<short_desc>Enable RC stick override of auto modes</short_desc>
<long_desc>When an auto mode is active (except a critical battery reaction) moving the RC sticks gives control back to the pilot in manual position mode immediately. Only has an effect on multicopters and VTOLS in multicopter mode.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Enable RC stick override of auto modes
Enable RC stick override of auto or offboard modes</short_desc>
<long_desc>Moving the RC sticks gives control back to the pilot in manual position mode immediately when: 0: an auto mode is active (except a critical battery reaction) 1: offboard mode is active Only has an effect on multicopters and VTOLS in multicopter mode.</long_desc>
<bit index="0"> Enable override of auto modes</bit>
<bit index="1"> Enable override of offboard mode</bit>