::SkipEmptyParts).first();

                            QFile file(incFilePath);
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                            if ( | QIODevice::Text)) {
145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
                                emit parseState(QString("<font color=\"green\">Included messages from file: %1</font>").arg(incFileName));
                                // NEW MODE: CREATE INDIVIDUAL FOLDERS
                                // Create new output directory, parse included XML and generate C-code
                                MAVLinkXMLParser includeParser(incFilePath, topLevelOutputDirName, this);
                                connect(&includeParser, SIGNAL(parseState(QString)), this, SIGNAL(parseState(QString)));
                                // Generate and write
                                // Abort if inclusion fails
                                if (!includeParser.generate()) return false;
                                mainHeader += "\n#include \"../" + pureIncludeFileName + "/" + pureIncludeFileName + ".h\"\n";

                                // OLD MODE: MERGE BOTH FILES
                                //                                        const QString instanceText(QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll()));
                                //                                        includeDoc.setContent(instanceText);
                                //                                // Get all messages
                                //                                QDomNode in = includeDoc.documentElement().firstChild();
                                //                                QDomElement ie = in.toElement();
                                //                                if (!ie.isNull())
                                //                                {
                                //                                    if (ie.tagName() == "messages" || ie.tagName() == "include")
                                //                                    {
                                //                                        QDomNode ref = n.parentNode().insertAfter(in, n);
                                //                                        if (ref.isNull())
                                //                                        {
                                //                                            emit parseState(QString("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Inclusion failed: XML syntax error in file %1. Wrong/misspelled XML?\nAbort.</font>").arg(fileName));
                                //                                            return false;
                                //                                        }
                                //                                    }
                                //                                }

                                emit parseState(QString("<font color=\"green\">End of inclusion from file: %1</font>").arg(incFileName));
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                            } else {
179 180 181 182 183 184 185
                                // Include file could not be opened
                                emit parseState(QString("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Failed including file: %1, file is not readable. Wrong/misspelled filename?\nAbort.</font>").arg(fileName));
                                return false;

                        // Handle all enum tags
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                        else if (e.tagName() == "version") {
187 188 189 190 191
                            //QString fieldType = e.attribute("type", "");
                            //QString fieldName = e.attribute("name", "");
                            QString fieldText = e.text();

                            // Check if version has been previously set
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                            if (mavlinkVersion != 0) {
193 194 195 196 197 198
                                emit parseState(QString("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Protocol version tag set twice, please use it only once. First version was %1, second version is %2.\nAbort.</font>").arg(mavlinkVersion).arg(fieldText));
                                return false;

                            bool ok;
                            int version = fieldText.toInt(&ok);
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                            if (ok && (version > 0) && (version < 256)) {
200 201
                                // Set MAVLink version
                                mavlinkVersion = version;
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                            } else {
203 204 205 206 207
                                emit parseState(QString("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Reading version string failed: %1, string is not an integer number between 1 and 255.\nAbort.</font>").arg(fieldText));
                                return false;
                        // Handle all enum tags
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                        else if (e.tagName() == "enums") {
209 210 211
                            // One down into the enums list
                            p = n;
                            n = n.firstChild();
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                            while (!n.isNull()) {
213 214 215 216 217 218 219
                                e = n.toElement();

                                QString currEnum;
                                QString currEnumEnd;
                                // Comment
                                QString comment;

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                                if(!e.isNull() && e.tagName() == "enum") {
221 222
                                    // Get enum name
                                    QString enumName = e.attribute("name", "").toLower();
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                                    if (enumName.size() == 0) {
224 225
                                        emit parseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Missing required name=\"\" attribute for tag %2 near line %1\nAbort.</font>").arg(QString::number(e.lineNumber()), e.tagName()));
                                        return false;
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                                    } else {
                                        // Sanity check: Accept only enum names not used previously
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                                        if (usedEnumNames->contains(enumName)) {
229 230
                                            emit parseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Enum name %1 used twice, second occurence near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.</font>").arg(enumName, QString::number(e.lineNumber()), fileName));
                                            return false;
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                                        } else {
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242
                                            usedEnumNames->insert(enumName, QString::number(e.lineNumber()));

                                        // Everything sane, starting with enum content
                                        currEnum = "enum " + enumName.toUpper() + "\n{\n";
                                        currEnumEnd = QString("\t%1_ENUM_END\n};\n\n").arg(enumName.toUpper());

                                        int nextEnumValue = 0;

                                        // Get the enum fields
                                        QDomNode f = e.firstChild();
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                                        while (!f.isNull()) {
                                            QDomElement e2 = f.toElement();
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                                            if (!e2.isNull() && e2.tagName() == "entry") {
246 247 248 249 250 251
                                                QString fieldValue = e2.attribute("value", "");

                                                // If value was given, use it, if not, use the enum iterator
                                                // value. The iterator value gets reset by manual values

                                                QString fieldName = e2.attribute("name", "");
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                                                if (fieldValue.length() == 0) {
253 254
                                                    fieldValue = QString::number(nextEnumValue);
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                                                } else {
256 257
                                                    bool ok;
                                                    nextEnumValue = fieldValue.toInt(&ok) + 1;
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                                                    if (!ok) {
259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269
                                                        emit parseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Enum entry %1 has not a valid number (%2) in the value field.\nAbort.</font>").arg(fieldName, fieldValue));
                                                        return false;

                                                // Add comment of field if there is one
                                                QString fieldComment;
                                                if (e2.text().length() > 0)
                                                    QString sep(" | ");
                                                    QDomNode pp = e2.firstChild();
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                                                    while (!pp.isNull()) {
271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279
                                                        QDomElement pp2 = pp.toElement();
                                                        if (pp2.isText() || pp2.isCDATASection())
                                                            fieldComment +=  pp2.nodeValue() + sep;
                                                        else if (pp2.isElement())
                                                            fieldComment += pp2.text() + sep;
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                                                        pp = pp.nextSibling();
281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308
                                                    fieldComment = fieldComment.replace("\n", " ");
                                                    fieldComment = " /* " + fieldComment.simplified() + " */";
                                                currEnum += "\t" + fieldName.toUpper() + "=" + fieldValue + "," + fieldComment + "\n";
                                            else if(!e2.isNull() && e2.tagName() == "description")
                                                comment = " " + e2.text().replace("\n", " ") + comment;
                                            f = f.nextSibling();
                                    // Add the last parsed enum
                                    // Remove the last comma, as the last value has none
                                    // ENUM END MARKER IS LAST ENTRY, COMMA REMOVAL NOT NEEDED
                                    //int commaPosition = currEnum.lastIndexOf(",");
                                    //currEnum.remove(commaPosition, 1);

                                    enums += "/** @brief " + comment  + " */\n" + currEnum + currEnumEnd;
                                } // Element is non-zero and element name is <enum>
                                n = n.nextSibling();
                            } // While through <enums>
                            // One up, back into the <mavlink> structure
                            n = p;

                        // Handle all message tags
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                        else if (e.tagName() == "messages") {
310 311
                            p = n;
                            n = n.firstChild();
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                            while (!n.isNull()) {
                                e = n.toElement();
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                                if(!e.isNull()) {
315 316 317
                                    //if (e.isNull()) continue;
                                    // Get message name
                                    QString messageName = e.attribute("name", "").toLower();
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                                    if (messageName.size() == 0) {
319 320
                                        emit parseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Missing required name=\"\" attribute for tag %2 near line %1\nAbort.</font>").arg(QString::number(e.lineNumber()), e.tagName()));
                                        return false;
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                                    } else {
322 323 324 325 326 327
                                        // Get message id
                                        bool ok;
                                        int messageId = e.attribute("id", "-1").toInt(&ok, 10);
                                        emit parseState(tr("Compiling message <strong>%1 \t(#%3)</strong> \tnear line %2").arg(messageName, QString::number(n.lineNumber()), QString::number(messageId)));

                                        // Sanity check: Accept only message IDs not used previously
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                                        if (usedMessageIDs->contains(messageId)) {
329 330
                                            emit parseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Message ID %1 used twice, second occurence near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.</font>").arg(QString::number(messageId), QString::number(e.lineNumber()), fileName));
                                            return false;
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                                        } else {
332 333 334 335

                                        // Sanity check: Accept only message names not used previously
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                                        if (usedMessageNames->contains(messageName)) {
337 338
                                            emit parseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Message name %1 used twice, second occurence near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.</font>").arg(messageName, QString::number(e.lineNumber()), fileName));
                                            return false;
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                                        } else {
340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377
                                            usedMessageNames->insert(messageName, QString::number(e.lineNumber()));

                                        QString channelType("mavlink_channel_t");
                                        QString messageType("mavlink_message_t");

                                        // Build up function call
                                        QString commentContainer("/**\n * @brief Pack a %1 message\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n *\n%2 * @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)\n */\n");
                                        QString commentPackChanContainer("/**\n * @brief Pack a %1 message\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param chan The MAVLink channel this message was sent over\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n%2 * @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)\n */\n");
                                        QString commentSendContainer("/**\n * @brief Send a %1 message\n * @param chan MAVLink channel to send the message\n *\n%2 */\n");
                                        QString commentEncodeContainer("/**\n * @brief Encode a %1 struct into a message\n *\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n * @param %1 C-struct to read the message contents from\n */\n");
                                        QString commentDecodeContainer("/**\n * @brief Decode a %1 message into a struct\n *\n * @param msg The message to decode\n * @param %1 C-struct to decode the message contents into\n */\n");
                                        QString commentEntry(" * @param %1 %2\n");
                                        QString idDefine = QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%1 %2").arg(messageName.toUpper(), QString::number(messageId));
                                        QString arrayDefines;
                                        QString cStructName = QString("mavlink_%1_t").arg(messageName);
                                        QString cStruct("typedef struct __%1 \n{\n%2\n} %1;");
                                        QString cStructLines;
                                        QString encode("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_encode(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg, const %2* %1)\n{\n\treturn mavlink_msg_%1_pack(%3);\n}\n");

                                        QString decode("static inline void mavlink_msg_%1_decode(const mavlink_message_t* msg, %2* %1)\n{\n%3}\n");
                                        QString pack("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_pack(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg%2)\n{\n\tuint16_t i = 0;\n\tmsg->msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%3;\n\n%4\n\treturn mavlink_finalize_message(msg, system_id, component_id, i);\n}\n\n");
                                        QString packChan("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_pack_chan(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, uint8_t chan, mavlink_message_t* msg%2)\n{\n\tuint16_t i = 0;\n\tmsg->msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%3;\n\n%4\n\treturn mavlink_finalize_message_chan(msg, system_id, component_id, chan, i);\n}\n\n");
                                        QString compactSend("#ifdef MAVLINK_USE_CONVENIENCE_FUNCTIONS\n\nstatic inline void mavlink_msg_%3_send(%1 chan%5)\n{\n\t%2 msg;\n\tmavlink_msg_%3_pack_chan(mavlink_system.sysid, mavlink_system.compid, chan, &msg%4);\n\tmavlink_send_uart(chan, &msg);\n}\n\n#endif");
                                        //QString compactStructSend = "#ifdef MAVLINK_USE_CONVENIENCE_FUNCTIONS\n\nstatic inline void mavlink_msg_%3_struct_send(%1 chan%5)\n{\n\t%2 msg;\n\tmavlink_msg_%3_encode(mavlink_system.sysid, mavlink_system.compid, &msg%4);\n\tmavlink_send_uart(chan, &msg);\n}\n\n#endif";
                                        QString unpacking;
                                        QString prepends;
                                        QString packParameters;
                                        QString packArguments("system_id, component_id, msg");
                                        QString packLines;
                                        QString decodeLines;
                                        QString sendArguments;
                                        QString commentLines;
                                        unsigned message_length = 0;

                                        // Get the message fields
                                        QDomNode f = e.firstChild();
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                                        while (!f.isNull()) {
                                            QDomElement e2 = f.toElement();
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                                            if (!e2.isNull() && e2.tagName() == "field") {
381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388
                                                QString fieldType = e2.attribute("type", "");
                                                QString fieldName = e2.attribute("name", "");
                                                QString fieldText = e2.text();

                                                QString unpackingCode;
                                                QString unpackingComment = QString("/**\n * @brief Get field %1 from %2 message\n *\n * @return %3\n */\n").arg(fieldName, messageName, fieldText);

                                                // Send arguments do not work for the version field
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                                                if (!fieldType.contains("uint8_t_mavlink_version")) {
390 391 392 393 394 395 396
                                                    // Send arguments are the same for integral types and arrays
                                                    sendArguments += ", " + fieldName;
                                                    commentLines += commentEntry.arg(fieldName, fieldText.replace("\n", " "));

                                                // MAVLink version field
                                                // this is a special field always containing the version define
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                                                if (fieldType.contains("uint8_t_mavlink_version")) {
398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406
                                                    // Add field to C structure
                                                    cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2; ///< %3\n").arg("uint8_t", fieldName, fieldText);
                                                    // Add pack line to message_xx_pack function
                                                    packLines += QString("\ti += put_uint8_t_by_index(%1, i, msg->payload); // %2\n").arg(mavlinkVersion).arg(fieldText);
                                                    // Add decode function for this type
                                                    decodeLines += QString("\t%1->%2 = mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName);

                                                // Array handling is different from simple types
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                                                else if (fieldType.startsWith("array")) {
408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419
                                                    int arrayLength = QString(fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first()).toInt();
                                                    QString arrayType = fieldType.split("[").first();
                                                    packParameters += QString(", const ") + QString("int8_t*") + " " + fieldName;
                                                    packArguments += ", " + messageName + "->" + fieldName;

                                                    // Add field to C structure
                                                    cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2[%3]; ///< %4\n").arg("int8_t", fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
                                                    // Add pack line to message_xx_pack function
                                                    packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, %3, i, msg->payload); // %4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
                                                    // Add decode function for this type
                                                    decodeLines += QString("\tmavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg, %1->%2);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName);
                                                    arrayDefines += QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_%1_FIELD_%2_LEN %3\n").arg(messageName.toUpper(), fieldName.toUpper(), QString::number(arrayLength));
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                                                } else if (fieldType.startsWith("string")) {
421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434
                                                    int arrayLength = QString(fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first()).toInt();
                                                    QString arrayType = fieldType.split("[").first();
                                                    packParameters += QString(", const ") + QString("char*") + " " + fieldName;
                                                    packArguments += ", " + messageName + "->" + fieldName;

                                                    // Add field to C structure
                                                    cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2[%3]; ///< %4\n").arg("char", fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
                                                    // Add pack line to message_xx_pack function
                                                    packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, %3, i, msg->payload); // %4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), e2.text());
                                                    // Add decode function for this type
                                                    decodeLines += QString("\tmavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg, %1->%2);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName);
                                                    arrayDefines += QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_%1_FIELD_%2_LEN %3\n").arg(messageName.toUpper(), fieldName.toUpper(), QString::number(arrayLength));
                                                // Expand array handling to all valid mavlink data types
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                                                else if(fieldType.contains('[') && fieldType.contains(']')) {
436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454
                                                    int arrayLength = QString(fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first()).toInt();
                                                    QString arrayType = fieldType.split("[").first();
                                                    packParameters += QString(", const ") + arrayType + "* " + fieldName;
                                                    packArguments += ", " + messageName + "->" + fieldName;

                                                    // Add field to C structure
                                                    cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2[%3]; ///< %4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
                                                    // Add pack line to message_xx_pack function
                                                    packLines += QString("\ti += put_array_by_index((const int8_t*)%1, sizeof(%2)*%3, i, msg->payload); // %4\n").arg(fieldName, arrayType, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
                                                    // Add decode function for this type
                                                    decodeLines += QString("\tmavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg, %1->%2);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName);
                                                    arrayDefines += QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_%1_FIELD_%2_LEN %3\n").arg(messageName.toUpper(), fieldName.toUpper(), QString::number(arrayLength));

                                                    unpackingCode = QString("\n\tmemcpy(r_data, msg->payload%1, sizeof(%2)*%3);\n\treturn sizeof(%2)*%3;").arg(prepends, arrayType, QString::number(arrayLength));

                                                    unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(const mavlink_message_t* msg, %3* r_data)\n{\n%4\n}\n\n").arg(messageName, fieldName, arrayType, unpackingCode);
                                                    //                                                    decodeLines += "";
                                                    prepends += QString("+sizeof(%1)*%2").arg(arrayType, QString::number(arrayLength));

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                                                } else
456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472
                                                    // Handle simple types like integers and floats
                                                    packParameters += ", " + fieldType + " " + fieldName;
                                                    packArguments += ", " + messageName + "->" + fieldName;

                                                    // Add field to C structure
                                                    cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2; ///< %3\n").arg(fieldType, fieldName, fieldText);
                                                    // Add pack line to message_xx_pack function
                                                    packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, i, msg->payload); // %3\n").arg(fieldType, fieldName, e2.text());
                                                    // Add decode function for this type
                                                    decodeLines += QString("\t%1->%2 = mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName);

                                                // message length calculation
                                                unsigned element_multiplier = 1;
                                                unsigned element_length = 0;
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                const struct {
474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489
                                                    const char *prefix;
                                                    unsigned length;
                                                } length_map[] = {
                                                        { "array",  1 },
                                                        { "char",   1 },
                                                        { "uint8",  1 },
                                                        { "int8",   1 },
                                                        { "uint16", 2 },
                                                        { "int16",  2 },
                                                        { "uint32", 4 },
                                                        { "int32",  4 },
                                                        { "uint64", 8 },
                                                        { "int64",  8 },
                                                        { "float",  4 },
                                                        { "double", 8 },
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                if (fieldType.contains("[")) {
491 492
                                                    element_multiplier = fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first().toInt();
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                for (unsigned i=0; i<sizeof(length_map)/sizeof(length_map[0]); i++) {
494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506
                                                    if (fieldType.startsWith(length_map[i].prefix)) {
                                                        element_length = length_map[i].length * element_multiplier;
                                                if (element_length == 0) {
                                                    emit parseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Unable to calculate length for %2 near line %1\nAbort.</font>").arg(QString::number(e.lineNumber()), fieldType));
                                                message_length += element_length;

                                                //                                                QString unpackingCode;

LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                if (fieldType == "uint8_t_mavlink_version") {
                                                    unpackingCode = QString("\treturn (%1)(msg->payload%2)[0];").arg("uint8_t", prepends);
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                } else if (fieldType == "uint8_t" || fieldType == "int8_t") {
                                                    unpackingCode = QString("\treturn (%1)(msg->payload%2)[0];").arg(fieldType, prepends);
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                } else if (fieldType == "uint16_t" || fieldType == "int16_t") {
                                                    unpackingCode = QString("\tgeneric_16bit r;\n\tr.b[1] = (msg->payload%1)[0];\n\tr.b[0] = (msg->payload%1)[1];\n\treturn (%2)r.s;").arg(prepends).arg(fieldType);
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                } else if (fieldType == "uint32_t" || fieldType == "int32_t") {
                                                    unpackingCode = QString("\tgeneric_32bit r;\n\tr.b[3] = (msg->payload%1)[0];\n\tr.b[2] = (msg->payload%1)[1];\n\tr.b[1] = (msg->payload%1)[2];\n\tr.b[0] = (msg->payload%1)[3];\n\treturn (%2)r.i;").arg(prepends).arg(fieldType);
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                } else if (fieldType == "float") {
                                                    unpackingCode = QString("\tgeneric_32bit r;\n\tr.b[3] = (msg->payload%1)[0];\n\tr.b[2] = (msg->payload%1)[1];\n\tr.b[1] = (msg->payload%1)[2];\n\tr.b[0] = (msg->payload%1)[3];\n\treturn (%2)r.f;").arg(prepends).arg(fieldType);
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                } else if (fieldType == "uint64_t" || fieldType == "int64_t") {
                                                    unpackingCode = QString("\tgeneric_64bit r;\n\tr.b[7] = (msg->payload%1)[0];\n\tr.b[6] = (msg->payload%1)[1];\n\tr.b[5] = (msg->payload%1)[2];\n\tr.b[4] = (msg->payload%1)[3];\n\tr.b[3] = (msg->payload%1)[4];\n\tr.b[2] = (msg->payload%1)[5];\n\tr.b[1] = (msg->payload%1)[6];\n\tr.b[0] = (msg->payload%1)[7];\n\treturn (%2)r.ll;").arg(prepends).arg(fieldType);
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                } else if (fieldType.startsWith("array")) {
520 521
                                                    // fieldtype formatis string[n] where n is the number of bytes, extract n from field type string
                                                    unpackingCode = QString("\n\tmemcpy(r_data, msg->payload%1, %2);\n\treturn %2;").arg(prepends, fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first());
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                } else if (fieldType.startsWith("string")) {
523 524 525 526 527 528
                                                    // fieldtype formatis string[n] where n is the number of bytes, extract n from field type string
                                                    unpackingCode = QString("\n\tstrcpy(r_data, msg->payload%1, %2);\n\treturn %2;").arg(prepends, fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first());

                                                // Generate the message decoding function
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                if (fieldType.contains("uint8_t_mavlink_version")) {
530 531 532 533 534
                                                    unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline %1 mavlink_msg_%2_get_%3(const mavlink_message_t* msg)\n{\n%4\n}\n\n").arg("uint8_t", messageName, fieldName, unpackingCode);
                                                    decodeLines += "";
                                                    prepends += "+sizeof(uint8_t)";
                                                // Array handling is different from simple types
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                else if (fieldType.startsWith("array")) {
536 537 538 539
                                                    unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(const mavlink_message_t* msg, int8_t* r_data)\n{\n%4\n}\n\n").arg(messageName, fieldName, unpackingCode);
                                                    decodeLines += "";
                                                    QString arrayLength = QString(fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first());
                                                    prepends += "+" + arrayLength;
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                } else if (fieldType.startsWith("string")) {
541 542 543 544
                                                    unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(const mavlink_message_t* msg, char* r_data)\n{\n%4\n}\n\n").arg(messageName, fieldName, unpackingCode);
                                                    decodeLines += "";
                                                    QString arrayLength = QString(fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first());
                                                    prepends += "+" + arrayLength;
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                } else if(fieldType.contains('[') && fieldType.contains(']')) {
                                                    // prevent this case from being caught in the following else
LM's avatar
LM committed
                                                } else {
548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555
                                                    unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline %1 mavlink_msg_%2_get_%3(const mavlink_message_t* msg)\n{\n%4\n}\n\n").arg(fieldType, messageName, fieldName, unpackingCode);
                                                    decodeLines += "";
                                                    prepends += "+sizeof(" + e2.attribute("type", "void") + ")";
                                            f = f.nextSibling();

LM's avatar
LM committed
                                        if (messageId > highest_message_id) {
557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602
                                            highest_message_id = messageId;
                                        message_lengths[messageId] = message_length;

                                        cStruct = cStruct.arg(cStructName, cStructLines);
                                        pack = pack.arg(messageName, packParameters, messageName.toUpper(), packLines);
                                        packChan = packChan.arg(messageName, packParameters, messageName.toUpper(), packLines);
                                        encode = encode.arg(messageName).arg(cStructName).arg(packArguments);
                                        decode = decode.arg(messageName).arg(cStructName).arg(decodeLines);
                                        compactSend = compactSend.arg(channelType, messageType, messageName, sendArguments, packParameters);
                                        QString cFile = "// MESSAGE " + messageName.toUpper() + " PACKING\n\n" + idDefine + "\n\n" + cStruct + "\n\n" + arrayDefines + "\n\n" + commentContainer.arg(messageName.toLower(), commentLines) + pack + commentPackChanContainer.arg(messageName.toLower(), commentLines) + packChan + commentEncodeContainer.arg(messageName.toLower()) + encode + "\n" + commentSendContainer.arg(messageName.toLower(), commentLines) + compactSend + "\n" + "// MESSAGE " + messageName.toUpper() + " UNPACKING\n\n" + unpacking + commentDecodeContainer.arg(messageName.toLower()) + decode;
                                        cFiles.append(qMakePair(QString("mavlink_msg_%1.h").arg(messageName), cFile));
                                    } // Check if tag = message
                                } // Check if e = NULL
                                n = n.nextSibling();
                            } // While through <message>
                            n = p;

                        } // Check if tag = messages
                    } // Check if e = NULL
                    n = n.nextSibling();
                } // While through include and messages
                // One up - current node = parent
                n = p;

            } // Check if tag = mavlink
        } // Check if e = NULL
        n = n.nextSibling();
    } // While through root children

    // Add version to main header

    mainHeader += "// MAVLINK VERSION\n\n";
    mainHeader += QString("#ifndef MAVLINK_VERSION\n#define MAVLINK_VERSION %1\n#endif\n\n").arg(mavlinkVersion);
    mainHeader += QString("#if (MAVLINK_VERSION == 0)\n#undef MAVLINK_VERSION\n#define MAVLINK_VERSION %1\n#endif\n\n").arg(mavlinkVersion);

    // Add enums to main header

    mainHeader += "// ENUM DEFINITIONS\n\n";
    mainHeader += enums;
    mainHeader += "\n";

    mainHeader += "// MESSAGE DEFINITIONS\n\n";
    // Create directory if it doesn't exist, report result in success
    if (!dir.exists()) success = success && dir.mkpath(outputDirName + "/" + messagesDirName);
LM's avatar
LM committed
    for (int i = 0; i < cFiles.size(); i++) {
604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614
        QFile rawFile(dir.filePath(;
        bool ok = | QIODevice::Text);
        success = success && ok;
        mainHeader += includeLine.arg(messagesDirName + "/" +;

    mainHeader += "\n\n// MESSAGE LENGTHS\n\n";
    mainHeader += "#undef MAVLINK_MESSAGE_LENGTHS\n";
    mainHeader += "#define MAVLINK_MESSAGE_LENGTHS { ";
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LM committed
    for (int i=0; i<highest_message_id; i++) {
616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651
        mainHeader += QString::number(message_lengths[i]);
        if (i < highest_message_id-1) mainHeader += ", ";
    mainHeader += " }\n\n";

    mainHeader += "#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n";
    mainHeader += "#endif";
    // Newline to make compiler happy
    mainHeader += "\n";

    // Write main header
    QFile rawHeader(outputDirName + "/" + mainHeaderName);
    bool ok = | QIODevice::Text);
    success = success && ok;

    // Write alias mavlink header
    QFile mavlinkHeader(outputDirName + "/mavlink.h");
    ok = | QIODevice::Text);
    success = success && ok;
    QString mHeader = QString("/** @file\n *\t@brief MAVLink comm protocol.\n *\t@see\n *\t Generated on %1\n */\n#ifndef MAVLINK_H\n#define MAVLINK_H\n\n").arg(date); // The main header includes all messages
    // Mark all code as C code
    mHeader += "#include \"" + mainHeaderName + "\"\n\n";
    mHeader += "#endif\n";

    // Write C structs / lcm definitions
    //    QFile lcmStructs(outputDirName + "/mavlink.lcm");
    //    ok = | QIODevice::Text);
    //    success = success && ok;
    //    lcmStructs.write(lcmStructDefs.toLatin1());

    return success;