ExifParser.cc 9.05 KB
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#include "ExifParser.h"
#include <math.h>
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#include <QtEndian>
#include <QDateTime>





double ExifParser::readTime(QByteArray& buf)
18 19
    QByteArray tiffHeader("\x49\x49\x2A", 3);
    QByteArray createDateHeader("\x04\x90\x02", 3);
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    // find header position
    uint32_t tiffHeaderIndex = buf.indexOf(tiffHeader);

    // find creation date header index
    uint32_t createDateHeaderIndex = buf.indexOf(createDateHeader);

    // extract size of date-time string, -1 accounting for null-termination
    uint32_t* sizeString = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buf.mid(createDateHeaderIndex + 4, 4).data());
    uint32_t createDateStringSize = qFromLittleEndian(*sizeString) - 1;

    // extract location of date-time string
    uint32_t* dataIndex = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buf.mid(createDateHeaderIndex + 8, 4).data());
    uint32_t createDateStringDataIndex = qFromLittleEndian(*dataIndex) + tiffHeaderIndex;

    // read out data of create date-time field
    QString createDate = buf.mid(createDateStringDataIndex, createDateStringSize);

    QStringList createDateList = createDate.split(' ');
    if (createDateList.count() < 2) {
        qWarning() << "Could not decode creation time and date: " << createDateList;
        return -1.0;
    QStringList dateList = createDateList[0].split(':');
    if (dateList.count() < 3) {
        qWarning() << "Could not decode creation date: " << dateList;
        return -1.0;
    QStringList timeList = createDateList[1].split(':');
    if (timeList.count() < 3) {
        qWarning() << "Could not decode creation time: " << timeList;
        return -1.0;
    QDate date(dateList[0].toInt(), dateList[1].toInt(), dateList[2].toInt());
    QTime time(timeList[0].toInt(), timeList[1].toInt(), timeList[2].toInt());
    QDateTime tagTime(date, time);
    return tagTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000.0;

bool ExifParser::write(QByteArray& buf, GeoTagWorker::cameraFeedbackPacket& geotag)
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    QByteArray app1Header("\xff\xe1", 2);
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    uint32_t app1HeaderInd = buf.indexOf(app1Header);
    uint16_t *conversionPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(buf.mid(app1HeaderInd + 2, 2).data());
    uint16_t app1Size = *conversionPointer;
    uint16_t app1SizeEndian = qFromBigEndian(app1Size) + 0xa5;  // change wrong endian
    QByteArray tiffHeader("\x49\x49\x2A", 3);
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    uint32_t tiffHeaderInd = buf.indexOf(tiffHeader);
    conversionPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(buf.mid(tiffHeaderInd + 8, 2).data());
    uint16_t numberOfTiffFields  = *conversionPointer;
    uint32_t nextIfdOffsetInd = tiffHeaderInd + 10 + 12 * (numberOfTiffFields);
    conversionPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(buf.mid(nextIfdOffsetInd, 2).data());
    uint16_t nextIfdOffset = *conversionPointer;

    // Definition of useful unions and structs
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    union char2uint32_u {
        char c[4];
        uint32_t i;
    union char2uint16_u {
        char c[2];
        uint16_t i;
    // This struct describes a standart field used in exif files
    struct field_s {
        uint16_t tagID;  // Describes which information is added here, e.g. GPS Lat
        uint16_t type;  // Describes the data type, e.g. string, uint8_t,...
        uint32_t size;  // Describes the size
        uint32_t content;  // Either contains the information, or the offset to the exif header where the information is stored (if 32 bits is not enough)
    // This struct contains all the fields that we want to add to the image
    struct fields_s {
        field_s gpsVersion;
        field_s gpsLatRef;
        field_s gpsLat;
        field_s gpsLonRef;
        field_s gpsLon;
        field_s gpsAltRef;
        field_s gpsAlt;
        field_s gpsMapDatum;
        uint32_t finishedDataField;
    // These are the additional information that can not be put into a single uin32_t
    struct extended_s {
        uint32_t gpsLat[6];
        uint32_t gpsLon[6];
        uint32_t gpsAlt[2];
        char mapDatum[7];// = {0x57,0x47,0x53,0x2D,0x38,0x34,0x00};
    // This struct contains all the information we want to add to the image
    struct readable_s {
        fields_s fields;
        extended_s extendedData;

    // This union is used because for writing the information we have to use a char array, but we still want the information to be available in a more descriptive way
    union {
        char c[0xa3];
        readable_s readable;
    } gpsData;

    char2uint32_u gpsIFDInd;
    gpsIFDInd.i = nextIfdOffset;

    // this will stay constant
126 127 128 129 130
    QByteArray gpsInfo("\x25\x88\x04\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00", 8);
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    // filling values to gpsData
    uint32_t gpsDataExtInd = gpsIFDInd.i + 2 + sizeof(fields_s);

    // Filling up the fields with the corresponding values
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.tagID = 0;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.type = 1;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.size = 4;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.content = 2;

    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.tagID = 1;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.type = 2;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.size = 2;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.content = geotag.latitude > 0 ? 'N' : 'S';
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    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.tagID = 2;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.type = 5;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.size = 3;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.content = gpsDataExtInd;

    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.tagID = 3;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.type = 2;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.size = 2;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.content = geotag.longitude > 0 ? 'E' : 'W';
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