Commit fdb13156 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #3580 from DonLakeFlyer/JoystickSettle

Bump joystick settle constant
parents 033f52bd a1fe69a0
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ const int JoystickConfigController::_calDefaultMinValue = -32768; ///< Def
const int JoystickConfigController::_calDefaultMaxValue = 32767; ///< Default value for Max if not set
const int JoystickConfigController::_calRoughCenterDelta = 500; ///< Delta around center point which is considered to be roughly centered
const int JoystickConfigController::_calMoveDelta = 32768/2; ///< Amount of delta past center which is considered stick movement
const int JoystickConfigController::_calSettleDelta = 100; ///< Amount of delta which is considered no stick movement
const int JoystickConfigController::_calSettleDelta = 600; ///< Amount of delta which is considered no stick movement
const int JoystickConfigController::_calMinDelta = 1000; ///< Amount of delta allowed around min value to consider channel at min
const int JoystickConfigController::_stickDetectSettleMSecs = 500;
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