Commit b8a37e39 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
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Merge pull request #594 from DonLakeFlyer/Issue570

Only a single MAVLink dialect is supported
parents 4574fd52 969c5aea
......@@ -78,10 +78,9 @@ else {
# the selected autopilot system.
# If the user config file exists, it will be included. If this file
# specifies the MAVLINK_CONF variable with a list of MAVLink
# dialects, support for them will be compiled in to QGC. It will also
# create a QGC_USE_{AUTOPILOT_NAME}_MESSAGES macro for use within
# the actual code.
# specifies the MAVLINK_CONF variable with a MAVLink dialect, support
# for it will be compiled in to QGC. It will also create a
# QGC_USE_{AUTOPILOT_NAME}_MESSAGES macro for use within the actual code.
MAVLINKPATH_REL = libs/mavlink/include/mavlink/v1.0
......@@ -90,52 +89,37 @@ DEFINES += MAVLINK_NO_DATA
# First we select the dialect, checking for valid user selection
# Users can override all other settings by specifying MAVLINK_CONF as an argument to qmake
!isEmpty(MAVLINK_CONF) {
for(dialect, MAVLINK_CONF) {
exists($$MAVLINKPATH/$$dialect) {
message($$sprintf("Using MAVLink dialect '%1' specified at the command line.", $$dialect))
} else {
error($$sprintf("MAVLink dialect '%1' specified at the command line does not exist at '%2'!", $$dialect, $$MAVLINKPATH_REL))
message($$sprintf("Using MAVLink dialect '%1' specified at the command line.", $$MAVLINK_CONF))
# Otherwise they can specify MAVLINK_CONF within user_config.pri
else:infile(user_config.pri, MAVLINK_CONF) {
MAVLINK_CONF = $$fromfile(user_config.pri, MAVLINK_CONF)
!isEmpty(MAVLINK_CONF) {
for(dialect, MAVLINK_CONF) {
exists($$MAVLINKPATH/$$dialect) {
message($$sprintf("Using MAVLink dialect '%1' specified in user_config.pri", $$dialect))
} else {
error($$sprintf("MAVLink dialect '%1' specified in user_config.pri does not exist at '%2'!", $$dialect, $$MAVLINKPATH_REL))
message($$sprintf("Using MAVLink dialect '%1' specified in user_config.pri", $$MAVLINK_CONF))
# If no valid user selection is found, default to the ardupilotmega if it's available.
# Note: This can be a list of several dialects.
else {
exists($$MAVLINKPATH/$$dialect) {
message($$sprintf("Using default MAVLink dialect '%1'.", $$dialect))
} else {
warning($$sprintf("Default MAVLink dialect '%1' does not exist at '%2'!", $$dialect, $$MAVLINKPATH_REL))
message($$sprintf("Using default MAVLink dialect '%1'.", $$MAVLINK_CONF))
# Then we add the proper include paths dependent on the dialects and notify
# the user of the current dialect.
# Then we add the proper include paths dependent on the dialect.
for(dialect, MAVLINK_DIALECTS) {
DEFINES += $$sprintf('QGC_USE_%1_MESSAGES', $$upper($$dialect))
!isEmpty(MAVLINK_CONF) {
count(MAVLINK_CONF, 1) {
DEFINES += $$sprintf('QGC_USE_%1_MESSAGES', $$upper($$MAVLINK_CONF))
} else {
error($$sprintf("MAVLink dialect '%1' does not exist at '%2'!", $$MAVLINK_CONF, $$MAVLINKPATH_REL))
} else {
error(Only a single mavlink dialect can be specified in MAVLINK_CONF)
} else {
warning("No valid MAVLink dialects found, only common messages supported.")
warning("No MAVLink dialect specified, only common messages supported.")
......@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
# Specify MAVLink dialects to compile support for here. This variable is processed
# by QGCExternalLibs.pri, which handles MAVLink configuration.
# To specify dialects to include set MAVLINK_CONF to a space-separated list of dialects.
# Each dialect should correspond to an include folder under `libs/mavlink/include`
# Specify the MAVLink dialect to compile support for here. This variable is processed
# by QGCExternalLibs.pri, which handles MAVLink configuration. The dialect should
# correspond to an include folder under `libs/mavlink/include/mavlink/v1.0`. You can
# also force a build to use only common mavlink message by setting MAVLINK_CONF to empty here.
#MAVLINK_CONF = pixhawk
# Override compilation of QGroundControl's features in your build. This overrides the default
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