Commit d7b0f703 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Update to FileManager changes

parent 25177682
......@@ -146,15 +146,12 @@ void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::_listTest(void)
fileList << "Ddir" << "Ffoo" << "Fbar";
QStringList fileListExpected;
fileListExpected << "dir/" << "foo" << "bar";
QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkSignalByMask(resetStatusMessagesSignalMask), true); // We should be told to reset status messages
QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->checkNoSignalByMask(errorMessageSignalMask), true); // We should not get an error signals
QVERIFY(_fileListReceived == fileListExpected);
QVERIFY(_fileListReceived == fileList);
void QGCUASFileManagerUnitTest::_validateFileContents(const QString& filePath, uint8_t length)
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