Commit c7488064 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
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New implementation of PX4 RC Calibration

parent 04293e2c
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QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.
/// @file
/// @brief PX4 RC Calibration Widget
/// @author Don Gagne <
#ifndef PX4RCCalibration_H
#define PX4RCCalibration_H
#include <QWidget>
#include <QTimer>
#include "QGCToolWidget.h"
#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "ui_PX4RCCalibration.h"
class PX4RCCalibrationTest;
namespace Ui {
class PX4RCCalibration;
class PX4RCCalibration : public QWidget
friend class PX4RCCalibrationTest; ///< This allows our unit test to access internal information needed.
explicit PX4RCCalibration(QWidget *parent = 0);
private slots:
void _rcCalNext(void);
void _rcCalTryAgain(void);
void _rcCalSkip(void);
void _rcCalCancel(void);
void _updateView(void);
void _remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float val);
void _setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas);
void _toggleSpektrumPairing(bool enabled);
/// @brief These identify the various controls functions. They are also used as indices into the _rgFunctioInfo
/// aray.
enum rcCalFunctions {
// Attitude functions are roll/pitch/yaw/throttle
rcCalFunctionFirstAttitudeFunction = rcCalFunctionRoll,
rcCalFunctionLastAttitudeFunction = rcCalFunctionThrottle,
// Non-Attitude functions are everthing else
rcCalFunctionFirstNonAttitudeFunction = rcCalFunctionModeSwitch,
rcCalFunctionLastNonAttitudeFunction = rcCalFunctionAux2,
/// @brief The states of the calibration state machine.
enum rcCalStates {
/// @brief A set of information associated with a function.
struct FunctionInfo {
const char* functionName; ///< User visible function name
const char* inversionMsg; ///< Message to display to user to detect inversion
const char* parameterName; ///< Parameter name for function mapping
bool required; ///< true: function must be mapped
/// @brief A set of information associated with a radio channel.
struct ChannelInfo {
enum rcCalFunctions function; ///< Function mapped to this channel, rcCalFunctionMax for none
bool reversed; ///< true: channel is reverse, false: not reversed
float rcMin; ///< Minimum RC value
float rcMax; ///< Maximum RC value
float rcTrim; ///< Trim position
// Methods - see source code for documentation
void _writeCalibration(bool trimsOnly);
void _resetInternalCalibrationValues(void);
void _copyAndSetTrims(void);
void _rcCalChannelWait(bool firstTime);
void _rcCalBegin(void);
void _rcCalNextIdentifyChannelMapping(void);
void _rcCalReadChannelsMinMax(void);
void _rcCalCenterThrottle(void);
void _rcCalNextDetectChannelInversion(void);
void _rcCalTrims(void);
void _rcCalSave(void);
void _rcCalSaveCurrentValues(void);
void _showMinMaxOnRadioWidgets(bool show);
void _unitTestForceCalState(enum rcCalStates state);
// Member variables
static const int _updateInterval; ///< Interval for ui update timer
static const struct FunctionInfo _rgFunctionInfo[rcCalFunctionMax]; ///< Information associated with each function.
int _rgFunctionChannelMapping[rcCalFunctionMax]; ///< Maps from rcCalFunctions to channel index. _chanMax indicates channel not set for this function.
int _chanCount; ///< Number of actual rc channels available
static const int _chanMax = 18; ///< Maximum number of supported rc channels
static const int _chanMinimum = 5; ///< Minimum numner of channels required to run PX4
struct ChannelInfo _rgChannelInfo[_chanMax]; ///< Information associated with each rc channel
enum rcCalStates _rcCalState; ///< Current calibration state
int _rcCalStateCurrentChannel; ///< Current channel being worked on in rcCalStateIdentify and rcCalStateDetectInversion
bool _rcCalStateChannelComplete; ///< Work associated with current channel is complete
int _rcCalStateIdentifyOldMapping; ///< Previous mapping for channel being currently identified
int _rcCalStateReverseOldMapping; ///< Previous mapping for channel being currently used to detect inversion
static const int _rcCalPWMCenterPoint; ///< PWM center value;
static const int _rcCalPWMValidMinValue; ///< Valid minimum PWM value
static const int _rcCalPWMValidMaxValue; ///< Valid maximum PWM value
static const int _rcCalRoughCenterDelta; ///< Delta around center point which is considered to be roughly centered
static const float _rcCalMoveDelta; ///< Amount of delta which is considered stick movement
static const float _rcCalMinDelta; ///< Amount of delta allowed around min value to consider channel at min
float _rcValueSave[_chanMax]; ///< Saved values prior to detecting channel movement
float _rcRawValue[_chanMax]; ///< Current set of raw channel values
QGCRadioChannelDisplay* _rgAttitudeRadioWidget[4]; ///< Array of Attitide Function radio channel widgets
QGCRadioChannelDisplay* _rgRadioWidget[_chanMax]; ///< Array of radio channel widgets
UASInterface* _mav; ///< The current MAV
Ui::PX4RCCalibration* _ui;
QTimer _updateTimer; ///< Timer used to update widgete ui
#endif // PX4RCCalibration_H
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