Commit ae58e709 authored by Jacob Dahl's avatar Jacob Dahl
Browse files

updated from reviewer feedback

parent 52d8a552
......@@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ Rectangle {
color: qgcPal.windowShade
radius: 3
property real _verticalMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
property var _offlineEditingVehicleType: QGroundControl.settingsManager.appSettings.offlineEditingVehicleType
property real _verticalMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
Loader {
id: modelContainer
......@@ -68,44 +66,25 @@ Rectangle {
//-- Pick a checklist model that matches the current airframe type (if any)
function _updateModel() {
if(activeVehicle) {
if(activeVehicle.multiRotor) {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/MultiRotorChecklist.qml"
} else if(activeVehicle.vtol) {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/VTOLChecklist.qml"
} else if(activeVehicle.rover) {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/RoverChecklist.qml"
} else if(activeVehicle.sub) {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/SubChecklist.qml"
} else if(activeVehicle.fixedWing) {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/FixedWingChecklist.qml"
} else {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/DefaultChecklist.qml"
var vehicle = activeVehicle
if (!vehicle) {
vehicle = QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.offlineEditingVehicle
// "enumStrings": "Fixed Wing,Multi-Rotor,VTOL,Rover,Sub",
// "enumValues": "1,2,20,10,12",
switch (_offlineEditingVehicleType.rawValue) {
case 1:
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/FixedWingChecklist.qml"
case 2:
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/MultiRotorChecklist.qml"
case 20:
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/VTOLChecklist.qml"
case 10:
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/RoverChecklist.qml"
case 12:
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/SubChecklist.qml"
if(vehicle.multiRotor) {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/MultiRotorChecklist.qml"
} else if(vehicle.vtol) {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/VTOLChecklist.qml"
} else if(vehicle.rover) {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/RoverChecklist.qml"
} else if(vehicle.sub) {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/SubChecklist.qml"
} else if(vehicle.fixedWing) {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/FixedWingChecklist.qml"
} else {
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/DefaultChecklist.qml"
modelContainer.source = "/checklists/DefaultChecklist.qml"
Component.onCompleted: {
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