Commit ba37ee4c authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba
Browse files

Updating airmapd with its fixes for flight plan updates.

parent bdb044df
......@@ -46,13 +46,15 @@ struct FlightPlan {
float longitude; ///< The longitude component of the takeoff coordinates in [°].
} takeoff; ///< The takeoff coordinate.
struct {
float max; ///< The maximum altitude over the entire flight in [m].
float min; ///< The minimum altitude over the entire flight in [m].
} altitude_agl; ///< The altitude range of the flight in [m] above ground level.
float buffer; ///< The buffer in [m] around the geometry.
Geometry geometry; ///< The geometry describing the flight.
DateTime start_time; ///< Point in time when the flight will start/was started.
DateTime end_time; ///< Point in time when the fligth will end.
float max; ///< The maximum altitude over the entire flight in [m].
float min; ///< The minimum altitude over the entire flight in [m].
} altitude_agl; ///< The altitude range of the flight in [m] above ground level.
float buffer; ///< The buffer in [m] around the geometry.
Geometry geometry; ///< The geometry describing the flight.
DateTime start_time; ///< Point in time when the flight will start/was started.
DateTime end_time; ///< Point in time when the fligth will end.
std::vector<RuleSet::Id> rulesets; ///< RuleSets that apply to this flight plan.
std::unordered_map<std::string, RuleSet::Feature::Value> features; ///< Additional properties of the planned flight.
} // namespace airmap
......@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
#include "PlanMasterController.h"
#include "QGCMAVLink.h"
#include "airmap/pilots.h"
#include "airmap/flights.h"
#include "airmap/date_time.h"
#include "airmap/flight_plans.h"
#include "airmap/flights.h"
#include "airmap/geometry.h"
#include "airmap/pilots.h"
using namespace airmap;
......@@ -411,6 +411,52 @@ AirMapFlightPlanManager::_createFlightPlan()
emit flightPermitStatusChanged();
AirMapFlightPlanManager::_updateRulesAndFeatures(std::vector<RuleSet::Id>& rulesets, std::unordered_map<std::string, RuleSet::Feature::Value>& features)
AirMapRulesetsManager* pRulesMgr = dynamic_cast<AirMapRulesetsManager*>(qgcApp()->toolbox()->airspaceManager()->ruleSets());
if(pRulesMgr) {
for(int rs = 0; rs < pRulesMgr->ruleSets()->count(); rs++) {
AirMapRuleSet* ruleSet = qobject_cast<AirMapRuleSet*>(pRulesMgr->ruleSets()->get(rs));
//-- If this ruleset is selected
if(ruleSet && ruleSet->selected()) {
//-- Features within each rule
for(int r = 0; r < ruleSet->rules()->count(); r++) {
AirMapRule* rule = qobject_cast<AirMapRule*>(ruleSet->rules()->get(r));
if(rule) {
for(int f = 0; f < rule->features()->count(); f++) {
AirMapRuleFeature* feature = qobject_cast<AirMapRuleFeature*>(rule->features()->get(f));
if(feature && feature->value().isValid()) {
switch(feature->type()) {
case AirspaceRuleFeature::Boolean:
features[feature->name().toStdString()] = RuleSet::Feature::Value(feature->value().toBool());
case AirspaceRuleFeature::Float:
//-- Sanity check for floats
if(isfinite(feature->value().toFloat())) {
features[feature->name().toStdString()] = RuleSet::Feature::Value(feature->value().toFloat());
case AirspaceRuleFeature::String:
//-- Skip empty responses
if(!feature->value().toString().isEmpty()) {
features[feature->name().toStdString()] = RuleSet::Feature::Value(feature->value().toString().toStdString());
qCWarning(AirMapManagerLog) << "Unknown type for feature" << feature->name();
......@@ -436,49 +482,8 @@ AirMapFlightPlanManager::_uploadFlightPlan()
quint64 end = start + 60 * 30 * 1000;
params.start_time = airmap::from_milliseconds_since_epoch(airmap::Milliseconds{(long long)start});
params.end_time = airmap::from_milliseconds_since_epoch(airmap::Milliseconds{(long long)end});
//-- Rules
AirMapRulesetsManager* pRulesMgr = dynamic_cast<AirMapRulesetsManager*>(qgcApp()->toolbox()->airspaceManager()->ruleSets());
if(pRulesMgr) {
for(int rs = 0; rs < pRulesMgr->ruleSets()->count(); rs++) {
AirMapRuleSet* ruleSet = qobject_cast<AirMapRuleSet*>(pRulesMgr->ruleSets()->get(rs));
//-- If this ruleset is selected
if(ruleSet && ruleSet->selected()) {
//-- Features within each rule
for(int r = 0; r < ruleSet->rules()->count(); r++) {
AirMapRule* rule = qobject_cast<AirMapRule*>(ruleSet->rules()->get(r));
if(rule) {
for(int f = 0; f < rule->features()->count(); f++) {
AirMapRuleFeature* feature = qobject_cast<AirMapRuleFeature*>(rule->features()->get(f));
if(feature && feature->value().isValid()) {
switch(feature->type()) {
case AirspaceRuleFeature::Boolean:
params.features[feature->name().toStdString()] = RuleSet::Feature::Value(feature->value().toBool());
case AirspaceRuleFeature::Float:
//-- Sanity check for floats
if(isfinite(feature->value().toFloat())) {
params.features[feature->name().toStdString()] = RuleSet::Feature::Value(feature->value().toFloat());
case AirspaceRuleFeature::String:
//-- Skip empty responses
if(!feature->value().toString().isEmpty()) {
params.features[feature->name().toStdString()] = RuleSet::Feature::Value(feature->value().toString().toStdString());
qCWarning(AirMapManagerLog) << "Unknown type for feature" << feature->name();
//-- Rules & Features
_updateRulesAndFeatures(params.rulesets, params.features);
//-- Geometry: polygon
Geometry::Polygon polygon;
for (const auto& qcoord : _flight.coords) {
......@@ -535,6 +540,10 @@ AirMapFlightPlanManager::_updateFlightPlan()
_flightPlan.buffer = 2.f;
_flightPlan.takeoff.latitude = _flight.takeoffCoord.latitude();
_flightPlan.takeoff.longitude = _flight.takeoffCoord.longitude();
//-- Rules & Features
_updateRulesAndFeatures(_flightPlan.rulesets, _flightPlan.features);
//-- Geometry: polygon
Geometry::Polygon polygon;
for (const auto& qcoord : _flight.coords) {
......@@ -544,17 +553,6 @@ AirMapFlightPlanManager::_updateFlightPlan()
_flightPlan.geometry = Geometry(polygon);
//-- Rules
AirMapRulesetsManager* pRulesMgr = dynamic_cast<AirMapRulesetsManager*>(qgcApp()->toolbox()->airspaceManager()->ruleSets());
if(pRulesMgr) {
foreach(QString ruleset, pRulesMgr->rulesetsIDs()) {
_state = State::FlightUpdate;
std::weak_ptr<LifetimeChecker> isAlive(_instance);
_shared.doRequestWithLogin([this, isAlive](const QString& login_token) {
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "airmap/flight.h"
#include "airmap/flight_plan.h"
#include "airmap/ruleset.h"
class PlanMasterController;
......@@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ private slots:
void _createFlightPlan ();
bool _collectFlightDtata ();
void _updateRulesAndFeatures (std::vector<airmap::RuleSet::Id>& rulesets, std::unordered_map<std::string, airmap::RuleSet::Feature::Value>& features);
enum class State {
......@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ AirMapManager::AirMapManager(QGCApplication* app, QGCToolbox* toolbox)
_logger = std::make_shared<qt::Logger>();
qt::register_types(); // TODO: still needed?
_logger->logging_category().setEnabled(QtDebugMsg, false);
_logger->logging_category().setEnabled(QtInfoMsg, false);
_logger->logging_category().setEnabled(QtDebugMsg, true);
_logger->logging_category().setEnabled(QtInfoMsg, true);
_logger->logging_category().setEnabled(QtWarningMsg, false);
_dispatchingLogger = std::make_shared<qt::DispatchingLogger>(_logger);
connect(&_shared, &AirMapSharedState::error, this, &AirMapManager::_error);
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