Commit f27dbb68 authored by Aleksey Kontsevich's avatar Aleksey Kontsevich
Browse files

Custom binary build fix

parent efcd990c
......@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ CONFIG += QGC_DISABLE_PX4_PLUGIN_FACTORY
DEFINES += CUSTOMHEADER=\"\\\"CustomPlugin.h\\\"\"
TARGET = MyGroundStation
TARGET = CustomQGroundControl
DEFINES += QGC_APPLICATION_NAME='"\\\"Custom QGroundControl\\\""'
DEFINES += QGC_ORG_NAME=\"\\\"\\\"\"
DEFINES += QGC_ORG_DOMAIN=\"\\\"org.qgroundcontrol\\\"\"
QGC_APP_NAME = "Custom QGroundControl"
QGC_BINARY_NAME = "MyGroundStation"
QGC_BINARY_NAME = "CustomQGroundControl"
QGC_ORG_NAME = "Custom"
QGC_ORG_DOMAIN = "org.custom"
QGC_APP_DESCRIPTION = "Custom QGroundControl"
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