Commit bf53df05 authored by Michael Carpenter's avatar Michael Carpenter
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Another change for issue #3, SerialLink::getCurrentPortS() should now return...

Another change for issue #3, SerialLink::getCurrentPortS() should now return consistant results on Windows to match linux and OSX
parent 8190209d
......@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ QVector<QString>* SerialLink::getCurrentPorts()
for (int i = ports.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
QextPortInfo portInfo =;
QString portString = QString(portInfo.portName.toLocal8Bit().constData()) + " - " + QString("(").first();
QString portString = QString(portInfo.portName.toLocal8Bit().constData());// + " - " + QString("(").first();
// Prepend newly found port to the list
......@@ -608,12 +608,6 @@ void QGCToolBar::connectLink(bool connect)
if (link)
QString portname = portComboBox->currentText().split(":")[2];
if (portname.indexOf('-') >= 0)
//Take everything before the last -, this ensures if the com port has a - in it, it will be included,
//since the last - is inserted by me.
portname = portname.mid(0,portname.lastIndexOf("-")-1);
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