Commit c16ababc authored by Andrew Voznytsa's avatar Andrew Voznytsa
Browse files

Allow developers (or advanced users) to override UI settings - quite useful if...

Allow developers (or advanced users) to override UI settings - quite useful if you set your debug settings in QtCreator and do not depends on QGC settings state (they are reset to default sometimes, for example)
parent 2e033034
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ void initializeVideoStreaming(int &argc, char* argv[], char* logpath, char* debu
//-- Generic initialization
if (logpath) {
if (qgetenv("GST_DEBUG").isEmpty() && logpath) {
QString gstDebugFile = QString("%1/%2").arg(logpath).arg("gstreamer-log.txt");
qDebug() << "GStreamer debug output:" << gstDebugFile;
if (debuglevel) {
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