Commit e547004f authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
Browse files

Merge pull request #441 from thomasgubler/params_alphabetical

display parameters in alphabetical order
parents 45fc023c 7af96b27
......@@ -311,6 +311,39 @@ QTreeWidgetItem* QGCParamWidget::getParentWidgetItemForParam(int compId, const Q
return parentItem;
void QGCParamWidget::insertParamAlphabetical(int indexLowerBound, int indexUpperBound, QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem, QTreeWidgetItem* paramItem)
if (indexLowerBound >= indexUpperBound)
if (paramItem->text(0).compare(parentItem->child(indexLowerBound)->text(0)) < 0) {
parentItem->insertChild(indexLowerBound, paramItem);
if (indexLowerBound < parentItem->childCount() - 1) {
parentItem->insertChild(indexLowerBound + 1, paramItem);
int midpoint = indexLowerBound + floor(indexUpperBound - indexLowerBound)/2;
if (paramItem->text(0).compare(parentItem->child(midpoint)->text(0)) < 0)
insertParamAlphabetical(indexLowerBound, midpoint - 1, parentItem, paramItem);
} else
insertParamAlphabetical(midpoint + 1, indexUpperBound, parentItem, paramItem);
QTreeWidgetItem* QGCParamWidget::updateParameterDisplay(int compId, QString parameterName, QVariant value)
//qDebug() << "QGCParamWidget::updateParameterDisplay" << parameterName;
......@@ -343,8 +376,13 @@ QTreeWidgetItem* QGCParamWidget::updateParameterDisplay(int compId, QString para
paramItem->setFlags(paramItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
//TODO insert alphabetically
//Insert alphabetically
if (parentItem->childCount() > 0) {
insertParamAlphabetical(0, parentItem->childCount() - 1, parentItem, paramItem);
} else
//only add the tooltip when the parameter item is first added
QString paramDesc = paramMgr->dataModel()->getParamDescription(parameterName);
......@@ -83,10 +83,12 @@ public slots:
virtual void clearOnboardParamDisplay();
virtual void clearPendingParamDisplay();
/** @brief Adds parameter at the correct location by a alphapetical comparison of the parameter names */
void insertParamAlphabetical(int indexLowerBound, int indexUpperBound, QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem, QTreeWidgetItem* paramItem);
/** @brief Ensure that view of parameter matches data in the model */
QTreeWidgetItem* updateParameterDisplay(int component, QString parameterName, QVariant value);
/** @brief Update when user changes parameters */
void parameterItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* prev, int column);
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