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  1. Apr 01, 2020
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      Merge pull request #8629 from AWilco/patch-1 · 8287b37f
      Don Gagne authored
      Correctly set parent of QGCCorePlugin
    • Alex Wilkinson's avatar
      Correctly set parent of QGCCorePlugin · 1893a920
      Alex Wilkinson authored
      QGCCorePlugin is currently constructed with a QGCToolbox* toolbx parameter of null. This is because at the time QGCCorePlugin (or an actual custom plugin) is constructed app->toolbox() is null.
      _scanAndLoadPlugins() is called as part of the QGCToolbox constructor where all toolbox classes use the same format:
      _class = new Class(app, this);
      The creation of QGCCorePlugin should follow the same pattern.
      The practical issue I had with this is that because the parent is not set correctly, QGCCorePlugin is not destructed when the app is closed. This means any code in the destructor is not run. (QGCCorePlugin itself has as a destructor which is currently not being called).
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      Merge pull request #8626 from mavlink/NewWizardDoneModel · f711da24
      Don Gagne authored
      Plan: New wizard done model
  2. Mar 31, 2020
  3. Mar 30, 2020
  4. Mar 29, 2020
  5. Mar 28, 2020
  6. Mar 27, 2020