Commit db3e3dab authored by Bill Bonney's avatar Bill Bonney
Browse files

Fixed APM Tool Bar connect button not changing images when connected

parent 069dced8
......@@ -8,26 +8,37 @@ Rectangle {
property alias backgroundColor : toolbar.color
property alias linkNameLabel: linkDevice.label
property alias baudrateLabel: baudrate.label
property bool connected: false
width: 1024 < parent.width ? 1024 : parent.width
height: 72
color: "black"
border.color: "black"
Connections {
target: globalObj
onMAVConnected: {
console.log("Change Connection " + connected)
if (connect){
// connectButton.image = "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/disconnect.png"
} else {
// connectButton.image = "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/connect.png"
onConnectedChanged: {
if (connected){
console.log("APM Tool BAR QML: connected")
connectButton.image = "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/disconnect.png"
} else {
console.log("APM Tool BAR QML: disconnected")
connectButton.image = "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/connect.png"
// Connections {
// target: globalObj
// onMAVConnected: {
// console.log("QML Change Connection " + connected)
// if (connected){
// console.log("connected")
// connectButton.image = "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/disconnect.png"
// } else {
// console.log("disconnected")
// connectButton.image = "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/connect.png"
// }
// }
// }
Row {
anchors.left: parent.left
spacing: 2
......@@ -10,16 +10,18 @@ APMToolBar::APMToolBar(QWidget *parent):
// Configure our QML object
this->rootContext()->setContextProperty("globalObj", this);
this->rootContext()->setContextProperty("globalObj", this);
this, SLOT(updateLinkDisplay(LinkInterface*)));
if (LinkManager::instance()->getLinks().count()>=3) {
QObject *object = rootObject();
object->setProperty("connected", false);
void APMToolBar::setFlightViewAction(QAction *action)
......@@ -111,6 +113,11 @@ void APMToolBar::connectMAV()
result = !LinkManager::instance()->getLinks().last()->disconnect();
qDebug() << "result = " << result;
// Change the image to represent the state
QObject *object = rootObject();
object->setProperty("connected", result);
emit MAVConnected(result);
......@@ -147,7 +154,7 @@ void APMToolBar::updateLinkDisplay(LinkInterface* newLink)
qDebug() << "APMToolBar: updateLinkDisplay";
QObject *object = rootObject();
if (newLink){
if (newLink && object){
qint64 baudrate = newLink->getNominalDataRate();
object->setProperty("baudrateLabel", QString::number(baudrate));
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