Commit badc50c1 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
Browse files

Support enabling fatal warnings via user_config.pri file

parent c27191b0
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Download Qt 5.3 from here: <
### Additional build notes for all supported OS
* Debug Builds: By default qmake will create makefiles for a release build. If you want a debug build add `CONFIG+=debug` to the command line.
* Warnings as Errors: Specifying `CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn` will turn all warnings into errors which break the build. If you are working on a pull request you plan to submit to github for consideration, you should always run with this settings turned on, since it is required for all pull requests.
* Warnings as Errors: Specifying `CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn` will turn all warnings into errors which break the build. If you are working on a pull request you plan to submit to github for consideration, you should always run with this settings turned on, since it is required for all pull requests. NOTE: Putting this line into a file called "user_config.pri" in the top-level directory will set this flag on all builds without interfering with the GIT history.
* Parallel builds: For Linux and OSX you can use the '-j#' option to run parellel builds. On Windows parallel builds are on by default.
* Location of built files: Individual build file results can be found in the `build_debug` or `build_release` directories. The built executable can be found in the `debug` or `release` directory.
* Incremental builds: Incremental builds may not be 100% reliable. If you find something strange happening that seems like a bad build. Delete your `build_debug` and `build_release` directories and run qmake again.
......@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
message(Qt version $$[QT_VERSION])
# Load additional config flags from user_config.pri
exists(user_config.pri):infile(user_config.pri, CONFIG) {
CONFIG += $$fromfile(user_config.pri, CONFIG)
message($$sprintf("Using user-supplied additional config: '%1' specified in user_config.pri", $$fromfile(user_config.pri, CONFIG)))
# Setup our supported build types. We do this once here and then use the defined config scopes
# to allow us to easily modify suported build types in one place instead of duplicated throughout
# the project file.
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