QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.
/// @file
/// @brief Base class for all unit tests
/// @author Don Gagne <>
#ifndef UNITTEST_H
#define UNITTEST_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QtTest>
#include <QMessageBox>
#define UT_REGISTER_TEST(className) static UnitTestWrapper<className> t(#className);
class QGCMessageBox;
class UnitTest;
class UnitTest : public QObject
virtual ~UnitTest(void);
/// @brief Called to run all the registered unit tests
/// @param singleTest Name of test to just run a single test
static int run(QString& singleTest);
/// @brief Sets up for an expected QGCMessageBox
/// @param response Response to take on message box
void setExpectedMessageBox(QMessageBox::StandardButton response);
/// @brief Types for UnitTest::setExpectedFileDialog
enum FileDialogType {
/// @brief Sets up for an expected QGCFileDialog
/// @param type Type of expected file dialog
/// @param response Files to return from call. Multiple files only supported by getOpenFileNames
void setExpectedFileDialog(enum FileDialogType type, QStringList response);
enum {
expectFailNoFailure = 1 << 0, ///< not expecting any failures
expectFailNoDialog = 1 << 1, ///< expecting a failure due to no dialog displayed
expectFailBadResponseButton = 1 << 2, ///< expecting a failure due to bad button response (QGCMessageBox only)
expectFailWrongFileDialog = 1 << 3 ///< expecting one dialog type, got the wrong type (QGCFileDialog ony)
/// @brief Check whether a message box was displayed and correctly responded to
// @param Expected failure response flags
void checkExpectedMessageBox(int expectFailFlags = expectFailNoFailure);
/// @brief Check whether a message box was displayed and correctly responded to
// @param Expected failure response flags
void checkExpectedFileDialog(int expectFailFlags = expectFailNoFailure);
/// @brief Adds a unit test to the list. Should only be called by UnitTestWrapper.
protected slots:
// These are all pure virtuals to force the derived class to implement each one and in turn
// call the UnitTest private implementation.
/// @brief Called before each test.
/// Make sure to call _init first in your derived class.
virtual void init(void);
/// @brief Called after each test.
/// Make sure to call _cleanup first in your derived class.
virtual void cleanup(void);
bool _expectMissedFileDialog; // true: expect a missed file dialog, used for internal testing
bool _expectMissedMessageBox; // true: expect a missed message box, used for internal testing
// When the app is running in unit test mode the QGCMessageBox methods are re-routed here.
static QMessageBox::StandardButton _messageBox(QMessageBox::Icon icon,
const QString& title,
const QString& text,
QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons,
QMessageBox::StandardButton defaultButton);
// This allows the private call to _messageBox
friend class QGCMessageBox;
// When the app is running in unit test mode the QGCFileDialog methods are re-routed here.
static QString _getExistingDirectory(
QWidget* parent,
const QString& caption,
const QString& dir,
QFileDialog::Options options);
static QString _getOpenFileName(
QWidget* parent,
const QString& caption,
const QString& dir,
const QString& filter,
QFileDialog::Options options);
static QStringList _getOpenFileNames(
QWidget* parent,
const QString& caption,
const QString& dir,
const QString& filter,
QFileDialog::Options options);
static QString _getSaveFileName(
QWidget* parent,
const QString& caption,
const QString& dir,
const QString& filter,
const QString& defaultSuffix,
QFileDialog::Options options);
static QString _fileDialogResponseSingle(enum FileDialogType type);
// This allows the private calls to the file dialog methods
friend class QGCFileDialog;
static bool _messageBoxRespondedTo; ///< Message box was responded to
static bool _badResponseButton; ///< Attempt to repond to expected message box with button not being displayed
static QMessageBox::StandardButton _messageBoxResponseButton; ///< Response to next message box
static int _missedMessageBoxCount; ///< Count of message box not checked with call to messageBoxWasDisplayed
// Catch QGCFileDialog calls
static bool _fileDialogRespondedTo; ///< File dialog was responded to
static bool _fileDialogResponseSet; ///< true: _fileDialogResponse was set by a call to UnitTest::setExpectedFileDialog
static QStringList _fileDialogResponse; ///< Response to next file dialog
static enum FileDialogType _fileDialogExpectedType; ///< type of file dialog expected to show
static int _missedFileDialogCount; ///< Count of file dialogs not checked with call to UnitTest::fileDialogWasDisplayed
bool _unitTestRun; ///< true: Unit Test was run
bool _initCalled; ///< true: UnitTest::_init was called
bool _cleanupCalled; ///< true: UnitTest::_cleanup was called
template <class T>
class UnitTestWrapper {
UnitTestWrapper(const QString& name) :
_unitTest(new T)
QSharedPointer<T> _unitTest;