Commit fcdf550b authored by Bryant Mairs's avatar Bryant Mairs
Browse files

Removed some sources for warnings.

Also removed redundant code in
parent 6821ff47
......@@ -303,9 +303,6 @@ void QGCMapWidget::updateLocalPosition()
// Set new lat/lon position of UAV icon
double latitude = UASManager::instance()->getHomeLatitude();
double longitude = UASManager::instance()->getHomeLongitude();
double altitude = UASManager::instance()->getHomeAltitude();
internals::PointLatLng pos_lat_lon = internals::PointLatLng(system->getLatitude(), system->getLongitude());
uav->SetUAVPos(pos_lat_lon, system->getAltitude());
// Follow status
......@@ -317,33 +314,7 @@ void QGCMapWidget::updateLocalPosition()
void QGCMapWidget::updateLocalPositionEstimates()
QList<UASInterface*> systems = UASManager::instance()->getUASList();
foreach (UASInterface* system, systems)
// Get reference to graphic UAV item
mapcontrol::UAVItem* uav = GetUAV(system->getUASID());
// Check if reference is valid, else create a new one
if (uav == NULL)
MAV2DIcon* newUAV = new MAV2DIcon(map, this, system);
AddUAV(system->getUASID(), newUAV);
uav = newUAV;
// Set new lat/lon position of UAV icon
double latitude = UASManager::instance()->getHomeLatitude();
double longitude = UASManager::instance()->getHomeLongitude();
double altitude = UASManager::instance()->getHomeAltitude();
internals::PointLatLng pos_lat_lon = internals::PointLatLng(system->getLatitude(), system->getLongitude());
uav->SetUAVPos(pos_lat_lon, system->getAltitude());
// Follow status
if (followUAVEnabled && system->getUASID() == followUAVID) SetCurrentPosition(pos_lat_lon);
// Convert from radians to degrees and apply
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ QGCMAVLinkMessageSender::QGCMAVLinkMessageSender(MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink, QWidg
void QGCMAVLinkMessageSender::refresh()
unsigned int maxUpdateRate = 0;
// Send messages
foreach (unsigned int i, managementItems.keys())
......@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ bool QGCMAVLinkMessageSender::sendMessage(unsigned int msgid)
uint8_t* nums = m+messageInfo[msgid].fields[fieldid].wire_offset;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < messageInfo[msgid].fields[fieldid].array_length; ++j)
if (field->data(1, Qt::DisplayRole).toString().split(" ").size() > j)
if ((unsigned int)(field->data(1, Qt::DisplayRole).toString().split(" ").size()) > j)
nums[j] = field->data(1, Qt::DisplayRole).toString().split(" ").at(j).toInt();
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