Commit ccb8bf62 authored by dogmaphobic's avatar dogmaphobic
Browse files

Fix copy/paste error.

Getting sloppy...
parent 6385c1a4
......@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ void MainWindow::loadSettings()
_autoReconnect = settings.value("AUTO_RECONNECT", _autoReconnect).toBool();
_lowPowerMode = settings.value("LOW_POWER_MODE", _lowPowerMode).toBool();
_showStatusBar = settings.value("SHOW_STATUSBAR", _lowPowerMode).toBool();
_showStatusBar = settings.value("SHOW_STATUSBAR", _showStatusBar).toBool();
// Select the proper view. Default to the flight view or load the last one used if it's supported.
VIEW_SECTIONS currentViewCandidate = (VIEW_SECTIONS) settings.value("CURRENT_VIEW", _currentView).toInt();
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