Commit dd7b139d authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #4673 from DonLakeFlyer/TouchUsability

Small Screen and Touch usability changes
parents aaa80e7e 0ad9f79d
......@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ QGCTextField {
Qt.ImhFormattedNumbersOnly // Forces use of virtual numeric keyboard
onEditingFinished: {
if (ScreenTools.isMobile) {
// Toss focus on mobile after Done on virtual keyboard. Prevent strange interactions.
focus = false
if (typeof qgcView !== 'undefined' && qgcView) {
var errorString = fact.validate(text, false /* convertOnly */)
if (errorString == "") {
......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ FlightMap {
title: qsTr("Fly")
z: QGroundControl.zOrderWidgets
buttonVisible: [ true, true, _showZoom, _showZoom ]
maxHeight: (_flightVideo.visible ? _flightVideo.y : parent.height) - toolStrip.y // Massive reach across hack
property bool _showZoom: !ScreenTools.isShortScreen
......@@ -777,6 +777,7 @@ QGCView {
rotateImage: [ false, false, _syncDropDownController.syncInProgress, false, false, false, false ]
buttonEnabled: [ true, true, !_syncDropDownController.syncInProgress, true, true, true, true ]
buttonVisible: [ true, true, true, true, true, _showZoom, _showZoom ]
maxHeight: mapScale.y - toolStrip.y
property bool _showZoom: !ScreenTools.isShortScreen
......@@ -839,6 +840,7 @@ QGCView {
MapScale {
id: mapScale
anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * (0.66)
anchors.bottom: waypointValuesDisplay.visible ? : parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
......@@ -66,50 +66,57 @@ Rectangle {
visible: missionItem.isCurrentItem && missionItem.sequenceNumber != 0
color: qgcPal.windowShade
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: hamburgerMenu.popup()
Menu {
id: hamburgerMenu
MouseArea {
// The MouseArea for the hamburger is larger than the hamburger image itself in order to provide a larger
// touch area on mobile
anchors.leftMargin: -hamburger.anchors.rightMargin
anchors.left: hamburger.left
anchors.right: parent.right
onClicked: hamburgerMenu.popup()
Menu {
id: hamburgerMenu
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Insert")
onTriggered: insert()
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Insert")
onTriggered: insert()
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Delete")
onTriggered: remove()
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Delete")
onTriggered: remove()
MenuItem {
text: "Change command..."
onTriggered: commandPicker.clicked()
MenuItem {
text: "Change command..."
onTriggered: commandPicker.clicked()
MenuSeparator {
visible: missionItem.isSimpleItem
MenuSeparator {
visible: missionItem.isSimpleItem
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Show all values")
checkable: true
checked: missionItem.isSimpleItem ? missionItem.rawEdit : false
visible: missionItem.isSimpleItem
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Show all values")
checkable: true
checked: missionItem.isSimpleItem ? missionItem.rawEdit : false
visible: missionItem.isSimpleItem
onTriggered: {
if (missionItem.rawEdit) {
if (missionItem.friendlyEditAllowed) {
missionItem.rawEdit = false
} else {
qgcView.showMessage(qsTr("Mission Edit"), qsTr("You have made changes to the mission item which cannot be shown in Simple Mode"), StandardButton.Ok)
onTriggered: {
if (missionItem.rawEdit) {
if (missionItem.friendlyEditAllowed) {
missionItem.rawEdit = false
} else {
missionItem.rawEdit = true
qgcView.showMessage(qsTr("Mission Edit"), qsTr("You have made changes to the mission item which cannot be shown in Simple Mode"), StandardButton.Ok)
checked = missionItem.rawEdit
} else {
missionItem.rawEdit = true
checked = missionItem.rawEdit
......@@ -29,6 +29,13 @@ TextField {
implicitHeight: ScreenTools.implicitTextFieldHeight
onEditingFinished: {
if (ScreenTools.isMobile) {
// Toss focus on mobile after Done on virtual keyboard. Prevent strange interactions.
focus = false
QGCLabel {
id: unitsLabelWidthGenerator
text: unitsLabel
......@@ -22,17 +22,55 @@ Rectangle {
property string title: "Title"
property alias model: repeater.model
property var showAlternateIcon
property var rotateImage
property var buttonEnabled
property var buttonVisible
property var showAlternateIcon ///< List of bool values, one for each button in strip - true: show alternate icon, false: show normal icon
property var rotateImage ///< List of bool values, one for each button in strip - true: animation rotation, false: static image
property var buttonEnabled ///< List of bool values, one for each button in strip - true: button enabled, false: button disabled
property var buttonVisible ///< List of bool values, one for each button in strip - true: button visible, false: button invisible
property real maxHeight ///< Maximum height for control, determines whether text is hidden to make control shorter
signal clicked(int index, bool checked)
readonly property real _radius: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2
readonly property real _margin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2
readonly property real _buttonSpacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
readonly property bool _showOptionalElements: !ScreenTools.isShortScreen
// All of the following values, connections and function are to support the ability to determine
// whether to show or hide the optional elements on the fly.
property bool _showOptionalElements: true
property bool _needRecalc: true
Component.onCompleted: recalcShowOptionalElements()
onMaxHeightChanged: recalcShowOptionalElements()
Connections {
target: ScreenTools
onDefaultFontPixelWidthChanged: recalcShowOptionalElements()
onDefaultFontPixelHeightChanged: recalcShowOptionalElements()
onHeightChanged: {
if (_needRecalc) {
_needRecalc = false
if (maxHeight && height > maxHeight) {
_showOptionalElements = false
function recalcShowOptionalElements() {
if (_showOptionalElements) {
if (maxHeight && height > maxHeight) {
_showOptionalElements = false
} else {
_needRecalc = true
_showOptionalElements = true
QGCPalette { id: qgcPal }
ExclusiveGroup { id: dropButtonsExclusiveGroup }
Supports Markdown
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