Commit e70c38bf authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
Browse files

Fully hooked up HIL and vehicle config, time to flesh it out

parent cb2dec43
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include "QGCXPlaneLink.h"
#include "QGC.h"
#include <QHostInfo>
#include "UAS.h"
#include "MainWindow.h"
QGCXPlaneLink::QGCXPlaneLink(UASInterface* mav, QString remoteHost, QHostAddress localHost, quint16 localPort) :
......@@ -199,9 +200,9 @@ void QGCXPlaneLink::writeBytes(const char* data, qint64 size)
qDebug() << "Sent" << size << "bytes to" << remoteHost.toString() << ":" << remotePort << "data:";
qDebug() << bytes;
qDebug() << "ASCII:" << ascii;
//qDebug() << "Sent" << size << "bytes to" << remoteHost.toString() << ":" << remotePort << "data:";
//qDebug() << bytes;
//qDebug() << "ASCII:" << ascii;
if (connectState && socket) socket->writeDatagram(data, size, remoteHost, remotePort);
......@@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ void QGCXPlaneLink::readBytes()
// XPlane always has 5 bytes header: 'DATA@'
unsigned nsegs = (s-5)/36;
qDebug() << "XPLANE:" << "LEN:" << s << "segs:" << nsegs;
//qDebug() << "XPLANE:" << "LEN:" << s << "segs:" << nsegs;
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct payload {
......@@ -248,6 +249,8 @@ void QGCXPlaneLink::readBytes()
float airspeed;
float groundspeed;
float man_roll, man_pitch, man_yaw;
if (data[0] == 'D' &&
data[1] == 'A' &&
data[2] == 'T' &&
......@@ -262,24 +265,30 @@ void QGCXPlaneLink::readBytes()
if (p.index == 3)
//qDebug() << "SPEEDS:" << p.f[0] << p.f[1] << p.f[2];
airspeed = p.f[6] * 0.44704f;
groundspeed = p.f[7] * 0.44704;
qDebug() << "SPEEDS:" << "airspeed" << airspeed << "m/s, groundspeed" << groundspeed << "m/s";
//qDebug() << "SPEEDS:" << "airspeed" << airspeed << "m/s, groundspeed" << groundspeed << "m/s";
else if (p.index == 8)
//qDebug() << "MAN:" << p.f[0] << p.f[3] << p.f[7];
man_roll = p.f[0];
man_pitch = p.f[1];
man_yaw = p.f[2];
UAS* uas = dynamic_cast<UAS*>(mav);
if (uas) uas->setManualControlCommands(man_roll, man_pitch, man_yaw, 0.6);
else if (p.index == 16)
qDebug() << "ANG VEL:" << p.f[0] << p.f[3] << p.f[7];
//qDebug() << "ANG VEL:" << p.f[0] << p.f[3] << p.f[7];
rollspeed = p.f[2];
pitchspeed = p.f[1];
yawspeed = p.f[0];
else if (p.index == 17)
qDebug() << "HDNG" << "pitch" << p.f[0] << "roll" << p.f[1] << "hding true" << p.f[2] << "hding mag" << p.f[3];
//qDebug() << "HDNG" << "pitch" << p.f[0] << "roll" << p.f[1] << "hding true" << p.f[2] << "hding mag" << p.f[3];
// XXX Feeding true heading - might need fix
pitch = (p.f[0] - 180.0f) / 180.0f * M_PI;
roll = (p.f[1] - 180.0f) / 180.0f * M_PI;
......@@ -292,30 +301,30 @@ void QGCXPlaneLink::readBytes()
// }
else if (p.index == 20)
qDebug() << "LAT/LON/ALT:" << p.f[0] << p.f[1] << p.f[2];
//qDebug() << "LAT/LON/ALT:" << p.f[0] << p.f[1] << p.f[2];
lat = p.f[0];
lon = p.f[1];
alt = p.f[2] * 0.3048f; // convert feet (MSL) to meters
else if (p.index == 12)
qDebug() << "AIL/ELEV/RUD" << p.f[0] << p.f[1] << p.f[2];
//qDebug() << "AIL/ELEV/RUD" << p.f[0] << p.f[1] << p.f[2];
else if (p.index == 25)
qDebug() << "THROTTLE" << p.f[0] << p.f[1] << p.f[2] << p.f[3];
//qDebug() << "THROTTLE" << p.f[0] << p.f[1] << p.f[2] << p.f[3];
else if (p.index == 0)
qDebug() << "STATS" << "fgraphics/s" << p.f[0] << "fsim/s" << p.f[2] << "t frame" << p.f[3] << "cpu load" << p.f[4] << "grnd ratio" << p.f[5] << "filt ratio" << p.f[6];
//qDebug() << "STATS" << "fgraphics/s" << p.f[0] << "fsim/s" << p.f[2] << "t frame" << p.f[3] << "cpu load" << p.f[4] << "grnd ratio" << p.f[5] << "filt ratio" << p.f[6];
else if (p.index == 11)
qDebug() << "CONTROLS" << "ail" << p.f[0] << "elev" << p.f[1] << "rudder" << p.f[2] << "nwheel" << p.f[3];
//qDebug() << "CONTROLS" << "ail" << p.f[0] << "elev" << p.f[1] << "rudder" << p.f[2] << "nwheel" << p.f[3];
qDebug() << "UNKNOWN #" << p.index << p.f[0] << p.f[1] << p.f[2] << p.f[3];
//qDebug() << "UNKNOWN #" << p.index << p.f[0] << p.f[1] << p.f[2] << p.f[3];
......@@ -360,12 +369,19 @@ bool QGCXPlaneLink::disconnectSimulation()
if (!connectState) return true;
connectState = false;
if (process) disconnect(process, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)),
this, SLOT(processError(QProcess::ProcessError)));
if (mav)
disconnect(mav, SIGNAL(hilControlsChanged(uint64_t, float, float, float, float, uint8_t, uint8_t)), this, SLOT(updateControls(uint64_t,float,float,float,float,uint8_t,uint8_t)));
disconnect(this, SIGNAL(hilStateChanged(uint64_t,float,float,float,float,float,float,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t)), mav, SLOT(sendHilState(uint64_t,float,float,float,float,float,float,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t)));
UAS* uas = dynamic_cast<UAS*>(mav);
if (uas)
if (process)
......@@ -387,8 +403,6 @@ bool QGCXPlaneLink::disconnectSimulation()
socket = NULL;
connectState = false;
emit simulationDisconnected();
emit simulationConnected(false);
return !connectState;
......@@ -402,6 +416,8 @@ bool QGCXPlaneLink::disconnectSimulation()
bool QGCXPlaneLink::connectSimulation()
if (!mav) return false;
if (connectState) return false;
socket = new QUdpSocket(this);
connectState = socket->bind(localHost, localPort);
if (!connectState) return false;
......@@ -414,9 +430,11 @@ bool QGCXPlaneLink::connectSimulation()
connect(mav, SIGNAL(hilControlsChanged(uint64_t, float, float, float, float, uint8_t, uint8_t)), this, SLOT(updateControls(uint64_t,float,float,float,float,uint8_t,uint8_t)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(hilStateChanged(uint64_t,float,float,float,float,float,float,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t)), mav, SLOT(sendHilState(uint64_t,float,float,float,float,float,float,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t,int16_t)));
// without pulling MAVLINK dependencies in here
UAS* uas = dynamic_cast<UAS*>(mav);
if (uas)
// XXX This will later be enabled to start X-Plane from within QGroundControl with the right arguments
......@@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ protected:
QProcess* process;
QProcess* terraSync;
bool gpsReceived;
bool attitudeReceived;
void setName(QString name);
......@@ -2405,12 +2405,12 @@ void UAS::setManualControlCommands(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, double
manualThrust = thrust * thrustScaling;
// If system has manual inputs enabled and is armed
mavlink_message_t message;
mavlink_msg_manual_control_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &message, this->uasId, (float)manualRollAngle, (float)manualPitchAngle, (float)manualYawAngle, (float)manualThrust, controlRollManual, controlPitchManual, controlYawManual, controlThrustManual);
qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": SENT MANUAL CONTROL MESSAGE: roll" << manualRollAngle << " pitch: " << manualPitchAngle << " yaw: " << manualYawAngle << " thrust: " << manualThrust;
//qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": SENT MANUAL CONTROL MESSAGE: roll" << manualRollAngle << " pitch: " << manualPitchAngle << " yaw: " << manualYawAngle << " thrust: " << manualThrust;
emit attitudeThrustSetPointChanged(this, roll, pitch, yaw, thrust, QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds());
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <QTimer>
#include "QGCVehicleConfig.h"
#include "UASManager.h"
#include "QGC.h"
#include "ui_QGCVehicleConfig.h"
......@@ -20,6 +21,19 @@ QGCVehicleConfig::QGCVehicleConfig(QWidget *parent) :
connect(ui->rcCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleCalibrationRC(bool)));
connect(ui->storeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeParameters()));
connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(setActiveUAS(UASInterface*)));
for (int i = 0; i < chanMax; i++)
rcValue[i] = 1500;
connect(&updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateView()));
......@@ -68,7 +82,10 @@ void QGCVehicleConfig::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* active)
// Connect new system
mav = active;
connect(active, SIGNAL(statusChanged(UASInterface*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(updateState(UASInterface*, QString,QString)));
connect(active, SIGNAL(remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int,float)), this,
connect(active, SIGNAL(parameterChanged(int,int,QString,QVariant)), this,
void QGCVehicleConfig::resetCalibrationRC()
......@@ -153,7 +170,7 @@ void QGCVehicleConfig::remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float val)
if (chan == rcMapping[0])
if (rcRoll > rcTrim[chan])
if (rcRoll >= rcTrim[chan])
rcRoll = (val - rcTrim[chan])/(rcMax[chan] - rcTrim[chan]);
......@@ -162,12 +179,13 @@ void QGCVehicleConfig::remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float val)
rcRoll = (val - rcMin[chan])/(rcTrim[chan] - rcMin[chan]);
rcValue[0] = val;
rcRoll = qBound(-1.0f, rcRoll, 1.0f);
else if (chan == rcMapping[1])
if (rcPitch > rcTrim[chan])
if (rcPitch >= rcTrim[chan])
rcPitch = (val - rcTrim[chan])/(rcMax[chan] - rcTrim[chan]);
......@@ -175,13 +193,13 @@ void QGCVehicleConfig::remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float val)
rcPitch = (val - rcMin[chan])/(rcTrim[chan] - rcMin[chan]);
rcValue[1] = val;
rcPitch = qBound(-1.0f, rcPitch, 1.0f);
else if (chan == rcMapping[2])
// YAW
if (rcYaw > rcTrim[chan])
if (rcYaw >= rcTrim[chan])
rcYaw = (val - rcTrim[chan])/(rcMax[chan] - rcTrim[chan]);
......@@ -189,13 +207,13 @@ void QGCVehicleConfig::remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float val)
rcYaw = (val - rcMin[chan])/(rcTrim[chan] - rcMin[chan]);
rcValue[2] = val;
rcYaw = qBound(-1.0f, rcYaw, 1.0f);
else if (chan == rcMapping[3])
if (rcThrottle > rcTrim[chan])
if (rcThrottle >= rcTrim[chan])
rcThrottle = (val - rcTrim[chan])/(rcMax[chan] - rcTrim[chan]);
......@@ -203,13 +221,13 @@ void QGCVehicleConfig::remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float val)
rcThrottle = (val - rcMin[chan])/(rcTrim[chan] - rcMin[chan]);
rcValue[3] = val;
rcThrottle = qBound(-1.0f, rcThrottle, 1.0f);
else if (chan == rcMapping[4])
if (rcMode > rcTrim[chan])
if (rcMode >= rcTrim[chan])
rcMode = (val - rcTrim[chan])/(rcMax[chan] - rcTrim[chan]);
......@@ -217,7 +235,7 @@ void QGCVehicleConfig::remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float val)
rcMode = (val - rcMin[chan])/(rcTrim[chan] - rcMin[chan]);
rcValue[4] = val;
rcMode = qBound(-1.0f, rcMode, 1.0f);
else if (chan == rcMapping[5])
......@@ -238,7 +256,7 @@ void QGCVehicleConfig::remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float val)
changed = true;
qDebug() << "RC CHAN:" << chan << "PPM:" << val;
//qDebug() << "RC CHAN:" << chan << "PPM:" << val;
void QGCVehicleConfig::parameterChanged(int uas, int component, QString parameterName, QVariant value)
......@@ -293,10 +311,10 @@ void QGCVehicleConfig::updateView()
if (changed)
changed = false;
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <QWidget>
#include <QTimer>
#include "UASInterface.h"
......@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ protected:
int rcTrim[chanMax]; ///< Zero-position (center for roll/pitch/yaw, 0 throttle for throttle)
int rcMapping[chanMax]; ///< PWM to function mappings
bool rcRev[chanMax]; ///< Channel reverse
int rcValue[chanMax]; ///< Last values
float rcRoll; ///< PPM input channel used as roll control input
float rcPitch; ///< PPM input channel used as pitch control input
float rcYaw; ///< PPM input channel used as yaw control input
......@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ protected:
float rcAux3; ///< PPM input channel used as aux 1 input
bool rcCalChanged; ///< Set if the calibration changes (and needs to be written)
bool changed; ///< Set if any of the input data changed
QTimer updateTimer; ///< Controls update intervals
Ui::QGCVehicleConfig *ui;
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