Commit f60e7231 authored by Bill Bonney's avatar Bill Bonney
Browse files

FIX: Added the use of waitForBytesWritten to enable sending data

parent 51fa42c9
......@@ -63,16 +63,6 @@ SerialLink::SerialLink(QString portname, int baudRate, bool hardwareFlowControl,
m_dataBits = dataBits;
m_stopBits = stopBits;
// Set the port name
// if (m_portName == "")
// {
// m_name = tr("Serial Link ") + QString::number(getId());
// }
// else
// {
// m_name = portname.trimmed();
// }
void SerialLink::requestReset()
......@@ -91,8 +81,6 @@ SerialLink::~SerialLink()
QList<QString> SerialLink::getCurrentPorts()
// Example use QSerialPortInfo
// [TODO] make this thread safe
QList<QSerialPortInfo> portList = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts();
......@@ -152,6 +140,7 @@ void SerialLink::run()
//Need to error out here.
emit communicationError(getName(),"Error connecting: " + m_port->errorString());
disconnect(); // This tidies up and sends the necessary signals
......@@ -183,18 +172,18 @@ void SerialLink::run()
if (m_transmitBuffer.size() > 0) {
// send the data
QMutexLocker lockWrite(&m_writeMutex);
int num_written = m_port->write(m_transmitBuffer.constData());
if (num_written > 0){
m_transmitBuffer = m_transmitBuffer.remove(0,num_written);
if (m_transmitBuffer.length() > 0) {
QMutexLocker writeLocker(&m_writeMutex);
int numWritten = m_port->write(m_transmitBuffer);
bool txError = m_port->waitForBytesWritten(-1);
// if ((txError) || (numWritten == -1))
// qDebug() << "TX Error!";
m_transmitBuffer = m_transmitBuffer.remove(0, numWritten);
} else {
// qDebug() << "Wait write response timeout %1" << QTime::currentTime().toString();
bool error = m_port->waitForReadyRead(500);
bool error = m_port->waitForReadyRead(10);
if(error) { // Waits for 1/2 second [TODO][BB] lower to SerialLink::poll_interval?
QByteArray readData = m_port->readAll();
......@@ -208,9 +197,9 @@ void SerialLink::run()
m_bitsReceivedTotal += readData.length() * 8;
} else {
// qDebug() << "readyReadTime #"<< __LINE__;
// qDebug() << "Wait write response timeout %1" << QTime::currentTime().toString();
if (bytes != m_bytesRead) // i.e things are good and data is being read.
bytes = m_bytesRead;
......@@ -273,20 +262,17 @@ void SerialLink::writeBytes(const char* data, qint64 size)
if(m_port && m_port->isOpen()) {
// qDebug() << "writeBytes" << m_portName << "attempting to tx " << size << "bytes.";
QByteArray byteArray(data,size);
QByteArray byteArray(data, size);
QMutexLocker writeLocker(&m_writeMutex);
// qDebug() << "writeBytes " << m_portName << "tx'd" << b << "bytes:";
// Increase write counter
m_bitsSentTotal += size * 8;
// Extra debug logging
// qDebug() << byteArray->toHex();
// delete byteArray;
} else {
// Error occured
......@@ -420,6 +406,8 @@ bool SerialLink::hardwareConnect()
QObject::connect(m_port, SIGNAL(error(QSerialPort::SerialPortError)),
this, SLOT(linkError(QSerialPort::SerialPortError)));
// port->setCommTimeouts(QSerialPort::CtScheme_NonBlockingRead);
m_connectionStartTime = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow();
......@@ -451,6 +439,11 @@ bool SerialLink::hardwareConnect()
return true; // successful connection
void SerialLink::linkError(QSerialPort::SerialPortError error)
qDebug() << error;
* @brief Check if connection is active.
......@@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ public slots:
bool connect();
bool disconnect();
void linkError(QSerialPort::SerialPortError error);
quint64 m_bytesRead;
QSerialPort* m_port;
......@@ -166,13 +168,13 @@ protected:
quint64 m_connectionStartTime;
QMutex m_statisticsMutex;
QMutex m_dataMutex;
QMutex m_writeMutex;
QList<QString> m_ports;
volatile bool m_stopp;
volatile bool m_reqReset;
QMutex m_stoppMutex;
QMutex m_writeMutex;
QByteArray m_transmitBuffer;
bool hardwareConnect();
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