Commit f2b95f1b authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Merge pull request #2558 from NaterGator/winreleasefix

Fix default (non installer) release builds on Windows by removing VS …
parents e5a104cc 060a4df3
......@@ -113,11 +113,6 @@ CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
error(Unsupported build flavor)
# Need to special case Windows debug_and_release since VS Project creation in this case does strange things [QTBUG-40351]
win32:debug_and_release {
CONFIG += WindowsDebugAndRelease
# Setup our build directories
......@@ -183,12 +178,7 @@ ReleaseBuild {
# Unit Test specific configuration goes here
# We have to special case Windows debug_and_release builds because you can't have files
# which are only in the debug variant [QTBUG-40351]. So in this case we include unit tests
# even in the release variant. If you want a Windows release build with no unit tests run
# qmake with CONFIG-=debug_and_release CONFIG+=release.
DebugBuild|WindowsDebugAndRelease {
DebugBuild {
......@@ -478,13 +478,8 @@ SOURCES += \
# Unit Test specific configuration goes here
# We have to special case Windows debug_and_release builds because you can't have files
# which are only in the debug variant [QTBUG-40351]. So in this case we include unit tests
# even in the release variant. If you want a Windows release build with no unit tests run
# qmake with CONFIG-=debug_and_release CONFIG+=release.
DebugBuild|WindowsDebugAndRelease {
DebugBuild {
HEADERS += src/QmlControls/QmlTestWidget.h
SOURCES += src/QmlControls/
......@@ -540,8 +535,8 @@ SOURCES += \
src/qgcunittest/ \
src/qgcunittest/ \
src/VehicleSetup/ \
} # DebugBuild|WindowsDebugAndRelease
} # MobileBuild
} # !MobileBuild
} # DebugBuild
# Firmware Plugin Support
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