Unverified Commit e74f90e3 authored by Beat Küng's avatar Beat Küng
Browse files

USBBoardInfo: add Durandal auto-connect

Autoconnect for DurandalV1 works more generically on master with
parent 6e877c21
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
{ "vendorID": 9900, "productID": 22, "boardClass": "Pixhawk", "name": "Crazyflie 2" },
{ "vendorID": 9900, "productID": 1, "boardClass": "Pixhawk", "name": "Omnibus F4 SD" },
{ "vendorID": 8137, "productID": 28, "boardClass": "Pixhawk", "name": "PX4 FMUK66 v3.x" },
{ "vendorID":12642, "productID": 75, "boardClass": "Pixhawk", "name": "PX4 DurandalV1" },
{ "vendorID": 1155, "productID": 22336, "boardClass": "Pixhawk", "name": "ArduPilot ChibiOS" },
{ "vendorID": 4617, "productID": 22336, "boardClass": "Pixhawk", "name": "ArduPilot ChibiOS" },
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