QGCPopupDialogContainer.qml 6.25 KB
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 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

import QtQuick                      2.12
import QtQuick.Controls             2.4
import QtQuick.Layouts              1.12
import QtQuick.Dialogs              1.3

import QGroundControl               1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls      1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette       1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools   1.0

Popup {
    anchors.centerIn:   parent
    width:              mainFlickable.width
    height:             mainFlickable.height
    padding:            0
    modal:              true
    focus:              true

    background: Rectangle {
        color: QGroundControl.globalPalette.window

    property string title
    property var    buttons
    property var    dialogComponent

    property real _contentMargin:       ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
    property real _popupDoubleInset:    ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 2
    property real _maxAvailableWidth:   parent.width - _popupDoubleInset
    property real _maxAvailableHeight:  parent.height - _popupDoubleInset

    Component.onCompleted: setupDialogButtons()

    QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: parent.enabled }

    function setupDialogButtons() {
        acceptButton.visible = false
        rejectButton.visible = false
        // Accept role buttons
        if (buttons & StandardButton.Ok) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Ok")
            acceptButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.Open) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Open")
            acceptButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.Save) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Save")
            acceptButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.Apply) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Apply")
            acceptButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.Open) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Open")
            acceptButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.SaveAll) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Save All")
            acceptButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.Yes) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Yes")
            acceptButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.YesToAll) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Yes to All")
            acceptButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.Retry) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Retry")
            acceptButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.Reset) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Reset")
            acceptButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.RestoreToDefaults) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Restore to Defaults")
            acceptButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.Ignore) {
            acceptButton.text = qsTr("Ignore")
            acceptButton.visible = true

        // Reject role buttons
        if (buttons & StandardButton.Cancel) {
            rejectButton.text = qsTr("Cancel")
            rejectButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.Close) {
            rejectButton.text = qsTr("Close")
            rejectButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.No) {
            rejectButton.text = qsTr("No")
            rejectButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.NoToAll) {
            rejectButton.text = qsTr("No to All")
            rejectButton.visible = true
        } else if (buttons & StandardButton.Abort) {
            rejectButton.text = qsTr("Abort")
            rejectButton.visible = true

        if (rejectButton.visible) {
            closePolicy = Popup.NoAutoClose | Popup.CloseOnEscape
        } else {
            closePolicy = Popup.NoAutoClose

    Connections {
        target:         dialogComponentLoader.item
        onHideDialog:   close()

    QGCFlickable {
        id:             mainFlickable
        width:          Math.min(mainColumnLayout.width, _maxAvailableWidth)
        height:         Math.min(mainColumnLayout.height, _maxAvailableHeight)
        contentWidth:   mainColumnLayout.width
        contentHeight:  mainColumnLayout.height

        Rectangle {
            width:  titleRowLayout.width
            height: titleRowLayout.height
            color:  qgcPal.windowShade

        ColumnLayout {
            id:         mainColumnLayout
            spacing:    _contentMargin

            RowLayout {
                id:                 titleRowLayout
                Layout.fillWidth:   true

                QGCLabel {
                    Layout.leftMargin:  ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
                    Layout.fillWidth:   true
                    text:               title
                    height:             parent.height
                    verticalAlignment:	Text.AlignVCenter

                QGCButton {
                    id:         rejectButton
                    onClicked:  dialogComponentLoader.item.reject()

                QGCButton {
                    id:         acceptButton
                    primary:    true
                    onClicked:  dialogComponentLoader.item.accept()

            Item {
159 160 161
                id:                     item
                Layout.preferredWidth:  dialogComponentLoader.width + (_contentMargin * 2)
                Layout.preferredHeight: dialogComponentLoader.height + _contentMargin
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162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174

                Loader {
                    id:                 dialogComponentLoader
                    x:                  _contentMargin
                    sourceComponent:    dialogComponent
                    focus:              true
                    property bool acceptAllowed: acceptButton.visible
                    property bool rejectAllowed: rejectButton.visible