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/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield 
 * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under  
 * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or 
 * (at your option) any later version.  The full license is in LICENSE file
 * included with this distribution, and on the website.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.


//base class:
#include <osg/Transform>

#include <osgSim/Export>

namespace osgSim {

/** DOFTransform - encapsulates Multigen DOF behavior*/
class OSGSIM_EXPORT DOFTransform : public osg::Transform
        /** constructor*/

        /**copy constructor*/
        DOFTransform(const DOFTransform& dof, const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);

        META_Node(osgSim, DOFTransform);

        virtual void traverse(osg::NodeVisitor& nv);

        void setMinHPR(const osg::Vec3& hpr) { _minHPR = hpr;}
        const osg::Vec3& getMinHPR() const { return _minHPR;}

        void setMaxHPR(const osg::Vec3& hpr) {_maxHPR = hpr;}
        const osg::Vec3& getMaxHPR() const { return _maxHPR;}

        void setIncrementHPR(const osg::Vec3& hpr) {_incrementHPR = hpr;}
        const osg::Vec3& getIncrementHPR() const { return _incrementHPR;}

        void setCurrentHPR(const osg::Vec3& hpr) {_currentHPR = hpr; dirtyBound(); }
        const osg::Vec3& getCurrentHPR() const {return _currentHPR;}

        void updateCurrentHPR(const osg::Vec3& hpr);

        void setMinTranslate(const osg::Vec3& translate) {_minTranslate = translate; }
        const osg::Vec3& getMinTranslate() const { return _minTranslate;}

        void setMaxTranslate(const osg::Vec3& translate) {_maxTranslate = translate; }
        const osg::Vec3& getMaxTranslate() const { return _maxTranslate;}

        void setIncrementTranslate(const osg::Vec3& translate) { _incrementTranslate = translate; }
        const osg::Vec3& getIncrementTranslate() const { return _incrementTranslate;}

        void setCurrentTranslate(const osg::Vec3& translate){ _currentTranslate = translate; dirtyBound(); }
        inline const osg::Vec3& getCurrentTranslate() const { return _currentTranslate;}

        void updateCurrentTranslate(const osg::Vec3& translate);

        void setMinScale(const osg::Vec3& scale) { _minScale = scale;}
        const osg::Vec3& getMinScale() const { return _minScale;}

        void setMaxScale(const osg::Vec3& scale) { _maxScale = scale;}
        const osg::Vec3& getMaxScale() const { return _maxScale;}

        void setIncrementScale(const osg::Vec3& scale) { _incrementScale = scale;}
        const osg::Vec3& getIncrementScale() const { return _incrementScale;}

        void setCurrentScale(const osg::Vec3& scale) { _currentScale = scale; dirtyBound(); }
        inline const osg::Vec3& getCurrentScale() const { return _currentScale;}

        void updateCurrentScale(const osg::Vec3& scale);

        void setPutMatrix(const osg::Matrix& put) { _Put = put; dirtyBound(); }
        inline const osg::Matrix& getPutMatrix() const {return _Put;}

        void setInversePutMatrix(const osg::Matrix& inversePut) { _inversePut = inversePut; dirtyBound(); }
        inline const osg::Matrix& getInversePutMatrix() const {return _inversePut;}

        void setLimitationFlags(unsigned long flags) { _limitationFlags = flags;}
        inline unsigned long getLimitationFlags() const {return _limitationFlags;}

        enum MultOrder

        void setHPRMultOrder(MultOrder order) { _multOrder = order; }
        inline MultOrder getHPRMultOrder() const { return _multOrder;}

        void setAnimationOn(bool do_animate);
        inline bool getAnimationOn() const { return _animationOn; }

        void animate(float deltaTime);

        virtual bool computeLocalToWorldMatrix(osg::Matrix& matrix,osg::NodeVisitor* nv) const;

        virtual bool computeWorldToLocalMatrix(osg::Matrix& matrix,osg::NodeVisitor* nv) const;


        virtual ~DOFTransform() {}

        unsigned int    _previousTraversalNumber;
        double          _previousTime;

        osg::Vec3 _minHPR;
        osg::Vec3 _maxHPR;
        osg::Vec3 _currentHPR;
        osg::Vec3 _incrementHPR;

        osg::Vec3 _minTranslate;
        osg::Vec3 _maxTranslate;
        osg::Vec3 _currentTranslate;
        osg::Vec3 _incrementTranslate;

        osg::Vec3 _minScale;
        osg::Vec3 _maxScale;
        osg::Vec3 _currentScale;
        osg::Vec3 _incrementScale;

        osg::Matrix _Put;
        osg::Matrix _inversePut;

        unsigned long _limitationFlags;
        /* bits from left to right
        0 = x translation limited (2^31)
        1 = y translation limited (2^30)
        2 = z translation limited (2^29)
        3 = pitch limited (2^28)
        4 = roll limited (2^27)
        5 = yaw limited (2^26)
        6 = x scale limited (2^25)
        7 = y scale limited (2^24)
        8 = z scale limited (2^23)

        else reserved

        bool _animationOn;
        /** flags indicating whether value is incerasing or decreasing in animation
        bits form right to left, 1 means increasing while 0 is decreasing
        0 = x translation
        1 = y translation
        2 = z translation
        3 = pitch
        4 = roll
        5 = yaw
        6 = x scale
        7 = y scale
        8 = z scale
        unsigned short _increasingFlags;

        MultOrder _multOrder;

