qwt_dial.h 5.68 KB
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/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

// vim: expandtab

#ifndef QWT_DIAL_H
#define QWT_DIAL_H 1

#include <qframe.h>
#include <qpalette.h>
#include "qwt_global.h"
#include "qwt_abstract_slider.h"
#include "qwt_round_scale_draw.h"

class QwtDialNeedle;
class QwtDial;

  \brief A special scale draw made for QwtDial

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  \sa QwtDial, QwtCompass
class QWT_EXPORT QwtDialScaleDraw: public QwtRoundScaleDraw
    explicit QwtDialScaleDraw(QwtDial *);
    virtual QwtText label(double value) const;

    void setPenWidth(uint);
    uint penWidth() const;

    QwtDial *d_parent;
    int d_penWidth;

  \brief QwtDial class provides a rounded range control.
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  QwtDial is intended as base class for dial widgets like
  speedometers, compass widgets, clocks ...
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  \image html dials2.png

  A dial contains a scale and a needle indicating the current value
  of the dial. Depending on Mode one of them is fixed and the
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  other is rotating. If not isReadOnly() the
  dial can be rotated by dragging the mouse or using keyboard inputs
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55 56 57 58
  (see keyPressEvent()). A dial might be wrapping, what means
  a rotation below/above one limit continues on the other limit (f.e compass).
  The scale might cover any arc of the dial, its values are related to
  the origin() of the dial.

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  Qwt is missing a set of good looking needles (QwtDialNeedle).
  Contributions are very welcome.

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  \sa QwtCompass, QwtAnalogClock, QwtDialNeedle
  \note The examples/dials example shows different types of dials.

class QWT_EXPORT QwtDial: public QwtAbstractSlider


    Q_PROPERTY(bool visibleBackground READ hasVisibleBackground WRITE showBackground)
    Q_PROPERTY(int lineWidth READ lineWidth WRITE setLineWidth)
    Q_PROPERTY(Shadow frameShadow READ frameShadow WRITE setFrameShadow)
    Q_PROPERTY(Mode mode READ mode WRITE setMode)
    Q_PROPERTY(double origin READ origin WRITE setOrigin)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool wrapping READ wrapping WRITE setWrapping)

    friend class QwtDialScaleDraw;

        \brief Frame shadow

         Unfortunately it is not possible to use QFrame::Shadow
         as a property of a widget that is not derived from QFrame.
         The following enum is made for the designer only. It is safe
         to use QFrame::Shadow instead.
    enum Shadow {
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        Plain = QFrame::Plain,
        Raised = QFrame::Raised,
        Sunken = QFrame::Sunken

    //! see QwtDial::setScaleOptions
    enum ScaleOptions {
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100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
        ScaleBackbone = 1,
        ScaleTicks = 2,
        ScaleLabel = 4

        In case of RotateNeedle the needle is rotating, in case of
        RotateScale, the needle points to origin()
        and the scale is rotating.
    enum Mode {
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    explicit QwtDial( QWidget *parent = NULL);
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
    explicit QwtDial( QWidget *parent, const char *name);

    virtual ~QwtDial();

    void setFrameShadow(Shadow);
    Shadow frameShadow() const;

    bool hasVisibleBackground() const;
    void showBackground(bool);

    void setLineWidth(int);
    int lineWidth() const;

    void setMode(Mode);
    Mode mode() const;

    virtual void setWrapping(bool);
    bool wrapping() const;

    virtual void setScale(int maxMajIntv, int maxMinIntv, double step = 0.0);

    void setScaleArc(double min, double max);
    void setScaleOptions(int);
    void setScaleTicks(int minLen, int medLen, int majLen, int penWidth = 1);

    double minScaleArc() const;
    double maxScaleArc() const;

    virtual void setOrigin(double);
    double origin() const;

    virtual void setNeedle(QwtDialNeedle *);
    const QwtDialNeedle *needle() const;
    QwtDialNeedle *needle();

    QRect boundingRect() const;
    QRect contentsRect() const;
    virtual QRect scaleContentsRect() const;

    virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
    virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;

    virtual void setScaleDraw(QwtDialScaleDraw *);

    QwtDialScaleDraw *scaleDraw();
    const QwtDialScaleDraw *scaleDraw() const;

    virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
    virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
    virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);

    virtual void updateMask();

    virtual void drawFrame(QPainter *p);
    virtual void drawContents(QPainter *) const;
    virtual void drawFocusIndicator(QPainter *) const;

    virtual void drawScale(QPainter *, const QPoint &center,
                           int radius, double origin, double arcMin, double arcMax) const;
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      Draw the contents inside the scale

      Paints nothing.

      \param painter Painter
      \param center Center of the contents circle
      \param radius Radius of the contents circle
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    virtual void drawScaleContents(QPainter *painter, const QPoint &center,
                                   int radius) const;
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    virtual void drawNeedle(QPainter *, const QPoint &,
                            int radius, double direction, QPalette::ColorGroup) const;
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    virtual QwtText scaleLabel(double) const;
    void updateScale();

    virtual void rangeChange();
    virtual void valueChange();

    virtual double getValue(const QPoint &);
201 202
    virtual void getScrollMode(const QPoint &,
                               int &scrollMode, int &direction);
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    void initDial();

    class PrivateData;
    PrivateData *d_data;
