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 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#include "KMLDomDocument.h"
#include "QGCPalette.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "MissionCommandTree.h"
#include "MissionCommandUIInfo.h"
#include "FactMetaData.h"

#include <QDomDocument>
#include <QStringList>

const char* KMLDomDocument::balloonStyleName = "BalloonStyle";

KMLDomDocument::KMLDomDocument(const QString& name)
    QDomProcessingInstruction header = createProcessingInstruction(QStringLiteral("xml"), QStringLiteral("version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\""));

    QDomElement kmlElement = createElement(QStringLiteral("kml"));
    kmlElement.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("xmlns"), "");

    _rootDocumentElement = createElement(QStringLiteral("Document"));

    addTextElement(_rootDocumentElement, "name", name);
    addTextElement(_rootDocumentElement, "open", "1");


QString KMLDomDocument::kmlCoordString(const QGeoCoordinate& coord)
    double altitude = qIsNaN(coord.altitude() ) ? 0 : coord.altitude();
    return QStringLiteral("%1,%2,%3").arg(QString::number(coord.longitude(), 'f', 7)).arg(QString::number(coord.latitude(), 'f', 7)).arg(QString::number(altitude, 'f', 2));

QString KMLDomDocument::kmlColorString (const QColor& color, double opacity)
    return QStringLiteral("%1%2%3%4").arg(static_cast<int>(255.0 * opacity), 2, 16, QChar('0')).arg(, 2, 16, QChar('0')).arg(, 2, 16, QChar('0')).arg(, 2, 16, QChar('0'));

void KMLDomDocument::_addStandardStyles(void)
    QGCPalette palette;

    QDomElement styleElementForBalloon = createElement("Style");
    styleElementForBalloon.setAttribute("id", balloonStyleName);
    QDomElement balloonStyleElement = createElement("BalloonStyle");
    addTextElement(balloonStyleElement, "text", "$[description]");

void KMLDomDocument::addTextElement(QDomElement& parentElement, const QString &name, const QString &value)
    QDomElement textElement = createElement(name);

void KMLDomDocument::addLookAt(QDomElement& parentElement, const QGeoCoordinate& coord)
    QDomElement lookAtElement = createElement("LookAt");
    addTextElement(lookAtElement, "latitude",  QString::number(coord.latitude(), 'f', 7));
    addTextElement(lookAtElement, "longitude", QString::number(coord.longitude(), 'f', 7));
    addTextElement(lookAtElement, "altitude",  QString::number(coord.longitude(), 'f', 2));
    addTextElement(lookAtElement, "heading",   "-100");
    addTextElement(lookAtElement, "tilt",      "45");
    addTextElement(lookAtElement, "range",     "2500");

QDomElement KMLDomDocument::addPlacemark(const QString& name, bool visible)
    QDomElement placemarkElement = createElement("Placemark");

    addTextElement(placemarkElement, "name",         name);
    addTextElement(placemarkElement, "visibility",   visible ? "1" : "0");

    return placemarkElement;

QDomNode KMLDomDocument::appendChildToRoot(const QDomNode& child)